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Список результатов
- Блаватская Е.П. - Драгоценности Востока, 2:6 + (Keep thine eyes open, or Fate will open them for thee.)
- Блаватская Е.П. - Драгоценности Востока, 2:29 + (Know, will, dare, silence!)
- Блаватская Е.П. - Драгоценности Востока, 8:5 + (Krishna, the golden-haired god, replied not to the reviling of the King of Chedi. To the roar of the tempest, and not to the jackal's howl, the elephant trumpets a reply.)
- Блаватская Е.П. - Драгоценности Востока, 3:25 + (Lead me from the unreal to the real! Lead me from darkness to light! Lead me from death to immortality!)
- Блаватская Е.П. - Драгоценности Востока, 11:17 + (Learning clears the mind, and ignorance cobwebs it.)
- Блаватская Е.П. - Драгоценности Востока, 3:4 + (Let a man overcome anger by love, evil by good, greediness by liberality, lie by truth.)
- Блаватская Е.П. - Драгоценности Востока, 12:8 + (Let every action be done with perfect gravity, humanity, freedom, and justice, and perform it as though that action were your last.)
- Блаватская Е.П. - Драгоценности Востока, 2:22 + (Let every man first become himself that which he teaches others to be.)
- Блаватская Е.П. - Драгоценности Востока, 9:10 + (Let no bitterness find entrance into the heart of a mother.)
- Блаватская Е.П. - Драгоценности Востока, 10:8 + (Let not a man, even though pained, be sour-tempered, nor devise a deed of mischief to another.)
- Блаватская Е.П. - Драгоценности Востока, 8:14 + (Let one who would live in the memory of his fellow men, make every day fruitful by generosity, study, and noble arts.)
- Блаватская Е.П. - Драгоценности Востока, 7:24 + (Let the wise think on wisdom as unfading and immortal; let him fulfil his duty as though Death grasped him by the hair.)
- Блаватская Е.П. - Драгоценности Востока, 9:9 + (Let your soul work in harmony with the universal intelligence, as your breath does with the air.)
- Блаватская Е.П. - Драгоценности Востока, 6:4 + (Life is built up by the sacrifice of the individual to the whole. Each cell in the living body must sacrifice itself to the perfection of the whole; when it is otherwise, disease and death enforce the lesson.)
- Блаватская Е.П. - Драгоценности Востока, 12:18 + (Life moves in a very narrow compass; yes, and men live in a small corner of the world too.)
- Блаватская Е.П. - Драгоценности Востока, 4:18 + (Like a beautiful flower, full of color, but without scent, are the fine but fruitless words of him who does not act accordingly.)
- Блаватская Е.П. - Драгоценности Востока, 8:17 + (Like an earthen vessel, easy to break, hard to reunite, are the wicked; the good are like vessels of gold, hard to break and quickly united.)
- Блаватская Е.П. - Драгоценности Востока, 5:30 + (Like as the night follows the day, so misfortune is the shadow of joy; Karma bestowing her lots with both hands.)
- Блаватская Е.П. - Драгоценности Востока, 8:22 + (Like moonbeams trembling on water, truly such is the life of mortals. Knowing this, let duty be performed.)
- Блаватская Е.П. - Драгоценности Востока, 2:15 + (Like oil, truth often floats on the surface of the lie. Like clear water, truth often underlies the seeming falsehood.)
- Блаватская Е.П. - Драгоценности Востока, 9:21 + (Living for ages in the night-realm, we dream that our darkness is full day.)
- Блаватская Е.П. - Драгоценности Востока, 4:11 + (Man consists of desires. And as is his desire, so is his will; and as is his will, so is his deed; and whatever deed he does, that he will reap.)
- Блаватская Е.П. - Драгоценности Востока, 12:4 + (Man contains three kinds of evil: the evil caused by his (lower) nature; the evil done by man to man; and the evil caused by man to himself.)
- Блаватская Е.П. - Драгоценности Востока, 9:23 + (Man is a king, dethroned, and cast out from his kingdom; in chains and in a dungeon.)
- Блаватская Е.П. - Драгоценности Востока, 6:26 + (Man makes himself in the image of his desires, unless he creates himself in the likeness of the Divine, through his will, the child of the light.)
- Блаватская Е.П. - Драгоценности Востока, 2:27 + (Man walks on, and Karma follows him along with his shadow.)
- Блаватская Е.П. - Драгоценности Востока, 8:3 + (Man who has not hesitated to project his image in space and call it the Creator, sculpted not to endow God with his own vices.)
- Блаватская Е.П. - Драгоценности Востока, 10:3 + (Man's actions are divided, as regards their object, into four classes; they are either purposeless, unimportant, or vain, or good.)
- Блаватская Е.П. - Драгоценности Востока, 12:11 + (Manage all your actions, words, and thoughts accordingly, since you can at any moment quit life.)
- Блаватская Е.П. - Драгоценности Востока, 7:3 + (Many a man will follow a mis-leader. Few will recognize truth at a glance.)
- Блаватская Е.П. - Драгоценности Востока, 7:12 + (Many men who have not learnt to argue rationally, still live according to reason.)
- Блаватская Е.П. - Драгоценности Востока, 9:19 + (Men are gnomes condemned to forced toils in the kingdom of darkness (or ignorance).)
- Блаватская Е.П. - Драгоценности Востока, 1:11 + (Men who have not observed proper discipline, and have not gained treasure in their youth, perish like old herons in a lake without fish.)
- Блаватская Е.П. - Драгоценности Востока, 1:30 + (Mite added to mite becomes a great heap; the heap in the barn consists of small grains.)
- Блаватская Е.П. - Драгоценности Востока, 9:14 + (Mock not the deformed; assume not a proud demeanor with thy inferiors; hurt not the feelings of the poor; be kind to those weaker than thyself, and charitable to all beings.)
- Блаватская Е.П. - Драгоценности Востока, 1:22 + (Musk is musk because of its own fragrance, and not from being called a perfume by the druggist.)
- Блаватская Е.П. - Драгоценности Востока, 1:19 + (Narrowness of mind causes stubbornness; we do not easily believe what is beyond that which we see.)
- Блаватская Е.П. - Драгоценности Востока, 5:18 + (Nature is upheld by antagonism. Passions, resistance, danger, are educators. We acquire the strength we have overcome.)
- Блаватская Е.П. - Драгоценности Востока, 3:27 + (Neither by the eyes, nor by spirit, nor by the sensuous organs, nor by austerity, nor by sacrifices, can we see Brahma. Only the pure, by the light of wisdom and meditation, can see the pure Deity.)
- Блаватская Е.П. - Драгоценности Востока, 6:3 + (Neither is Theosophy the pursuit of happiness, as men understand the word; for the first step is sacrifice, the second, renunciation.)
- Блаватская Е.П. - Драгоценности Востока, 10:26 + (Night and day are the steeds of man; they hurry him on, not he them.)
- Блаватская Е.П. - Драгоценности Востока, 8:8 + (No creature, no thing is free from evil. The sandal tree has its roots sapped by snakes, its blossoms attacked by bees, its branches broken by monkeys, its top eaten by bears. No part of it is secure from pain.)
- Блаватская Е.П. - Драгоценности Востока, 7:7 + (No one is free who has not obtained the empire of himself.)
- Блаватская Е.П. - Драгоценности Востока, 8:15 + (No plunge in clear cool water delights so much the heat-oppressed, no pearl necklace the maiden, as the words of the good delight the good.)
- Блаватская Е.П. - Драгоценности Востока, 1:23 + (Not every one ready for a dispute is as quick in transacting business.)
- Блаватская Е.П. - Драгоценности Востока, 8:6 + (Not the tender pliant grass is uprooted by the storm, but the lofty trees. The mighty war only with the mighty.)
- Блаватская Е.П. - Драгоценности Востока, 8:25 + (Of a gift to be received or given, of an act to be done, time drinks up the flavour, unless it be quickly performed.)
- Блаватская Е.П. - Драгоценности Востока, 12:3 + (Of all the animals on earth, man alone has the faculty of causing moral trouble.)
- Блаватская Е.П. - Драгоценности Востока, 11:28 + (Of the eloquence of the pleasant speaker all men are enamored.)
- Блаватская Е.П. - Драгоценности Востока, 2:16 + (Often vinegar got for nothing, is sweeter to the poor man than honey bought.)
- Блаватская Е.П. - Драгоценности Востока, 7:1 + (One cannot fill a vacuum from within itself.)