Ямвлих - Жизнь Пифагора или пифагорейская жизнь
Жизнь Пифагора или пифагорейская жизнь
с приложением фрагментов этических сочинений некоторых пифагорейцев на дорическом диалекте и сборника пифагорейских отрывков из Стобеуса и других авторов, которые опущены Гейлом в его Opuscula Mythologica и не были замечены ни одним редактором
Название: | Life of Pythagoras, or Pythagoric Life |
Подзаголовок: | Accompanied by Fragments of the Ethical Writings of Certain Pythagoreans in the Doric Dialect and a Collection of Pythagoric Sentences from Stobæus and Others, which are omitted by Gale in his Opuscula Mythologica, and have not been noticed by any editor |
Автор(ы): | Iamblichus |
Язык: | английский |
Iamblichus, Life of Pythagoras, or Pythagoric Life, “Accompanied by Fragments of the Ethical Writings of Certain Pythagoreans in the Doric Dialect; and a Collection of Pythagoric Sentences from Stobæus and Others, which are omitted by Gale in his Opuscula Mythologica, and have not been noticed by any editor,” tr. Thomas Taylor. London: “Printed by A. J. Valpy . . . and Sold by the Author,” 1818.
Opuscula Mythologica (лат.) - "Небольшой труд по мифологии"