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Список результатов
- Лизрэ, Генри - Разоблачённая Троица христианства + (Henri Lizeray, La Trinité Chrétienne Dévoilée, réponse aux objections. Paris: L’auteur, 1888)
- Гераклит - Фрагменты сочинения Гераклита Эфесского о природе + (Heraclitus, The Fragments of the Work of Heraclitus of Ephesus on Nature, tr. G. T. W. Patrick. Baltimore: N. Murray, 1889.)
- Гермес Трисмегист - Изумрудная скрижаль + (Hermes Trismegistus, «Tabula smaragdina»)
- Гермес Трисмегист - Трактат о трансмутации металлов + (Hermes Trismegistus, «Tractatus de transmutatione metallorum»)
- Неизвестный автор - Гермес Трисмегист + (Hermès Trismégiste, tr. Louis Ménard, “traduction complète précédé d’une Étude sur l’Origine des Livres Hermétiques,” 2nd ed. Paris: Didier et Ce., 1867.)
- Геродот - История Геродота + (Herodotus, History of Herodotus, tr. George Rawlinson, assisted by Henry Rawlinson & J. G. Wilkinson, 4 vols., new edition. London: John Murray, 1862.)
- Гершель Ф.У. - Астрономические наблюдения относительно строения небес + (Herschel, William, “Astronomical Observati … Herschel, William, “Astronomical Observations relating to the Construction of the Heavens, arranged for the Purpose of a critical Examination, the Result of which appears to throw some new Light upon the Organization of the celestial Bodies,” read June 20, 1811, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 1811, Part I.the Royal Society of London, 1811, Part I.)
- Библия Полиглотта + (Hexaglot Bible, The, “Comprising the Holy … Hexaglot Bible, The, “Comprising the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments in the Original Tongues; together with The Septuagint, The Syriac (of The New Testament), The Vulgate, The Authorized English, and German, and the most approved French versions; arranged in parallel columns,” ed. Rev. Edward Riches de Levante, 6 volumes. New York: Funk & Wagnalls Co., 1901.mes. New York: Funk & Wagnalls Co., 1901.)
- Хиггинс Г. - Анакалипсис + (Higgins, Godfrey, Anacalypsis, An Attempt to Draw Aside the Veil of The Saitic Isis, “or, an Inquiry into the Origin of Languages, Nations, and Religions,” 2 vols. London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, & Longman, 1836.)
- Гирн Г.А. - Понятие силы в современной науке + (Hirn, G.-A., “La Notion de Force dans La Science Moderne,” Oct. 1885, in Annales de Philosophie Chrétienne, New Series, v. 13. Paris: Bureau des Annales de Philosophie Chrétienne, 1885.)
- Гирн Г.А. - Экспериментальные исследования взаимосвязи между сопротивлением воздуха и его температурой + (Hirn. G.-A., “Recherches Expérimentales su … Hirn. G.-A., “Recherches Expérimentales sur la relation qui existe entre la Résistance de l’Air et sa Température,” July 2, 1881, in Mémoires de l’Académie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, v. 43. Brussels: l’Académie Royale, 1882.v. 43. Brussels: l’Académie Royale, 1882.)
- Прессенс Э.Д. - История первых трёх веков христианской церкви + (Histoire des trois premiers siècles de l'Église chrétienne (6 volumes. 1856-1877; new edition 1887-1889).)
- Кинг П. - История апостольского символа веры + (History of the Apostles Creed, The, “With Critical Observations On its Several Articles” [by Sir Peter King]. London: Jonathan Robinson, & John Wyat, 1702.)
- Дрейпер Дж.У. - История конфликта между религией и наукой + (History of the Conflict Between Religion and Science, 1874)
- Священная Библия + (Holy Bible, The, “Containing the Old and New Testaments,” with marginal readings and parallel texts, and a Commentary and Critical Notes, by Adam Clarke, 6 vols. New York: B. Waugh & T. Mason, 1833.)
- Батлер, Чарльз - Библейские времена + (Horae biblicae. Автор: Charles Butler)
- Гумбольт А. - Космос. Обзор физического описания вселенной + (Humboldt, Alexander von, Cosmos: A Sketch of a Physical Description of the Universe, tr. E. C. Otté, 5 vols. London: Henry G. Bohn, 1848-1858.)
- Хант Дж. - Эссе о пантеизме + (Hunt, Rev. John, An Essay on Pantheism. London: Longmans, Green, Reader, & Dyer, 1866.)
- Хант Р. - Исследования света + (Hunt, Robert, Researches on Light, “an examination of all the phenomena connected with the chemical and molecular changes produced by the influence of the solar rays . . .” London: Longman, Brown, Green, & Longmans, 1844.)
- Хант Р. - Источник тепла на солнце + (Hunt, Robert, “The Source of Heat in the Sun,” Jan. 1865, The Popular Science Review, v. 4.)
- Хант Т.С. - Небесная химия времён Ньютона + (Hunt, T. Sterry, “Celestial Chemistry from the Time of Newton,” Feb. 24, 1882, in The Chemical News, v. 45.)
- Гексли Т.Г. - Светские проповеди, обращения и отзывы + (Huxley, Thomas Henry, Lay Sermons, Addresses, and Reviews. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1872.)
- Гексли Т.Г. - О воспитательной ценности наук естественной истории + (Huxley, Thomas Henry, “On the Educational Value of the Natural History Sciences,” “An Address Delivered at St. Martin’s Hall, on the 22d July, 1854,” in Lay Sermons, Addresses, and Reviews.)
- Гексли Т.Г. - О физической основе жизни + (Huxley, Thomas Henry, “On the Physical Basis of Life” (delivered in Edinburgh, Nov. 8, 1868), in Lay Sermons, Addresses, and Reviews.)
- Гайд - Религия персов + (Hyde, «De Religione Persarum»)
- Гигин, Гай Юлий - Поэтическая астрономия + (Hygin., «Astron Poetique»,)
- Сборник гимнов методической епископальной церкви + (Hymnal of the Methodist Episcopal Church, “with Tunes.” New York: Phillips & Hunt, 1881.)
- Тейлор Т. - Гимны Орфея + (Hymns of Orpheus, The, “Translated from the original Greek: with a Preliminary Dissertation on The Life and Theology of Orpheus” [by Thomas Taylor]. London: “printed for the Author,” 1792.)
- Ямвлих - Теургия или египетские мистерии + (Iamblichos, Theurgia or The Egyptian Mysteries, “Reply of Abammon, the Teacher to the Letter of Porphyry to Anebo, together with Solutions of the Questions Therein Contained,” tr. Alexander Wilder. New York: The Metaphysical Publishing Co., [1911].)
- Ямвлих - О мистериях египтян, халдеев и ассирийцев + (Iamblichus, Iamblichus on The Mysteries of the Egyptians, Chaldeans, and Assyrians, tr. Thomas Taylor. Chiswick: “Printed by C. Whittingham . . . for the Translator,” 1821.)
- Ямвлих - Жизнь Пифагора или пифагорейская жизнь + (Iamblichus, Life of Pythagoras, or Pythago … Iamblichus, Life of Pythagoras, or Pythagoric Life, “Accompanied by Fragments of the Ethical Writings of Certain Pythagoreans in the Doric Dialect; and a Collection of Pythagoric Sentences from Stobæus and Others, which are omitted by Gale in his Opuscula Mythologica, and have not been noticed by any editor,” tr. Thomas Taylor. London: “Printed by A. J. Valpy . . . and Sold by the Author,” 1818.Valpy . . . and Sold by the Author,” 1818.)
- Инман Т. - Древние верования, заключённые в древних именах + (Inman, Thomas, Ancient Faiths Embodied in … Inman, Thomas, Ancient Faiths Embodied in Ancient Names, “or an attempt to trace the religious belief, sacred rites, and holy emblems of certain nations, by an interpretation of the names given to children by priestly authority, or assumed by prophets, kings, and hierarchs,” 2 vols. London and Liverpool: “Printed for the Author,” 1868.Liverpool: “Printed for the Author,” 1868.)
- Институты индийского права + (Institutes of Hindu Law: or, The Ordinances of Menu, “According to the Gloss of Cullūca, comprising the Indian System of Duties, Religious and Civil,” tr. Sir William Jones. London: J. Sewell, 1796.)
- Подстрочная Библия + (Interlinear Bible, The, “The Authorized Version and The Revised Version.” Cambridge: “At the University Press,” 1906. [With the marginal notes of both versions, and central references, prepared by scholars from the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge.])
- Подстрочный буквальный перевод греческого Нового Завета + (Interlinear Literal Translation of the Gre … Interlinear Literal Translation of the Greek New Testament, The. New York: Arthur Hinds & Co., [1894]. [The Greek text of Stephanus, 1550, “with the various readings of the editions of Elzevir 1624, Griesbach, Lachmann, Tischendof, Tregelles, Alford & Wordsworth.”] Tischendof, Tregelles, Alford & Wordsworth.”])
- Ириней - Против ересей + (Irenæus, Against Heresies, in The Writings of Irenæus, v. 1, tr. Alexander Roberts and W. H. Rambaut, 1868.)
- Ириней - Сочинения Иринея + (Irenæus, The Writings of Irenæus, tr. Rev. Alexander Roberts and Rev. W. H. Rambaut, 2 vols. [Vols. 5 & 9 of The Ante-Nicene Christian Library]. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1868, 1869.)
- Заметки о Психологии Аристотеля в Связи с Современной Мыслью + (J. M. Rigg, “Notes on Aristotle’s Psychology in Relation to Modern Thought,” Jan. 1886)
- Жаколлио Л. - История Виргинских островов + (Jacolliot, Louis, Histoire des Vierges, “Les Peuples et les Continents Disparus.” Paris: A. Lacroix et Ce., 1874.)
- Жаколио Л. - Происхождение человечества + (Jacolliot, Louis, La Genèse de l’Humanité, “Fétichisme — Polythéisme — Monothéisme.” Paris: Librairie Internationale A. Lacroix et Ce., 1879.)
- Жаколио Л. - Сыновья Бога + (Jacolliot, Louis, Les Fils de Dieu. Paris: “Albert Lacroix et Ce.,” 1875.)
- Жаколио Л. - Оккультная наука Индии и среди древних + (Jacolliot, Louis, Occult Science in India and Among the Ancients, “with an account of their Mystic Initiations, and the History of Spiritism,” tr. Willard L. Felt. London: Willard O. Felt; New York: John W. Lovell Co., [1884].)
- Ямвлих - О египетских мистериях + (Jamblichus, «De Mysteriis»)
- Дарместетер,Джеймс - Ормазд и Ахриман + (James Darmesteter, "Ormazd et Ahriman: Leurs Origines et Leur Histoire", Paris, 1877)
- Жауме Ф.А. - Очерк о различении сил + (Jaumes, [François-Anselme], “Étude sur la Distinction des Forces,” Académie des Sciences et Lettres de Montpellier, “Mémoires de la Section Médecine,” v. 2. Montpellier: “Boehm, Imprimeur de l’Académie,” 1854.)
- Рихтер И.П.Ф. - Собрание сочинений Жан Поля + (Jean Paul’s Sämmtliche Werke [by Johann Paul Friedrich Richter], 60 vols. Berlin: G. Reimer, 1826-28.)
- Галеви, Иехуда - Кузари + (Jehuda-ha-Levi, «Al-Chazari», translated by Dr. D. Cassell.)
- Дженнингс Х. - Фаллицизм, небесный и земной, языческий и христианский + (Jennings, Hargrave, Phallicism: Celestial and Terrestrial, Heathen and Christian, “its connexion with the Rosicrucians and the Gnostics and its Foundation in Buddhism, with an Essay on Mystic Anatomy.” London: George Redway, 1884.)
- Дженнингс Х. - Розенкрейцеры, их ритуалы и мистерии + (Jennings, Hargrave, The Rosicrucians: Their Rites and Mysteries, 3rd ed., revised and enlarged, 2 vols. London: John C. Nimmo, 1887.)
- Стенли, Джевонс Уильям - Основы науки. Трактат о логике и научном методе + (Jevons W. S. and Babbage, The Principles of Science: A Treatise on Logic and Scientific Method (1874))
- Джевонс У.С. - Исследование валют и финансов + (Jevons, W. Stanley, Investigations in Currency and Finance, ed. H. S. Foxwell. London: Macmillan & Co., 1884.)