Блаватская Е.П. - Тайная доктрина (пер. ВВБ). Источники

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Елена Петровна Блаватская
Синтез науки, религии и философии

Перевод с 1-го английского издания: В.В. Базюкин

том 2 Антропогенез, глава Источники и справочная литература
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Источники и справочная литература

Русскоязычные источники

Авеста (2005) Авеста. Хордэ Авеста. Священный текст “Младшей Авесты”, включающей все основные молитвы зороастризма, ньяиши, гахи, баджи, избранные гимны. Сирозах на языке Авесты в транслитерации и русском переводе. Подготовка авестийского текста, перевод, предисловие, комментарий М. В. Чистякова. Санкт-Петербург.

Айтарея-упанишада (1992) Упанишады. В трёх книгах. Книга 2. Памятники письменности Востока. XVI. Перевод в санскрита, предисловие и комментарий А.Я. Сыркина. Москва: Наука.

Алмазная Праджня-парамита сутра (2000) Сутра о запредельной премудрости отсекающей заблуждения алмазным скипетром (Ваджраччхедика Праджня-парамита сутра), или Алмазная Праджня-парамита сутра. Перевод Е.А. Торчинова. — Избранные сутры китайского буддизма. Санкт-Петербург: Наука.

Античная философия (2008) Энциклопедический словарь. Москва: Прогресс-Традиция.

Аристотель (1976) Аристотель. Сочинения в четырёх томах. Том 1. Академия наук СССР. Институт философии. Москва: Издательство “Мысль”.

Аристотель (1981)Там же. Том 3.

Аристофан (2000) Аристофан. Птицы. — Комедии. Фрагменты. Перевод Адриана Пиотровского. Москва: Наука-Ладомир.

Арнобий (2008) Арнобий. Против язычников. В русском переводе, с введением и указателем имён и предметов H. М. Дроздова. Под редакцией А. Д. Пантелеева. Издательство С.-Петербургского университета.

Бадж (1996) Уоллис Бадж. Египетская религия. Египетская магия. Москва: Новый Акрополь.

Бадж (2014) Уоллис Бадж. Боги египтян. Царство света, или Тайны загробного мира. Перевод с англ. А.Б. Давыдовой, И.Б. Куликовой. Москва: ЗАО Центрполиграф.

Байрон (1974) Джордж Гордон Байрон. Паломничество Чайльд-Гарольда. Пер. В. Левика.— Сочинения в трёх томах. Том 1. Москва: Художественная литература.

Бейль (1968) Пьер Бейль. Исторический и критический словарь в двух томах. Том 1. Академия наук СССР. Институт философии. Москва: Издательство “Мысль”.

Бергсон (2001) Анри Бергсон. Творческая эволюция. Москва: ТЕРРА-Книжный клуб; КАНОН-пресс-Ц.

Беркли (1978) Джордж Беркли. Трактат о принципах человеческого знания. — Сочинения. Москва: Мысль.

Блаватская (2002) Елена Блаватская. Разоблачённая Изида. В 2 кн. Книга 2. Пер. с англ. К. Леонова, О. Колесникова. Москва: АСТ.

Блаватская (2003) Елена Блаватская. Разоблачённая Изида. В 2 кн. Книга 1. Пер. с англ. К. Леонова, О. Колесникова. Москва: АСТ.

Блаватская (2017) Е.П. Блаватская. Тайная доктрина. Том I. Космогенез. Перевод с англ. яз. В.В. Базюкина. Москва: Дельфис.

Блаватская (2020) Е.П. Блаватская. Тайная доктрина. Том II. Антропогенез. Перевод с англ. яз. В.В. Базюкина. Москва: Дельфис.

Блаватская (2023а) О минеральной монаде. Ответ члену английского Теософского общества. — Пять лет теософии. Москва: Колокол-Дельфис.

Блаватская (2023б) Принцип семеричности в эзотеризме. — Там же.

Блаватская (2023в) Что такое теософия? — Там же.

Блаватская (2024) Елена Петровна Блаватская. Из пещер и дебрей Индостана. Письма на родину. Полный текст в авторском написании имён и понятий. Кемерово: Колокол.

Блаватская Е.П. Необуддизм. Русский оригинал письма-ответа Е.П. Блаватской на рецензию Вл. С. Соловьёва “Рецензия на книгу Е.П. Блавацкой “The Key to Theosophy”. — "Neo-Buddhism," Boris de Zirkoff Records, Records Series 22, Theosophical Society in America Archives [Архив Теософского общества в Америке (Уитон, Иллинойс). Фонд Бориса Циркова. Ед. хр. 22].

Буддизм (1992) Словарь. — Абаева Л. Л., Андросов В. П., Бакаева Э. П. и др. Под общ. ред. Жуковской Н. Л. и др. Москва: “Республика”.

Бульвер-Литтон (1891) Эдуардъ Бульверъ (лордъ Литтон). Грядущая раса. Переводъ с английскаго А.В. Каменского. С.-Петербургъ.: Изд. Ф. Павленкова.

Бхагавадгита (1999) Перевод с санскрита, исследование и примечания В.С. Семенцова. Издание второе, исправленное и дополненное. Москва: Издательская фирма “Восточная литература” РАН.

Бхагавад-Гита, как она есть (2005) Его Божественная Милость А.Ч. Бхактиведанта Свами Прабхупада., ачарья-основатель Международного общества сознания Кришны. С подлинными санскритскими текстами, русской транслитерацией, дословным и литературным переводом и комментариями. The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust.

Бэкон (1972) Фрэнсис Бэкон. Сочинения в двух томах. Том 2. Академия наук СССР. Институт философии. Москва: Издательство социально-экономической литературы “Мысль”.

Бэшем (1977) А. Бэшем. Чудо, которым была Индия. Москва: Главная редакция восточной литературы.

Васильев В.П. (1857) Буддизмъ. Его догматы, история и литература. Часть первая. Общее обозрѣние. Санктпетербургъ. Перевод на немецкий язык: Wassiljew, W. [Vasil’ev, Vasily Pavlovich], Der Buddhismus, seine Dogmen, Geschichte und Literatur, “Erster Theil: Allgemeine Uebersicht,” translated from the Russian. St. Petersburg: Commissionaire der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1860.

Вергилий (1979) Вергилий. Буколики. Георгики. Энеида. Москва: Художественная литература.

Вернадский (1991) В.И. Вернадский. Научная мысль как планетное явление. Москва: Наука.

Витрувий (2006) Витрувий. Десять книг об архитектуре. Кн. III (1). Перевод Ф.А. Петровского. Москва: Архитектура-С.

Галилей (1987) Галилео Галилей. Пробирных дел мастер. Перевод Ю.А. Данилова. Академия наук СССР. Серия “Популярные произведения классиков естествознания”. Москва: Наука.

Гартман, Э. (2010а) Гартман, Эдуард фон. Сущность мирового процесса, или Философия бессознательного: Бессознательное в явлениях телесной и духовной жизни. Пер. с нем. Предисл. и введ. А. А. Козлова. Изд. 2-е, испр. — Москва: КРАСАНД.

Гартман, Э. (2010б) Гартман, Эдуард фон. Сущность мирового процесса, или Философия бессознательного: Метафизика бессознательного. Пер. с нем. Предисл. А. А. Козлова. Изд. 2-е, испр. — Москва: КРАСАНД.

Гегель (1959) Гегель. Система наук. Часть первая Феноменология духа. Перевод Г. Шпета. — Сочинения. Том IV. Москва.

Гегель (1974) Георг Вильгельм Фридрих Гегель. Энциклопедия философских наук. Том. 1. Наука логики. Москва: Мысль.

Гегель (2000) Г.В.Ф. Гегель. Лекции по философии истории. Перевод А.М. Водена. Санкт-Петербург: Наука.

Гельмольт. История человечества (1904 — ) Исторiя человѣчества. Всемiрная исторiя. В девяти томах. Подъ общей редакцiей д-ра Г. Гельмольта. С.-Петербургъ.

Гермес Трисмегист (1998) Гермес Трисмегист и герметическая традиция Востока и Запада Перевод К. Богуцкого. Москва: "Алетейа", Киев: "Ирис".

Геродот (1972) Геродот. История в девяти книгах. Перевод и примечания Г.А. Стратановского. Ленинград: Наука.

Гесиод (2001) Гесиод. Полное собрание текстов. Теогония. Труды и дни. Щит Геракла. Фрагменты. Москва: Лабиринт.

Гёте (2020) Иоганн Вольфганг фон Гёте. Фауст. Перевод Бориса Пастернака. Москва: Издательство АСТ.

Дамаский (2000) Дамаский Диадох. О первых началах. Апории, относящиеся к первым началам, и их разрешение. Комментарий к “Пармениду” Платона. // Издание подготовили Л.Ю. Лукомский и Р.В. Светлов. Санкт-Петербург: Издательство Русского Христианского гуманитарного института. — 1072 с.

Дворецкий (1958а) Дворецкий И.Х. Древнегреческо-русский словарь. Т. 1. Москва: Государственное издательство иностранных и национальных словарей.

Дворецкий (1958б) Дворецкий И.Х. Древнегреческо-русский словарь. Т. 2. Москва: Государственное издательство иностранных и национальных словарей.

Дворецкий (1976) Дворецкий И.Х. Латинско-русский словарь. Издание второе, переработанное и дополненное. Москва: издательство “Русский язык”.

Диоген Лаэртский (1986) Диоген Лаэртский. О жизни, учениях и изречениях именитых философов. Второе, исправленное, издание. Москва: Мысль.

Дионисий Ареопагит (2002) Дионисий Ареопагит. Сочинения. Максим Исповедник. Толкования. Научное издание. Византийская библиотека. Источники. Санкт-Петербург: Алетейя; Издательство Олега Абышко.

Древнеегипетская Книга Мёртвых (2011) Слово Устремлённого к Свету. Составление, перевод, предисловие и комментарии А. К. Шапошникова. Поэтические переводы И. Евса. Москва: Эксмо.

Еврипид (1969) Еврипид. Трагедии. Том I. Перевод с древнегреческого Иннокентия Анненского. Москва: Художественная литература.

Епифаний Кипрский (1864) Творенiя Святаго Епифанiя Кипрскаго. Часть вторая. Творенiя Святыхъ Отцевъ въ русскомъ переводѣ, издаваемыя при Московской Духовной Академии. Томъ сорокъ четвертый. Москва. Типографiя В. Готье.

Еврейская энциклопедия (б/г) Еврейская энциклопедiя. Сводъ знанiй о еврействѣ и его культурѣ въ прошломъ и настоящемъ. Тома 1-16. Подъ общей редакцiей д-ра Л. Каценельсона и барона Д.Г. Гинцбурга. Изданiе Общества для Научныхъ Еврейскихъ Изданiй и Издательства Брокгаузъ-Ефронъ. С.-Петербург.

Законы Ману (2002) Манавадхармашастра. Перевод С.Д. Эльмановича. Москва: ЭКСМО-Пресс.

Иллюстрированная история религий (1992) В двух томах. Под ред. профессора Д.П. Шантепи де ля Соссей. С приложением библиографического указателя русской литературы по истории религий, просмотренного князем С.Н. Трубецким. Издание второе. Спасо-Преображенский Валаамский монастырь. Российский Фонд мира.

Индийская мифология (2004) Составитель Кирилл Королёв. Мидгард.

Индийская философия (2009) Энциклопедия. Отв. редактор М.Т. Степанянц. Москва: Академический проект “Гаудеамус”.

Индо-тибетский буддизм (2011) Энциклопедический словарь: монография. // В.П. Андросов. Рос. акад. наук, Ин-т востоковедения. — Москва: Ориенталия.

Индуизм. Джайнизм. Сикхизм (1996) Словарь. Под общ. ред. кандидата исторических наук Альбедиль М.Ф. и кандидата филологических наук Дубянского А.М. Москва: издательство “Республика”.

Иоанн Златоуст (1904) Творения Святаго Отца нашего Iоанна Златоуста, Архiепископа Константинопольскаго, въ русскомъ переводѣ. Томъ десятый. Въ двухъ книгахъ. Книга первая. С.-Петербургъ. Изданiе C.-Петербургской Духовной Академiи.

Ириней (2008) Св. Ириней Лионский. Против ересей. Доказательство апостольской проповеди. Перевод протоиерея П. Преображенского, Н. И. Сагарды. — Санкт-Петербург: “Издательство Олега Абышко”.

Иуcтин (1995) Св. Иуcтин. Философ и мученик. Творения. Москва.

Кант (1963) Иммануил Кант. Всеобщая естественная история и теория неба. — Сочинения в 6 томах. Том 1. Москва: Мысль.

Кант (1964а) Иммануил Кант. Грёзы духовидца, пояснённые грёзами метафизики. — Там же. Том 2.

Кант (1964б) Иммануил Кант. Критика чистого разума. — Там же. Том 3.

Кант (1965) Иммануил Кант. Пролегомены ко всякой будущей метафизике. — Там же. Том 4. Часть 1.

Кант (1966) Иммануил Кант. Критика способности суждения. — Там же. Том 5.

Карлейль (1994) Томас Карлейль. Теперь и прежде. Герои, почитание героев и героическое в истории. Москва: Республика.

Католическая энциклопедия (2002-2013) В пяти томах. Москва: Издательство Францисканцев.

Климент Александрийский (2003) Климент Александрийский. Строматы. Тома I-III. Подготовка текста к изданию, перевод с древнегреческого и комментарии Е.В. Афонасина. Санкт-Петербург: Изд-во Олега Абышко.

Книга Еноха (1888) А. Смирновъ. Книга Еноха (Историко-критическое изслѣдованiе). Казань.

Коростовцев (2000) Коростовцев М.А. Религия древнего Египта. Санкт-Петербург. Журнал “Нева”; “Летний Сад”.

Ксенофонт (1976) Ксенофонт. Киропедия. Издание подготовили В.Г. Борухович и Э.Д. Фролов. Москва: Наука.

Лайтман (2003) Лайтман Михаэль. Книга “Зоар”. Серия “Каббала. Тайное учение”. 2-е издание. Москва: НПФ “Древо Жизни”.

Лаплас (1982) Пьер Симон Лаплас. Изложение системы мира. Перевод В.М. Васильева. Ленинград: Наука. — 376 с.

Лейбниц (1982а) Готфрид Вильгельм Лейбниц. Критика основоположений преподобного отца Мальбранша — Сочинения в четырёх томах. Том 1. Москва: Мысль.

Лейбниц (1982б) Монадология — Там же.

Лейбниц (1982в) Новая система природы и общения между субстанциями, а также о связи, существующей между душою и телом — Там же.

Локк (1985) Джон Локк. Опыт о человеческом разумении. — Сочинения в трёх томах. Том 1. Москва: Мысль.

Лосев (1996) Алексей Фёдорович Лосев. Мифология греков и римлян. Москва: “Мысль”.

Лукреций (1983) Тит Лукреций Кар. О природе вещей. Перевод с латинского Ф. Петровского. Москва: Художественная литература.

Лунный свет санкхьи (1995) Ишваракришна. Санкхья-Карика. Гаудапада. Санкхья-Карика Бхашья. Вачаспати Мишра. Таттва. Каумуди. // Издание подготовил В.К. Шохин. Москва: Ладомир.

Маймонид (2010) Моше бен Маймон (Маймонид). Путеводитель растерянных. Перевод и комментарии М.А. Шнейдера. Иерусалим: Маханаим, Москва: Гешарим.

Мандукья-упанишада (1992) Упанишады. В трёх книгах. Книга 2. Памятники письменности Востока. XVI. Перевод в санскрита, предисловие и комментарий А.Я. Сыркина. Москва: Наука.

Марцеллин (2005) Аммиан Марцеллин. Римская история. Перевод с латинского Ю.А. Кулаковского и А.И. Сонни. Москва: Научно-издательский центр “Ладомир”.

Махабхарата (1950) Книга первая. Ади Парва. Перевод с санскрита и комментарии В.И. Кальянова. Под ред. академика А.П. Баранникова. Москва-Ленинград: Издательство Академии наук СССР.

Махабхарата (1987) Книга третья. Лесная (Араньякапарва). Перевод с санскрита, предисловие и комментарий Я.В. Василькова и С.Л. Невелевой. Москва: Наука.

Махабхарата (1993) Книга четвёртая. Виратапарва, или Книга о Вирате. Перевод с санскрита и комментарии В.И. Кальянова. Москва: НИЦ “Ладомир”.

Местр (1998) Жозеф де Местр. Санкт-Петербургские вечера. Перевод с французского и примечания А.А. Васильева. // Под редакцией А.Г. Терехова. Санкт-Петербург: Издательство “Алетейя”.

Мильтон (1976) Джон Мильтон. Потерянный рай. Перевод Аркадия Штейнберга. Москва: Художественная литература.

Мифологический словарь (1961) М.Н. Ботвинник, М.А. Коган, М.Б. Рабинович, Б.П. Селецкий. Второе издание. Государственное учебно-педагогическое издательство Министерства просвещения РСФСР. Ленинградское отделение. Ленинград.

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Иноязычные источники[1]

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Ancient Fragments (1832) Ancient Fragments of the Phœnician, Chaldæan, Egyptian, Tyrian, Carthaginian, Indian, Persian, and other Writers [“Фрагменты из древних финикийских, халдейских, египетских, тирских, карфагенских, индийских, персидских и других писателей”]. With an introductory dissertation: and an inquiry into the philosophy and trinity of the ancients by Isaac Preston Cory, 2nd ed. London: William Pickering. [The compilation in the 1st ed., 1826, was expanded in the 2nd edition of 1832.]

Ante-Nicene Fathers (1926) The Ante-Nicene Fathers [“Доникейские отцы Церкви”]. Translations of the Writings of the Fathers down to A.D. 325. // Editors: The Rev. Alexander Roberts, D.D., and James Donaldson, LL.D. Vol. IV. New York.

Aphorisms of Śāṇḍilya (1878) The Aphorisms of Śāṇḍilya [“Афоризмы Шандильи”]. With the Commentary of Swapneśwara, “or, The Hindu Doctrine of Faith” [in Bibliotheca Indica, New Series], tr. E. B. Cowell. Calcutta: Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1878. [The Aphorisms are based on the Bhagavad-gītā; they were written by an anonymous teacher, who ascribed his doctrine to the ancient ṛishi Śāṇḍilya.]

Atkinson & Ganot (1883) E. Atkinson [and Adolphe Ganot]. Elementary Treatise on Physics, Experimental and Applied [“Основы экспериментальной и прикладной физики”], “translated and edited from Ganot’s Éléments de Physique (with the Author’s sanction) by E. Atkinson,” 11th ed., revised & enlarged. London: Longmans, Green, & Co. [First French edition: Adolphe Ganot, Traité élémentaire de physique expérimentale et appliquée, 1851.]

Baillie (1851) Joanna Baillie. The Martyr [“Мученик”]. — The Dramatic and Poetical Works of Joanna Baillie, “Complete in One Volume,” 2nd ed. London: Longman, Brown, Green, & Longmans.

Bailly (1781) Jean-Sylvain Bailly. Histoire de l'astronomie ancienne, depuis son origine jusqu'à l'établissement de l'Ecole d'Alexandrie [“История древней астрономии от её рождения до основания александрийской школы ”]. Paris.

Bailly (1787) [Jean-Sylvain] Bailly. Traité de l’Astronomie Indienne et Orientale [“Трактат об индийской и восточной астрономии”]. Paris: Debure l’aîné.

Bain (1870) Alexander Bain. Logic [“Логика”]. 2 Parts: “Deduction” & “Induction.” London: Longmans, Green, Reader, & Dyer.

Bain (1875) Alexander Bain. Mind and Body: The Theories of their Relation [“Ум и тело: Теории их взаимосвязи”]. — The International Scientific Series. New York: D. Appleton & Co.

Bakewell (1853) F. C. Bakewell. Electric Science; Its History, Phenomena, and Applications [“Наука электричества. Её история, явления и области применения”]. London: Ingram, Cooke & Co.

Balzac (1837) H. [Honoré] de Balzac. Séraphita. — Oeuvres de H. de Balzac. Vol. 3. Brussels: Meline, Cans et Compagnie. [Séraphita was published together with two other short novels (Louis Lambert & Les Proscrits) under the title Le Livre Mystique (The Mystical Book).]

Beal (1871) Samuel Beal. A Catena of Buddhist Scriptures from the Chinese [“Галерея буддийских писаний в переводе с китайского языка”]. London: Trübner & Co.

Beal (1884) Rev. S. Beal. Buddhism in China [“Буддизм в Китае”] [in the series “Non-Christian Religious Systems”]. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.

Beale (1871) Lionel S. Beale. The Mystery of Life [“Тайна жизни”]. “An Essay in Reply to Dr. Gull’s Attack on the Theory of Vitality in his Harveian Oration for 1870.” London: J. & A. Churchhill.

Beard (1859) John R. Beard. The Confessional [“О конфессиях”]. A View of Romanism, “in its actual principles, aims, and workings, drawn up chiefly from Authoritative Papal Sources.” London: Simpkin, Marshall & Co.

Behmen (1781) Jacob Behmen [Boehme]. Signatura Rerum [“De Signatura rerum, или О рождении и обозначении всех существ”] — The Works of Jacob Behmen, The Teutonic Theosopher. 4 vols., “With Figures, illustrating his Principles, left by the Reverend William Law.” Vol. 4. London: G. Robinson.

Bell (1860) A. N. Bell. Knowledge of Living Things, with the Laws of Their Existence [“Знание о живом вместе с законами, по которым оно существует”]. New York: Bailliere Brothers.

Berkeley (1871) George Berkeley. The Works of George Berkeley [“Сочинения Джорджа Беркли”], “collected, and edited with prefaces and annotations” by Alexander Campbell Fraser, 3 vols. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press.

Bhagvat-Geeta (1785) The Bhagvat-Geeta, “or Dialogues of Kreeshna and Arjoon; in Eighteen Lectures,” with Notes (and “An Episode from the Mahabharat, Book I. Chap. 15”), tr. Charles Wilkins. London: C. Nourse.

Bhagavad-Gītā (1855) The Bhagavad-Gītā, “or a Discourse Between Kṛiṣhṇa and Arjuna on Divine Matters,” “A Sanskṛit Philosophical Poem: translated, with copious notes, an introduction on Sanskṛit philosophy, and other matter,” by J. Cockburn Thomson. Hertford: Stephen Austin.

Bhagavadgītā (1882) The Bhagavadgītā with the Sanatsujātīya and the Anugītā. Second edition [Vol. 8 of The Sacred Books of the East], tr. Kāshināth Trimbak Telang. First published: Oxford: At the Clarendon Press.

Bhashyacharya (1887) N. [Nadaduri] Bhashyacharya. A Catechism of the Visishtadwaita ["Катехизис философии вишиштадвайты"]. Philosophy of Sri Ramanuja Acharya, “Compiled from the Original Shastras.” Madras: The Theosophical Society.

Bibliotheca Indica (1853) Bibliotheca Indica. A Collection of Oriental Works, v. 15. The Taittarīya, Aitarēya, Śvētāśvatara, Kēna, Īśā, Kaṭha, Praśna, Muṇḍaka and Māṇḍukya Upanishads. Tr. Dr. E. Röer. Calcutta: Asiatic Society of Bengal.

Bibliotheca Sacra (1877) Bibliotheca Sacra. Ed. Edwards A. Park, George E. Day, and Archibald Duff, Jr., v. 34. Andover: Warren F. Draper; London: Trübner & Co.

Bjerregaard (1887) C. H. A. Bjerregaard. “The Elementals, The Elementary Spirits, and the Relationship between them and Human Beings” [“Элементалы, элементарные духи и их взаимоотношения с людьми”]. — The Path, Jan. & Feb. 1887, v. 1.

Blavatsky (1877) H. P. Blavatsky. Isis Unveiled: A Master-Key to the Mysteries of Ancient and Modern Science and Theology [“Разоблачённая Исида”], 2 volumes. New York: J. W. Bouton; London: Bernard Quaritch.

Blavatsky (1879) H. P. Blavatsky. “War in Olympus” [“Война на Олимпе”].— The Theosophist, Nov. 1879 v. 1.

Blavatsky (1885) H. P. Blavatsky. “A Bewitched Life” [“Заколдованная жизнь”]. — The Theosophist, Aug. 1885, v. 6.

Blavatsky (1886) H. P. Blavatsky. “Occult or Exact Science?” [“Наука оккультная или точная?”] (Parts I & II). — The Theosophist, April & May 1886, v. 7.

Blavatsky (1887a) H. P. Blavatsky. “Notes sur l’Ésotérisme du Dogme Chrétien de M. l’Abbé Roca,” [“Заметки об эзотеризме христианской догматики у аббата Рока”]. — Le Lotus, Revue des Hautes Études Theosophiques, Dec. 1887, No. 9.

Blavatsky (1887b) H. P. Blavatsky. “The Origin of Evil” [“Происхождение зла”]. — Lucifer, Oct. 15, 1887, v. 1.

Blavatsky (1888a) H. P. Blavatsky. “Correspondence: Note [by the editor]” [“Корреспонденция: Комментарии [редактора]”], — Lucifer, May 15, 1888, v. 2.

Blavatsky (1888b) H. P. Blavatsky. “Star-Angel Worship in the Roman Catholic Church” [“Культ ангелов звёзд в Римской католической церкви”]. — Lucifer, July 15, 1888, v. 2.

Blavatsky (1890) H. P. Blavatsky. “Thoughts on the Elementals,” [“Размышления об элементалах”]. — Lucifer, May 15, 1890, v. 6.

Blavatsky, H. P., H. P. Blavatsky Collected Writings [1874 – 1891], 14 vols. [comp. Boris de Zirkoff], 1966-85; & Cumulative Index (v. 15), ed. Dara Eklund, 1991. Wheaton & Madras: Theosophical Publishing House.

Blavatsky [1925] The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett and Other Miscellaneous Letters [1880 – 1887], “transcribed, compiled, and with an introduction” by A. T. Barker. New York: Frederick A. Stokes Co.

Blavatsky (2010) H. P. Blavatsky. The Secret Doctrine Commentaries. The Unpublished 1889 Instructions. Transcribed and Annotated by Michael Gomes. I.S.I.S. Foundation. The Hague. The Netherlands.

Bloomfield Moore (1888) Mrs. [Clara] Bloomfield Moore. Keely’s Secrets [“Секреты Кили”]: “Part I. Etheric Force Identified as Dynaspheric Force. Part II. One Phase of Keely’s Discovery in its Relation to the Cure of Disease.” — T. P. S. July 10, 1888, 9. [London: Theosophical Publishing Society].

Bloomfield Moore (1893) Mrs. [Clara] Bloomfield Moore. Keely and His Discoveries: Aerial Navigation [“Кили и его открытия — Воздухоплавание”]. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co.

Book of God (1867) The Book of GodThe Apocalypse of Adam-Oannes [by Edward Vaughan Hyde Kenealy]. London: Reeves & Turner.

Book of Enoch (1883) The Book of Enoch the Prophet [“Книга пророка Еноха”] “translated from an Ethiopic MS. in the Bodleian Library,” by Richard Laurence. London: Kegan Paul, Trench & Co. [1st ed. 1821; 2nd ed. corrected & revised, 1832; the 1883 edition was “corrected from his latest notes.”]

Book of Enoch (1893) The Book of Enoch. Translated from Professor Dillmann's Ethiopic Text, Emended and Revisited in Accordance with Hitherto Uncollated Ethiopic MSS. and with the Gizeh and Other Greek and Latin Fragments Which Are Here Published in Full. Edited with Introduction, Notes, Appendices, and Indices by R.H. Charles, M.A. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press.

Book of Jasher (1840) The Book of Jasher [“Книга Праведного”], “Referred to in Joshua and Second Samuel” [tr. M. M. Noah]. New York: M. M. Noah & A. S. Gould. [First English translation of the Sepher Hajashar, “written in Rabbinical Hebrew, said to have been discovered in Jerusalem . . . and printed in Venice in 1613.”]

Book of the Prophet Moses (1855-6) The Book of the Prophet Moses [“Книга пророка Моисея”]. Tr. Rev. E. Cureton, in Miscellanies of the Philobiblon Society, v. 2. London. [From “an Arabic manuscript, probably of the fifteenth century.”]

Brayley (1865) E. W. Brayley. “Physical Constitution and Functions of the Sun, and Sources of its Heat and Energies, as Recently Investigated” [“Физический состав и функционирование Солнца”]. — The British Almanac of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, Oct. 1864. London: Knight & Co.

Bryant (1807) Jacob Bryant. A New System; or, an Analysis of Antient Mythology [“Новая система, или Анализ античной мифологии”]. 3rd ed., 6 vols. London: J. Walker, et al.

Brücker (1742) Jacob Brücker. Historia Critica Philosophiae [“Критическая история философии”]. Vol. I. Leipzig: Bern. Christoph. Breitkopf.

Büchner (1864) Louis Büchner. Force and Matter: Empirico-Philosophical Studies, Intelligently Rendered [“Сила и материя: эмпирико-философские исследования”]. Ed. J. Frederick Collingwood. London: Trübner & Co.

Büchner (1884) Ludwig Büchner. Force and Matter, or Principles of the Natural Order of the Universe, “With a System of Morality Based Thereon,” [“Сила и материя, или Принципы естественного устройства Вселенной с вытекающей из этого системой морали”] translated from the 15th German edition, enlarged and revised by the author, 4th English edition. London: Asher & Co.; Leipzig: Theodor Thomas.

Buckle (1864) Henry Thomas Buckle. History of Civilization in England [“История цивилизации в Англии”], 2 vols., “From the Second London Edition.” New York: D. Appleton & Co.

Bunsen (1848-1867) Christian C. J. Bunsen. Egypt’s Place in Universal History [“Место Египта в мировой истории”] 5 vols., tr. Charles H. Cottrell. London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans. [German edition, Aegyptens Stelle in der Weltgeschichte, 1844-57. The English translation was revised by Bunsen before its publication.]

Burnouf (1872) Émile Burnouf. La Science des Religions [“Религиоведение”]. Paris: Maisonneuve et Cie.

Burnouf (1888) Emile Burnouf. The Science of Religions [“Религиоведение”]. Tr. Julie Liebe, “with a Preface by E. J. Rapson.” London: Swan Sonnenschein, Lowrey & Co.

Burton (1858) Captain [Richard Francis] Burton. “Zanzibar; and Two Months in East Africa” [“Занзибар и два месяца в Восточной Африке”]. — Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, Feb. 1858, v. 83; American Edition, v. 46. New York: Leonard Scott & Co.

Caldwell (2015) Daniel H. Caldwell. The Writing of The Secret Doctrine. A Chronology. Compiled by Daniel H. Caldwell. Blavatsky Study Center. Tucson. Arizona, U.S.A. (http://hpb.cc).

Carlyle (1845) Thomas Carlyle. Past and Present, 2nd ed. London: Chapman & Hall.

Carlyle (1849a) Thomas Carlyle. On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History, “Six Lectures: Reported, with Emendations and Additions.” New York & London: John Wiley. [Based on a series of lectures delivered in London in 1840; revised and published in 1841].

Carlyle (1849b) Thomas Carlyle. Sartor Resartus: The Life and Opinions of Herr Teufelsdröckh, “in three books” [1831]. London: Chapman & Hall, [1849]. [The year (1831) refers to the year Sartor Resartus was written. Its publication as a book was delayed. The book was first published in Boston in 1836.]

Change of a Star (1878) “Change of a Star into a Planetary Nebula” [“Превращение звезды в планетарную туманность”]. — The Observatory, Sept. 20, 1877 (“A Monthly Review of Astronomy,” ed. W. H. M. Christie”), v. 1. London: Taylor & Francis. [The Observatory published reports of the meetings of the Royal Astronomical Society].

Chateaubriand (1802) François-Auguste Chateaubriand. Génie du Christianisme, ou Beautés de la Religion Chrétienne [“Гений христианства, или Красоты христианской религии ”], 2 vols. Paris: Migneret.

Chatterji (1885) Mohini M. Chatterji. “Morality and Pantheism” [“Мораль и пантеизм”]. — Five Years of Theosophy.

Chaubard (1841) L.-A. Chaubard. L’Univers expliqué par la Révélation, ou Essai de Philosophie-Positive [“Вселенная в объяснении “Откровения”, или Опыт позитивной философии”]. Paris: Debécourt; Baillière.

Child (1855) L. Maria Child. The Progress of Religious Ideas, Through Successive Ages [“Развитие религиозных идей из века в век”], 3 vols. New York: C. S. Francis & Co.

Christian (1870) P. Christian [pseud. Christian Pitois]. Histoire de la Magie du monde surnaturel et de la fatalité à travers les temps et les peuples [“История магии мира сверхъестественного и фатальности, проходящей сквозь все времена и народы”]. Paris: Furne, Jouvet et Cie. [“Paul Christian” was the pseudonym of Christian Pitois; the English edition is titled The History and Practice of Magic, tr. Kirkup & Shaw, 1952].

Chwolsohn (1856) D. Chwolsohn. Die Ssabier und der Ssabismus [“Сабии и сабеизм”], 2 vols. St. Petersburg: Buchdruckerei der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften.

Chwolson (1859) D. [Daniel] Chwolson. Über die Überreste der Altbabylonischen Literatur in Arabischen Übersetzungen. [“Остатки древневавилонской литературы в арабских переводах”]. St. Petersburg: Buchdruckerei der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. [A presentation of ancient Chaldean fragments preserved in Arabic translations, including the “Nabathean Agriculture” by Qū-tāmy.]

Clodd (1885) Edward Clodd. Science and the Emotions [“Наука и эмоции”]. “A Discourse Delivered at South Place Chapel, Finsbury, E.C., on Sunday, December 27th, 1885” [Discourse No. 6, South Place Religious Society]. London: E. W. Allen.

Cocker (1870) B. F. Cocker. Christianity and Greek Philosophy [“Христианство и греческая философия”], “or, the relation between spontaneous and reflective thought in Greece and the positive teaching of Christ and his Apostles.” New York: Harper & Brothers.

Colebrooke (1858) H. T. Colebrooke. Essays on the Religion and Philosophy of the Hindus [“Очерки о религии и философии индуизма”] New edition. London: Williams & Norgate. [These essays by Henry Thomas Colebrooke were first published as Miscellaneous Essays in 1837.]

Colebrooke (1873) H. T. Colebrooke. Miscellaneous Essays [“Очерки о разном”], “A New Edition, with Notes, by E. B. Cowell” and a “Life of the Author, by his son, Sir E. T. Colebrooke,” 2 vols. London: Trübner & Co. [Most of these essays first appeared in Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society and Asiatic Researches].

Coleridge (1853a) Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Notes on English Divines [“Заметки об английских пророках”] Ed. Derwent Coleridge, 2 vols. London: Edward Moxon.

Coleridge (1853b) Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Complete Works in Seven Volumes. Vol. IV. New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers.

Collation of Theosophical Glossaries. URL: https://www.theosophy-nw.org/theosnw/ctg/a-ad.htm.

Collignon [1883] Maxime Collignon. Mythologie Figurée de la Grèce [“Иносказательная мифология Греции”]. Paris: A. Quantin.

Commentaries (2010) H.P. Blavatsky. The Secret Doctrine Commentaries. The Unpublished 1889 Commentaries. Transcribed and Annotated by Michael Gomes. I.S.I.S. Foundation. The Hague. The Netherlands.

Confucius (1874) Confucian Cosmogony ["Космогония в конфуцианстве"]. “A Translation of Section Forty-Nine of the ‘Complete Works’ of the Philosopher Choo-Foo-Tze,” by Rev. Thos. McClatchie. Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press; London: Trübner & Co.

Cooke (1874) Josiah P. Cooke, Jr. The New Chemistry [“Новая химия”] — “The International Scientific Series”]. New York: D. Appleton & Co.

Cooper (1876) W. R. Cooper. An Archaic Dictionary: Biographical, Historical, and Mythological [“Словарь древности”], “from the Egyptian, Assyrian, and Etruscan Monuments and Papyri.” London: Samuel Bagster & Sons.

Cornutus (1844) L. Annaeus Cornutus [Луций Анней Корнут]. De Natura Deorum [“О природе богов”] “ex schedis Iohannis Bapt. Casp. d’Ansse de Villoison,” ed. Friedrich Osann. Göttingen: “Prostat in Libraria Dieterichiana,”. [De Natura Deorum (On the Nature of the Gods) is a manual of “Greek Theology” explained through the “symbolical interpretations of the Stoics”].

Cory (1833) Isaac Preston Cory. Metaphysical Inquiry into the Method Objects and Result of Ancient and Modern Philosophy [“Метафизическое исследование методических задач и результата, достигнутого античной и современной философии”]. London: William Pickering.

Cory (1837) Isaac Preston Cory. Mythological Inquiry into the Recondite Theology of the Heathens [“Мифологическое исследование труднопостижимой языческой теологии”]. London: William Pickering.

Cowper (1831) William Cowper. The Task, and Other Poems [“Задача” и другие стихи”]. Baltimore: George McDowell & Son.

Creuzer (1842) Friedrich Creuzer. Symbolik und Mythologie der alten Völker, besonders der Griechen [“Символика и мифология древних народов, особенно греков”]. 3rd revised edition in 4 vols. Volume 3. Leipzig & Darmstadt: Carl Wilhelm Leske.

Crookes (1886) William Crookes. “Address to the Chemical Section of the British Association” [“Выступление в химической секции Британской ассоциации”]. Birmingham, Sept. 2, 1886. Published in The Chemical News, v. 54, Sept. 3, 1886.

Crookes (1887) William Crookes. Genesis of the Elements [“Происхождение элементов”]. Lecture delivered at the Royal Institution, Feb. 18, 1887. Published in The Chemical News, v. 55, Feb. 25 & March 4, 1887.

Crookes (1888) William Crookes. Elements and Meta-Elements [“Элементы и метаэлементы”]. Address of the President of the Chemical Society, March 28, 1888. Published in The Chemical News, v. 57, May 25, June 1, & June 8, 1888; also in Journal of the Chemical Society, v. 53: “Transactions.” London: Gurney & Jackson.

Cross (1884) Rev. Joseph Cross. Alone With God [“Наедине с Богом”]. “Studies and Meditations of a Sick-room.” New York: Thomas Whittaker.

Cruden (1830) Alexander Cruden. A Complete Concordance to the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament [“Полное соответствие Священным Писаниям”] “or, A Dictionary and Alphabetical Index to the Bible,” in 2 parts, “to which is added, A Concordance to the Books called Apocrypha,” from the 10th London edition, revised and corrected. Philadelphia: Thomas Wardle.

Cudworth (1845) Cudworth, Ralph. The True Intellectual System of the Universe [“Истинная система разума во Вселенной”], “wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and its impossibility demonstrated, with a treatise concerning Eternal and Immutable Morality,” 3 vols. London: Thomas Tegg, 1845. [1st ed. 1678; the 1845 edition added “the notes and dissertations of Dr. J. L. Mosheim.”]

Cunningham (1883) Alexander Cunningham. Book of Indian Eras [“Книга об индийских эпохах”]. “With Tables for Calculating Indian Dates.” Calcutta: Thacker, Spink & Co.

Cyclopædia of Sacred Poetical Quotations (1854) A Cyclopædia of Sacred Poetical Quotations, “Consisting of Choice Passages from the Sacred Poetry of All Ages and Countries,” ed. L. G. Adams. London: Groombridge & Sons.

Dabistan (1843) The Dabistan, or School of Manners [“Дабистан, или Школа манер”], “translated from the original Persian, with notes and illustrations,” by David Shea and Anthony Troyer, 3 vols. Paris: Oriental Translation Fund of Great Britain and Ireland.

Darmesteter (1883) James Darmesteter. Les Cosmogonies Aryennes. — Essais Orientaux, ed. A. Lévy. Paris: Librairie Centrale des Beaux-Arts.

Davy (1838) Sir Humphry Davy. “Materialism.” — The Saturday Magazine, v. 12, June 23, 1838. London: John William Parker.

Della Penna di Billi (1834) Francesco Orazio Della Penna di Billi. Del Regno del Thibet (1730) [“Королевство Тибет”]. Nouveau Journal Asiatique, v. 14. Paris: La Société Asiatique.

De Morgan (1872) Augustus De Morgan. A Budget of Paradoxes [“Сборник парадоксов”], “Reprinted, with the Author’s Additions, from the ‘Athenæum.’ ” London: Longmans, Green & Co.

Denton (1863) William Denton. The Soul of Things; or, Psychometric Researches and Discoveries [“Душа вещей, или Психометрические исследования и открытия”] 3 vols. Boston: William Denton, 1874. [First edition titled Nature’s Secrets, or Psychometric Researches, by William Denton and Mrs. Elizabeth Denton.]

Dictionary of the Bible (1863) A Dictionary of the Bible [“Библейский словарь”]. “Comprising its Antiquities, Biography, Geography, and Natural History,” ed. William Smith, 3 vols. Boston: Little, Brown & Co.

Dīpavaṃsa (1879) The Dīpavaṃsa. “An Ancient Buddhist Historical Record” [“Древнебуддийская историческая хроника”] Ed. and tr. Hermann Oldenberg. London: Williams & Norgate.

Divine Pymander (1884) The Divine Pymander of Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus [“Божественный Поймандр Гермеса Меркурия Трисмегиста”]. Translated formerly out of the Arabick into Greek, and thence into Latine, and Dutch, and now out of the Original into English” by Doctor [John] Everard. Reprinted from the Edition of 1650. Whittlesey: J. Green, [1850]. Reprinted “with Introduction and Preliminary Essay by Hargrave Jennings.” London: George Redway.

Dowson (1879) John Dowson. A Classical Dictionary of Hindu Mythology and Religion, Geography, History, and Literature [“Классический словарь мифологии и религии, географии, истории и литературы индусов”]. London: Trübner & Co.

Dryden (1682) [John] Dryden. Religio Laici, “or a Laymans Faith,” [“Вера мирянина”]. A Poem. London: Jacob Tonson.

Dryden (1882) John Dryden. The Dramatic Works of John Dryden, “with a Life of the Author by Sir Walter Scott,” ed. George Saintsbury, 8 vols. Edinburgh: William Paterson.

Dulaure (1805) J. A. Dulaure. Des Cultes Qui Ont Précédé et Amené l’Idolatrie ou l’Adoration des Figures Humaines [“Культы, которые предшествовали и привели к идолопоклонству или поклонению человеческим образам”]. Paris: Fournier Frères.

Dunlap (1858) S. F. Dunlap. Vestiges of the Spirit-History of Man [“Следы духовной истории человечества”]. New York: D. Appleton & Co.

Dunlap (1861a) S. F. [Samuel Fales] Dunlap. Sōd, The Mysteries of Adoni [“Сод: Тайны Адони”]. London & Edinburgh: Williams & Norgate.

Dunlap (1861b) S. F. Dunlap. Sōd, The Son of the Man [“Сод, сын человеческий”]. London & Edinburgh: Williams & Norgate. [“A Study of the Codex Nazaraeus and the origins of Christianity”].

Dutt (1884) Shoshee Chunder Dutt. The Works of Shoshee Chunder Dutt, 1st Series: “Historical and Miscellaneous,” 6 vols. London: Lovell Reeve & Co.

Dutt (1860) Tarucnath Dutt. The Vedic Age. A Lecture. [Calcutta: 1860?]

Edkins (1880) Joseph Edkins. Chinese Buddhism [“Китайский буддизм”]. “A Volume of Sketches, Historical, Descriptive, and Critical.” London: Trübner & Co.

Élie de Beaumont (1869) [Jean-Baptiste] Élie de Beaumont. “Memoir of Oersted” [“Воспоминания об Эрстеде”]. Dec. 29, 1862, tr. C. A. Alexander, in Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution. Washington: “Government Printing Office.”

Elphinstone (1866) Mountstuart Elphinstone. The History of India: The Hindu and Mahometan Periods, 5th edition, with notes and additions by E. B. Cowell. London: John Murray. [1st ed. 1839; 5th ed. enlarged, with annotations & Appendix by E. B. Cowell.]

Emerson (1883) Ralph Waldo Emerson. Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson. London: George Routledge & Sons.

Enfield (1837) William Enfield. The History of Philosophy, from the Earliest Periods ["История философии с древнейших времён"]. “Drawn up from Brucker’s Historia Critica Philosophiæ.” London: Thomas Tegg & Son.

Eusebius (1846) La Préparation Évangélique [“Евангельское приготовление”]. Traduite du Grec d’Eusèbe Pamphile . . . avec des Notes Critiques, Historiques et Philologiques par M. Séguier de Saint-Brisson, 2 vols. Paris: Gaume Frères.

Everett (1856) Edward Everett. The Uses of Astronomy [“Направления использования данных астрономии”], “An Oration Delivered at Albany, on the 28th of July, 1856.” New York: Ross & Tousey.

Faber (1803) George Stanley Faber. A Dissertation on the Mysteries of The Cabiri [“Трактат о таинствах кабиров”] “or the Great Gods of Phenicia, Samothrace, Egypt, Troas, Greece, Italy, and Crete,” 2 vols. Oxford: “At the University Press for the Author.”

Faber (1816) George Stanley Faber. The Origin of Pagan Idolatry [“Происхождение языческого идолопоклонства”] “Ascertained from Historical Testimony and Circumstantial Evidence,” 3 vols. London: F. and C. Rivingtons, 1816.

Fa-hsien (1886) A Record of Buddhistic Kingdoms, “being an account by the Chinese monk Fā-Hien of his Travels in India and Ceylon (A.D. 399 – 414) in search of the Buddhist books of discipline,” [“Сведения о буддийских царствах: рассказ китайского монаха Фа-сяня о его странствиях в Индии и Цейлоне (399-414 гг. по Р.Х.) в поисках буддийских книг о знании”] translated & annotated “with a Corean Recension of the Chinese Text,” by James Legge. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press.

Fah-Hian and Sung-Yun (1869) Travels of Fah-Hian and Sung-Yun, Buddhist Pilgrims, from China to India (400 A.D. and 518 A.D.), tr. Samuel Beal. London: Trübner and Co.

Farrar (1881) F. W. [Frederic William] Farrar. Mercy and Judgment [“Милосердие и суд”]. “A few last words on Christian Eschatology with Reference to Dr. Pusey’s ‘What is of Faith?’ ” London: Macmillan & Co.

Faye (1880) H. Faye. “Sur l’Origine du Système Solaire” [“О происхождении Солнечной системы”] Les Mondes, “Revue Hebdomadaire des Sciences,” ed. l’Abbé Moigno, v. 51. Paris: “Bureaux des Mondes.”

Faye (1881) Hervé Faye. “Comparaison de la Terre et de la Lune au point de vue géologique” [“Сопоставление Земли и Луны с геологической точки зрения”]. Feb. 10, 1881, in Journal d’Hygiène, v. 6. Paris: Prosper de Pietra Santa.

Felix (1862) Le R. P. Felix. “Le Mystère et La Science,” Conférences de Notre-Dame, in La Tribune Sacrée écho du Monde Catholique, 18th year. Paris: “Bureaux.”

Fludd (1659) Robert Fludd. Mosaicall Philosophy [“Философия Моисея”]: Grounded upon the Essentiall Truth or Eternal Sapience, “Written first in Latin, and afterwards thus rendered into English.” London: Humphrey Moseley.

Forlong (1883) Maj.-Gen. J. G. R. [James George Roche] Forlong. Rivers of Life, or Sources and Streams of the Faiths of Man in All Lands. [“Реки жизни, или Источники и потоки верований человечества во всех странах”]. “Showing the Evolution of Faiths from the Rudest Symbolisms to the Latest Spiritual Developments,” 2 vols. London: Bernard Quaritch.

Franck (1843) Ad. [Adolphe] Franck. La Kabbale, ou La Philosophie Religieuse Des Hébreux [“Каббала, или Еврейская религиозная философия”]. Paris: L. Hachette.

Francœur (1853) L.-B. Francœur. Uranographie, ou Traité Élémentaire d’Astronomie [“Уранография, или Изложение начал астрономии”], 6th ed. Paris: Mallet-Bachelier.

Gay (1854) John Gay. A Thought on Eternity [“Мысль о вечности”]. The Poetical Works of John Gay, “with a Life of the Author, by Dr. Johnson,” 2 vols. Boston: Little, Brown & Co.

General Sketch (1879) General Sketch of the History of Pantheism [“Общий обзор истории пантеизма”] [by Constance Plumptre], 2 vols. London: Samuel Deacon & Co.

Gesenius (1836) William Gesenius. Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament [“Ивритско-английский лексикон Ветхого Завета”], “including the Biblical Chaldee,” “translated from the Latin of William Gesenius” by Edward Robinson. Boston: Crocker & Brewster; New York: Leavitt, Lord & Co.

Ginsburg (1865) Christian D. Ginsburg. The Kabbalah: its Doctrines, Development, and Literature [“Каббала: её доктрины, развитие и литература”]. “An Essay.” London: Longmans, Green, Reader, & Dyer.

Godefroy (1841) N.-P. Godefroy. La Cosmogonie de la Révélation [“Космогония “Откровения”], “ou les Quatre Premiers Jours de la Genèse, en Présence de la Science Moderne.” Paris: Debècourt.

Goldstücker (1879) Theodore Goldstücker. Literary Remains of the Late Professor Theodore Goldstücker [“Литературное наследие покойного профессора Теодора Гольдштюкера”] 2 vols. London: W. H. Allen & Co.

Good (1828) John Mason Good. The Book of Nature [“Книга природы”], “from the last London edition, complete in one volume.” New York: “Printed by J. & J. Harper.”

Gore (1862) Nehemiah Nīlakaṇṭha Śāstrī Gore. A Rational Refutation of the Hindu Philosophical Systems [“Опровержение философских систем индуизма с позиций рационализма”] Translated from the original Hindī by Fitz-Edward Hall. Calcutta: “Printed for the Calcutta Christian Tract & Book Society, Bishop’s College Press.”

Gross (1856) Joseph B. Gross. The Heathen Religion, in its Popular and Symbolical Development [“Языческая религия в её народном и символическом развитии”]. Boston: John P. Jewett & Co.

Grove, Helmholtz, Mayer, Faraday, Liebig and Carpenter (1873) The Correlation and Conservation of Forces [“Корреляция и сохранение сил”] “A Series of Expositions.” New York: D. Appleton & Co.

Grove (1874) Sir W. R. Grove. The Correlation of Physical Forces [“Корреляция физических сил”] 6th ed., “with other contributions to science.” London: Longmans, Green & Co. [An exposition of William Grove’s theory that the various forces of nature are actually “modes of motion.” His ideas were first advanced in a lecture in 1842 and developed into a course of lectures in 1843. These were edited and published in book form in 1846.]

Haeckel (1883) Ernst Haeckel. The Pedigree of Man: and Other Essays [“Родословная человека и другие эссе”]. Tr. Edward B. Aveling. London: Freethought Publishing Co.

Hall (1883) A. Wilford Hall. Universalism Against Itself [“Универсализм свидетельствует против самого себя”]: A Scriptural Analysis of the Doctrine, revised edition. New York: Hall & Co.

Hall (1884) A. Wilford Hall. “The Substantial Philosophy – I” [“Философия субстанциального”] — Wilford’s Microcosm, v. 3, April 1884.

Hall (1886) A. Wilford Hall. “Scientific Evidence of a Future Life” (“Научные доказательства будущей жизни”). — Scientific Arena, June, July, Aug. 1886 (“A Monthly Journal Devoted to the Investigation of Current Philosophical Teaching, and its Bearing upon the Religious Thought of the Age,” ed. A. Wilford Hall). New York: Hudson & Co.

Hall (1883) Frederic T. Hall. The Pedigree of the Devil [“Родословная дьявола”]. London: Trübner & Co.

Hand Book of Hindu Pantheism (1886) A Hand Book of Hindu Pantheism, “The Panchadasi” [“Пособие по индуистскому пантеизму — Панчадаши”] Tr. Nandalal Dhole. Calcutta: Heeralal Dhole.

Harcourt (1838) Rev. L. Vernon Harcourt. The Doctrine of the Deluge (“Доктрина потопа”). 2 vols. London: Longman, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longmans.

Hardy (1881) R. Spence Hardy. The Legends and Theories of the Buddhists, Compared with History and Science [“Легенды и теории буддистов в сравнении с историей и наукой”], “with introductory notices of the life and system of Gotama Budhha,” 2nd ed. London: Frederic Norgate.

Hare (1849) Julius Charles Hare. Sermons Preacht in Herstmonceux Church [“Проповеди, прочитанные в церкви Херстмонсо”], 2 vols. Cambridge: Macmillan & Co.

Hartmann (1884) Eduard von Hartmann. Philosophy of The Unconscious [“Философия бессознательного”]. “Speculative Results according to the Inductive Method of Physical Science,” 3 vols., tr. William Chatterton Coupland. London: Trübner & Co.

Hartmann (1885) Eduard von Hartmann. Spiritism. [“Спиритизм”]. Tr. C. C. Massey; reprinted from “Light”. London: The Psychological Press.

Hartmann (1886) Franz Hartmann. Magic White and Black, or The Science of Finite and Infinite Life [“Магия белая и чёрная, или Наука о жизни конечной и бесконечной”], “containing practical hints for students of occultism.” London: George Redway.

Hartmann (1887) Franz Hartmann. The Life of Philippus Theophrastus, Bombast of Hohenheim, known by the Name of Paracelsus, and the Substance of His Teachings [“Жизнь Филиппуса Теофраста Бомбаста фон Гогенхейма, известного под именем Парацельса, и суть его учений”]. “Extracted and translated from his rare and extensive works and from some unpublished manuscripts.” London: George Redway.

Hartmann (1889) Franz Hartmann. The Life of Jehoshua, the Prophet of Nazareth [“Жизнь Иегошуа, пророка из Назарета”]. “An Occult Study and a Key to the Bible, containing the History of an Inititate.” Boston: Occult Publishing Co.

Heckford (1791) William Heckford. A Succinct Account of All the Religions [“Краткий очерк всех религий”], and Various Sects in Religion, “that have prevailed in the world, in all nations, and in all ages . . .” London: William Lane at the Minerva Press.

Hello (1877) Ernest Hello. “Philosophie Catholique: ‘L’Homme’ ” [“Католическая философия: “Человек”]. — Revue du Monde Catholique, “Recueil Politique, Scientifique, Historique et Littéraire,” v. 49. Paris & Brussels: Société Générale de Librairie Catholique,.

Helmholtz (1881) [Hermann von] Helmholtz. “On the Modern Development of Faraday’s Conception of Electricity” [“Представления Фарадея об электричестве в свете современности”] The Faraday Lecture, “delivered before the Fellows of the Chemical Society,” London, April 5, 1881; published April 8, 1881 in The Chemical News, v. 43.

Hermès Trismégiste (1867) Hermès Trismégiste. Tr. Louis Ménard, “traduction complète précédé d’une Étude sur l’Origine des Livres Hermétiques,” 2nd ed. Paris: Didier et Ce.

Hexaglot Bible (1906) The Hexaglot Bible. “Comprising the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments in the Original Tongues; together with The Septuagint, The Syriac (of The New Testament), The Vulgate, The Authorized English, and German, and the most approved French versions; arranged in parallel columns,” ed. Rev. Edward Riches de Levante, 6 volumes. New York: Funk & Wagnalls Co.

Higgins (1836) Godfrey Higgins. Anacalypsis, An Attempt to Draw Aside the Veil of The Saitic Isis [“Анакалипсис, или Попытка приподнять завесу с Саисской Исиды”], “or, an Inquiry into the Origin of Languages, Nations, and Religions,” 2 vols. London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, & Longman.

Hirn (1882) G.-A. Hirn. “Recherches Expérimentales sur la relation qui existe entre la Résistance de l’Air et sa Température” [“Экспериментальные исследования зависимости между сопротивлением воздуха и его температурой ”] — Mémoires de l’Académie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, v. 43, July 2, 1881. Brussels: l’Académie Royale.

Hirn (1885) G.-A. Hirn. “La Notion de Force dans La Science Moderne” [“Понятие силы в современной науке”]. — Annales de Philosophie Chrétienne, New Series, v. 13, Oct. 1885. Paris: Bureau des Annales de Philosophie Chrétienne.

Holy Bible (1833) The Holy Bible [“Священная Библия с комментариями и критическими замечаниями”]. “Containing the Old and New Testaments,” with marginal readings and parallel texts, and a Commentary and Critical Notes, by Adam Clarke, 6 vols. New York: B. Waugh & T. Mason.

Humboldt (1848) Alexander von Humboldt. Cosmos: A Sketch of a Physical Description of the Universe [“Космос: Попытка физического описания Вселенной”], tr. E. C. Otté. Vol. 1. London: Henry G. Bohn.

Humboldt (1851) Alexander von Humboldt. Cosmos: A Sketch of a Physical Description of the Universe [“Космос: Попытка физического описания Вселенной”], tr. E. C. Otté Vol. 3. London: Henry G. Bohn.

Hunt (1844) Robert Hunt. Researches on Light [“Исследования света”], “an examination of all the phenomena connected with the chemical and molecular changes produced by the influence of the solar rays . . .” London: Longman, Brown, Green, & Longmans.

Hunt (1865) Robert Hunt. “The Source of Heat in the Sun,” [“Источник солнечной теплоты”]. — The Popular Science Review, v. 4, Jan. 1865.

Hunt (1866) Rev. John Hunt. An Essay on Pantheism [“Очерк о пантеизме”]. London: Longmans, Green, Reader, & Dyer.

Hunt (1882) T. Sterry Hunt. “Celestial Chemistry from the Time of Newton” [“Небесная химия со времён Ньютона”]. — The Chemical News, v. 45, Feb. 24, 1882.

Huxley (1854) Thomas Henry Huxley. “On the Educational Value of the Natural History Sciences” [“Об образовательной ценности естественной истории”]. “An Address Delivered at St. Martin’s Hall, on the 22d July, 1854.” — Lay Sermons, Addresses, and Reviews.

Huxley (1868) Thomas Henry Huxley. “On the Physical Basis of Life” [“О физической основе жизни”] (delivered in Edinburgh, Nov. 8, 1868). — Lay Sermons, Addresses, and Reviews.

Huxley (1872) Thomas Henry Huxley. Lay Sermons, Addresses, and Reviews. New York: D. Appleton & Co.

Hymnal (1881) Hymnal of the Methodist Episcopal Church, “with Tunes.” [“Сборник гимнов методической епископальной церкви”] New York: Phillips & Hunt.

Iamblichos (1911) Iamblichos. Theurgia or The Egyptian Mysteries [“Теургия, или Египетские мистерии”]. “Reply of Abammon, the Teacher to the Letter of Porphyry to Anebo, together with Solutions of the Questions Therein Contained,” tr. Alexander Wilder. New York: The Metaphysical Publishing Co.

Iamblichus (1818) Iamblichus. Life of Pythagoras, or Pythagoric Life [“Жизнь Пифагора, или Пифагорейская жизнь”], “Accompanied by Fragments of the Ethical Writings of Certain Pythagoreans in the Doric Dialect; and a Collection of Pythagoric Sentences from Stobæus and Others, which are omitted by Gale in his Opuscula Mythologica, and have not been noticed by any editor,” tr. Thomas Taylor. London: “Printed by A. J. Valpy . . . and Sold by the Author.”

Iamblichus (1821) Iamblichus on The Mysteries of the Egyptians, Chaldeans, and Assyrians [“О египетских, халдейских и ассирийских мистериях”], tr. Thomas Taylor. Chiswick: “Printed by C. Whittingham . . . for the Translator.”

Inman (1868) Thomas Inman. Ancient Faiths Embodied in Ancient Names [“Древние верования, запечатлённые в древних именах”], “or an attempt to trace the religious belief, sacred rites, and holy emblems of certain nations, by an interpretation of the names given to children by priestly authority, or assumed by prophets, kings, and hierarchs,” 2 vols. London and Liverpool: “Printed for the Author,”.

Interlinear Greek New Testament (1894) The Interlinear Literal Translation of the Greek New Testament. New York: Arthur Hinds & Co. [The Greek text of Stephanus, 1550, “with the various readings of the editions of Elzevir 1624, Griesbach, Lachmann, Tischendof, Tregelles, Alford & Wordsworth.”]

Jacolliot (1875) Louis Jacolliot. Les Fils de Dieu [“Сыны Божии”]. Paris: “Albert Lacroix et Ce.”

Jacolliot (1879) Louis Jacolliot. La Genèse de l’Humanité [“Происхождение человечества”], “Fétichisme — Polythéisme — Monothéisme.” Paris: Librairie Internationale A. Lacroix et Ce.

Jacolliot (1884) Louis Jacolliot. Occult Science in India and Among the Ancients [“Оккультная наука в Индии и в античности”], “with an account of their Mystic Initiations, and the History of Spiritism,” tr. Willard L. Felt. London: Willard O. Felt; New York: John W. Lovell Co.

Jaumes (1854) [François-Anselme] Jaumes. “Étude sur la Distinction des Forces” [“О различиях сил”] Académie des Sciences et Lettres de Montpellier, “Mémoires de la Section Médecine,” v. 2. Montpellier: “Boehm, Imprimeur de l’Académie.”

Jean Paul’s Sämmtliche Werke (1826-1828) [by Johann Paul Friedrich Richter], 60 vols. Berlin: G. Reimer.

Jennings (1884) Hargrave Jennings. Phallicism: Celestial and Terrestrial, Heathen and Christian [“Фаллицизм: небесный и земной у язычников и у христиан”], “its connexion with the Rosicrucians and the Gnostics and its Foundation in Buddhism, with an Essay on Mystic Anatomy.” London: George Redway.

Jennings (1887) Hargrave Jennings. The Rosicrucians: Their Rites and Mysteries [“Розенкрейцеры: их обряды и таинства”]. 3rd ed., revised and enlarged, 2 vols. London: John C. Nimmo.

Jevons (1874) W. Stanley Jevons. The Principles of Science: A Treatise on Logic and Scientific Method [“Принципы науки: Трактат о логике и научном методе”]. 2 vols. London: Macmillan & Co.

Jevons (1884) W. Stanley Jevons. Investigations in Currency and Finance [“Исследования в области валюты и финансов”], ed. H. S. Foxwell. London: Macmillan & Co.

Jones (1792) Sir W. [William] Jones. Dissertations and Miscellaneous Pieces Relating to the History and Antiquities, the Arts, Sciences, and Literature, of Asia [“Диссертации и различные произведения, относящиеся к истории и древностям, искусствам, наукам и литературе Азии”], “Volume the First, containing dissertations by Sir W. Jones.” London: G. Nicol, et al.

Jones (1798) Sir William Jones. On the Gods of Greece, Italy, and India [“О богах Греции, Италии и Индии”]. — Asiatick Researches, v. 1. [Also in Dissertations and Miscellaneous Pieces, v. 1].

Jones (1801) Rev. William Jones. The Theological, Philosophical and Miscellaneous Works of the Rev. William Jones [“Богословские, философские и иные сочинения преп. Уильяма Джонса”], 12 vols. London: F. & C. Rivington.

Jones (1885) Rev. J. [John] Cynddylan Jones. Studies in the Gospel According to St. John [“Исследование Евангелия от Иоанна”]. Toronto: William Briggs.

Kabbala Denudata Kabbala Denudata seu doctrina Hebræorum transcendentalis et metaphysica atque theologica [v. 1]. Sulzbach: Abraham Lichtenthaler, 1677[-8]. Kabbalæ Denudatæ tomus secundus [v. 2]. Frankfurt am Main: Johann David Zunner, 1684. [Latin translations by Christian Knorr von Rosenroth, of important sections from the Zohar, and from the commentaries of notable Jewish mystics. Also included are treatises by Henry More and Franciscus Mercurius van Helmont.]

Kabbalah Unveiled (1887) The Kabbalah Unveiled [“Разоблачённая каббала”]. “Containing the following books of The Zohar: 1. The Book of Concealed Mystery, 2. The Greater Holy Assembly, 3. The Lesser Holy Assembly — translated into English from the Latin version of Knorr von Rosenroth [Kabbala Denudata], and collated with the original Chaldee and Hebrew text,” by S. L. MacGregor Mathers. London: George Redway.

Kant (1881) Immanuel Kant. Critique of Pure Reason [“Критика чистого разума”], tr. F. Max Müller, 2 vols. London: Macmillan & Co.

Keightley (1887) Archibald Keightley. “A Law of Life: Karma” [“Закон жизни: карма”]. — Lucifer, v. 1, Sept. 15, 1887.

Kennedy (1831) Lt. Col. Vans Kennedy. Researches into the Nature and Affinity of Ancient and Hindu Mythology [“О природе и сходстве античной и индуистской мифологии”]. London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, & Green.

King (1887) C. W. [Charles William] King. The Gnostics and their Remains, Ancient and Mediæval [“Гностики и их наследие: античность и Средневековье”], 2nd ed. London: David Nutt. [First published in 1864; the 2nd edition was enlarged, with translations from Hippolytus and The Pistis-Sophia.]

Laing (1888) S. [Samuel] Laing. Modern Science and Modern Thought [“Современная наука и современная мысль”], 6th ed. London: Chapman & Hall.

Lajard (1847) Felix Lajard. “Recherches sur le Culte du Cyprès Pyramidal chez les peuples civilisés de l’Antiquité” [“Исследования культа пирамидальных кипарисов у цивилизованных народов древности ”]. — Annales de l’Institut Archéologique, v. 4, new series, Report XIX. Paris: Benjamin Duprat.

Lalshankar (1881) Krishnashankar Lalshankar. “The Six-Pointed and Five-Pointed Stars” [“Шестиконечная и пятиконечная звёзды”]. — The Theosophist, v. 3, Nov. 1881.

Lange (1869) John Peter Lange. Genesis, or, The First Book of Moses [“Книга Бытия, или Первая книга Моисея”]. “Together with a General Theological and Homiletical Introduction to the Old Testament,” [Vol. 1 of A Commentary on the Holy Scriptures], tr. Tayler Lewis & A. Gosman, 4th ed. New York: Charles Scribner & Co.

Lange (1880) Frederick Albert Lange. History of Materialism [“История материализма”]. Tr. Ernest Chester Thomas, 3 vols. London: Trübner & Co.

Lassen (1866-1874) Christian Lassen. Indische Alterthumskunde [“Индийские древности”], 4 vols., 2nd edition, expanded & improved. Leipzig: Verlag von L. A. Kittler.

Lebon (1849) Hubert Lebon. Ave Maria, or the Poetic Beauties of the Angelic Salutation [“Поэтические красоты ангельского приветствия”], “translated from the French.” Baltimore: John Murphy & Co.

Lecouturier (1858) [Charles Henri] Lecouturier. Panorama des Mondes [“Панорама миров”], “Astronomie Planétaire.” Paris: “Aux Bureaux du Musée des Sciences,”.

Legge (1867) James Legge. The Life and Teachings of Confucius [“Жизнь и учения Конфуция”], “with Explanatory Notes” [Vol. 1 in The Chinese Classics]. London: N. Trübner & Co.

Leibniz (1881a) [Gottfried Wilhelm] Leibniz. La Monadologie [“Монадология”], “Publiée d’apres les Manuscrits de la Bibliothèque de Hanovre, avec Introduction, Notes et Suppléments par Henri Lachelier.” Paris: Hachette et Cie.

Leibniz (1881b) Leibniz. La Monadologie [“Монадология”], new edition, ed. D. Nolen. Paris: Germer Baillière et Cie.

Leibnitz (1890) The Philosophical Works of Leibnitz [“Философские труды Лейбница”], “translated from the original Latin and French, with notes,” by George Martin Duncan. New Haven: Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor.

Leibniz (1839-1840) Leibniz. Opera Philosophica, ed. J. E. Erdmann, 2 vols. Berlin: G. Eichler.

Lempriere (1833) J. [John] Lempriere. Bibliotheca Classica: or, A Classical Dictionary [“Классический словарь”], “containing a copious account of the principal proper names mentioned in ancient authors,” New Edition, enlarged & improved, ed. Charles Anthon, 2 vols. New York: G. & C. & H. Carvill, H. C. Sleight.

Lepsius (1849) Karl Richard Lepsius. Denkmaeler aus Aegypten und Aethiopien [“Памятники Египта и Эфиопии”] nach den Zeichnungen der von Seiner Majestät dem Koenige von Preussen, Friedrich Wilhelm IV., nach diesen Ländern gesendeten, und in den Jahren 1842–1845 ausgeführten wissenschaftlichen Expedition auf Befehl Seiner Majestät. 13 vols. Berlin: Nicolaische Buchhandlung.

Lévi (1860) Éliphas Lévi. Histoire de la Magie [“История магии”], “avec une Exposition Claire et Précise de Ses Procédés, de Ses Rites et de Ses Mystères.” Paris: Germer Baillière.

Lévi (1861a) Éliphas Lévi [Abbé Alphonse Louis Constant]. La Clef des Grands Mystères [“Ключ к великим таинствам”], “suivant Hénoch, Abraham, Hermès Trismégiste, et Salomon.” Paris: Germer Baillière.

Lévi (1861b) Éliphas Lévi. Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie [“Догматика и ритуал высшей магии”], 2nd ed., enlarged, 2 vols. Paris: Germer Baillière.

Lévi (1865) Éliphas Lévi. La Science des Esprits [“Наука о духах”]. Paris: Germer Baillière.

Levi (1883) Eliphas Levi. The Paradoxes of the Highest Science [“Парадоксы высочайшей науки”] [Theosophical Miscellanies, No. 2 — Неопубликованные сочинения Элифаса Леви]. “Переведены с французской рукописи учеником-оккультистом [А.О. Хьюмом].” Calcutta: Calcutta Central Press Co., 1883. [В конце своего письма (см. Письма Махатм, письмо № 20c) К.Х. пишет, что посылает Хьюму несколько неопубликованных рукописей Э. Леви, “испещрённых комментариями” К.Х. В предисловии к своему переводу Хьюм поясняет, что эти комментарии принадлежат “высокому оккультисту” (“an eminent occultist”) и обозначены в примечаниях инициалами “E.O.”].

Lewes (1880) George Henry Lewes. The History of Philosophy From Thales to Comte [“История философии от Фалеса до Конта”]. 5th ed., 2 vols. London: Longmans, Green, & Co.

Lewins (1885) Robert Lewins. “Matter and Mind An Autopsy.” — “Correspondence,” The Journal of Science, v. 7, Aug. 1885 (Third Series). London.

Lewis (1862) Sir George Cornewall Lewis. An Historical Survey of the Astronomy of the Ancients [“Исторический обзор древней астрономии”]. London: Parker, Son, & Bourn.

Lillie (1887) Arthur Lillie. Buddhism in Christendom, or Jesus, the Essene [“Буддизм в христианском мире, или ессей Иисус”]. London: Kegan Paul, Trench & Co.

Litton (1866) Edward Falconer Litton. Life or Death, The Destiny of the Soul in the Future State [“Жизнь или смерть”]. London: Longmans, Green, & Co.

Littré (1858) Littré, É. “Cosmos, essai d’une description physique du monde par Alexandre de Humboldt” [“Космос. Попытка физического описания мира Александром Гумбольдтом”] Revue Germanique, v. 2. Paris: A. Franck, 1858. [Эта статья Эмиля Литтре также включена в качестве отдельной главы в его книгу La Science au Point de Vue Philosophique [“Наука с точки зрения философии”], 1873.]

Livre des Morts (1882) Le Livre des Morts des Anciens Égyptiens [“Книга мёртвых древних египтян”]. Traduction complète d’après le papyrus de Turin et les manuscrits du Louvre, accompagnée de Notes et suivie d’un Index analytique, par Paul Pierret.” Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1882. [Pierret’s annotations appear as endnotes to most chapters and are also in the Analytical Index.]

Lodge (1883) Olive Lodge. “The Ether and Its Functions” [“Эфир и его функции”]. — Nature (“A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science”), v. 27, Jan. 25, 1883. London & New York: Macmillan & Co.

Lucifer: A Theosophical Magazine, “Designed to ‘Bring to Light the Hidden Things of Darkness,’ ” edited by H. P. Blavatsky and Mabel Collins, Sept. 1887 – Oct. 1888; by HPB until Sept. 1889; and by HPB and Annie Besant until the June issue of 1891. London: George Redway.

Lyell (1863) Sir Charles Lyell. The Geological Evidences of the Antiquity of Man [“Геологические свидетельства древности человека”]. “With remarks on theories of the Origin of Species by Variation.” London: John Murray.

Lytton (1853) Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton. Zanoni [“Занони”]. London: Chapman & Hall.

Lytton (1886) Edward Lord [Bulwer-] Lytton. The Coming Race [“Грядущая раса”]. London: George Routledge & Sons.

Mackey (1823) Samson Arnold Mackey. The Mythological Astronomy of the Ancients Demonstrated [“Мифологическая астрономия древних: подтверждение”], “by restoring to their Fables & Symbols their Original Meanings” [Part I]; The Mythological Astronomy of the Ancients, “Part the Second: or the Key of Urania, the wards of which will unlock all the Mysteries of Antiquity.” Norwich: “Printed by R. Walker,” 1822, 1823.

Mackey (1853) Mackey’s “Theory of the Earth” [“Теория земли С. Макки”]. — Notes and Queries, v. 8, Dec. 10, 1853. London: George Bell.

Mackey (1858) Albert G. Mackey. A Lexicon of Freemasonry [“Словарь франкмасонства”]. “Containing a definition of all its communicable terms, notices of its history, traditions, and antiquities, and an account of all the rites and mysteries of the ancient world,” new & improved edition. Philadelphia: Moss, Brother & Co.

Mackey (1874) Albert G. Mackey. An Encyclopædia of Freemasonry and its Kindred Sciences [“Энциклопедия франкмасонства и связанных с ним наук”], “comprising the whole range of arts, sciences and literature as connected with the institution.” Philadelphia: Moss & Co.

Mahabharata (1884) The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa. Adi Parva. “Translated into English Prose [by K. M. Ganguli]. Published and distributed by Pratāpa Chandra Rāy.” Calcutta: Bhārata Press.

Mallet (1735) [David] Mallet. Eurydice [“Эвридика”], A Tragedy, “Acted at the Theatre-Royal, by His Majesty’s Servants,” new edition. London: A. Millar.

Mallet (1847) [P. H.] Mallet. Northern Antiquities [“Северные древности”] “or, An Historical Account of the Manners, Customs, Religions and Laws, Maritime Expeditions and Discoveries, Language and Literature of the Ancient Scandinavians,” translated “from the French of M. Mallet by Bishop Percy,” new edition, revised & enlarged by I. A. Blackwell, and “An Abstract of the Eyrbyggja Saga” by Sir Walter Scott. London: Henry G. Bohn, 1847. [The original French edition by Paul Henri Mallet was published in 1756, as Monuments de la Mythologie et de la Poésie des Celtes, et particulièrement des Anciens Scandinaves.]

Man: Fragments of Forgotten History (1885) [Mohini Chatterji & Laura Holloway]. London: Reeves & Turner, 1885. [HPB wrote several pages detailing the mistakes in this book, with corrections intended for the 2nd edition (it was reprinted without them). HPB’s corrections were published in The Letters of HPB to A. P. Sinnett, pp. 254-61.]

Manual of Hindu Pantheism (1881) A Manual of Hindu Pantheism — The Vedāntasāra [“Пособие по индуистскому пантеизму — ведантасара”] [by Sadānanda, 15th cent.], “translated with copious annotations” by Major G. A. Jacob. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, & Co.

Many Thoughts of Many Minds (1862) Many Thoughts of Many Minds [“Многие мысли многих умов”]. “Being a Treasury of Reference consisting of Selections from the Writings of the most celebrated Authors, compiled and analytically arranged” by Henry Southgate, 3rd edition, revised. London: Griffin, Bohn, & Co.

Maspero (1883) Gaston Maspero. Guide du Visiteur au Musée de Boulaq [“Путеводитель для посетителя Булакского музея”]. Boulaq: “Au Musée,”. [Written by Maspero as “Director-General of the Museums of Egypt.”]

Massey (1881) Gerald Massey. A Book of the Beginnings [“Книга начал”], “containing an attempt to recover and reconstitute the lost origines of the myths and mysteries, types and symbols, religion and language, with Egypt for the mouthpiece and Africa as the birthplace,” 2 vols. London: Williams & Norgate.

Massey (1883) Gerald Massey. The Natural Genesis [“Происхождение природы”], “or second part of A Book of the Beginnings, containing an attempt to recover and reconstitute the lost origines of the myths and mysteries, types and symbols, religion and language, with Egypt for the mouthpiece and Africa as the birthplace,” 2 vols. London: Williams & Norgate.

Massey (1887a) Gerald Massey. Luniolatry; Ancient and Modern [“Культ луны в древности и в наши дни”]. A Lecture. London: “Villa Bordighiera” [printed privately].

Massey (1887b) Gerald Massey. Man in Search of His Soul [“Человек в поисках собственной души”] “During Fifty Thousand Years, and How He Found It!” A Lecture. London: “Villa Bordighiera” [printed privately].

Massey (1887c) Gerald Massey. The Historical Jesus and Mythical Christ [“Исторический Иисус и мифический Христос”]. A Lecture. London: “Villa Bordighiera” [printed privately].

Massey (1887d) Gerald Massey. The Seven Souls of Man and their Culmination in Christ [“Семь душ человека и их кульминация в Христе”] A Lecture. London: “Villa Bordighiera” [printed privately].

McClatchie (1872) T. McClatchie. “The Symbols of the Yin-king.” — China Review, Nov. & Dec.

McClintock & Strong (1868-1891) John McClintock & James Strong. Cyclopædia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiatical Literature [“Энциклопедия библейской, богословской и церковной литературы”], 12 volumes. New York: Harper & Brothers.

Mémoires sur Les Contrées Occidentales (1858) Mémoires sur Les Contrées Occidentales [“Воспоминания о западных землях”], tr. from the Sanskrit into Chinese (in 648) by Hiouen-Thsang, and from the Chinese into French by Stanislas Julien, 2 vols. Paris: “L’Imprimerie Impériale”.

Merz (1884) John Theodore Merz. Leibniz [“Лейбниц”]. Edinburgh & London: William Blackwood & Sons.

Mill (1858) John Stuart Mill. A System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive [“Система логики рассудительной и индуктивной”], “being a connected view of the principles of evidence and the methods of scientific investigation.” New York: Harper & Brothers.

Millington (1873) Thomas S. Millington. Signs and Wonders in the Land of Ham [“Знаки и чудеса в земле Хама”], “A Description of the Ten Plagues of Egypt, with Ancient and Modern Parallels and Illustrations.” London: John Murray.

Milton (1720) John Milton. The Poetical Works of Mr. John Milton [“Поэтическое творчество Джона Мильтона”], v. 2. London: Jacob Tonson.

Milton (1809) John Milton. Paradise Lost [“Потерянный рай”]. The Poetical Works of John Milton [“Поэтическое творчество Джона Мильтона”]. “With Notes of Various Authors. To which are added Illustrations, and some Account of the Life and Writings of Milton,” by the Rev. Henry J. Todd, 2nd ed. “with considerable additions,” 7 vols. London: J. Johnson, R. Baldwin, et al.

Mirville. Des Esprits (1863-1864) J.-E. [Jules-Eudes] de Mirville. Pneumatologie: Des Esprits, et de leurs Manifestations Diverses [“Учение о духах и их разнообразных проявлениях”]. “Mémoires adressés aux Académies,” 5 vols. Paris: H. Vrayet de Surcy, 1863-4. Volume 6: Des Esprits de l’Esprit-Saint et Du Miracle. Paris: F. Wattelier et Cie., 1868. [Originally presented as 3 “Mémoires” addressed to the French Academies, the Second Memoir was divided into four parts and published in volumes 2, 3, 4 and 5.]

Moleschott (1857) Jac Moleschott. Der Kreislauf des Lebens [“Круговорот жизни”] “Physiologische Antworten auf Liebig’s Chemische Briefe,” 3rd. ed., revised and expanded. Mainz: Verlag von Victor von Zabern.

Monier Williams (1872) Monier Williams. A Sanskrit-English Dictionary [“Санскритско-английский словарь”], “Etymologically and Philologically Arranged.” Oxford: “At the Clarendon Press”.

Monier Williams (1875) Monier Williams. Indian Wisdom, “or Examples of the Religious, Philosophical, and Ethical Doctrines of the Hindūs” [“Индийская мудрость, или Примеры религиозных, философских и этических доктрин индусов”] London: Wm. H. Allen & Co.

Monier Williams (1880) Monier Williams. Hinduism [in the series Non-Christian Religious Systems]. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.

Monier-Williams (1888) Sir Monier Monier-Williams. Mystical Buddhism in connexion with the Yoga Philosophy of the Hindus ["Мистический буддизм в связи с философией йоги"]. “Annual Address Read Before the Victoria Institute, or Philosophical Society of Great Britain, 4 June, 1888.” [Published privately.]

Monier-Williams (1889) Sir Monier Monier-Williams. Buddhism, “In its Connexion with Brāhmanism and Hindūism, and in its Contrast with Christianity.” New York: Macmillan & Co.

Monier-Williams (1891) Sir Monier Monier-Williams. Brāhmanism and Hindūism, “or, Religious Thought and Life in India, as based on the Veda and other Sacred books of the Hindūs,” 4th ed., enlarged & improved. New York: Macmillan & Co.

Moor (1810) Edward Moor. The Hindu Pantheon [“Индуистский пантеон”]. London: J. Johnson, 1810. [Includes 105 Plates, depicting members of the Hindu Pantheon, symbols, coins, & medals.]

Morphological Causes (1887) “The Morphological Causes of Heredity” [“Морфологические причины наследственности”] — Scientific American Supplement, v. 23, Feb. 26, 1887. New York: Munn & Co.

Morris (1878) G. S. [George Sylvester] Morris. “The Theory of Unconscious Intelligence, as Opposed to Theism” [“Теория бессознательного разума как противоположность теизма”]. — Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute, ed. F. W. H. Petrie, v. 11, June 19, 1876. London: Hardwicke & Bogue.

Mosheim (1821) John Lawrence Mosheim. An Ecclesiastical History [“История церкви”]. “Ancient and Modern, from the Birth of Christ, to the Beginning of the Present Century, in which the Rise, Progress, and Variations of Church Power are considered in their connexion with the state of Learning and Philosophy, and the political history of Europe during that period,” translated from the original Latin by Archibald Maclaine, 4 vols. New York: Collins & Co.

Movers (1841) F. C. [Franz Carl] Movers. Die Phönizier: Untersuchungen über die Religion und die Gottheiten der Phönizier [“Финикийцы: Исследования религии и божеств финикийцев”]. v. 1. Bonn: Eduard Weber, 1841. [Movers wrote v. 2, Das Phönizische Alterthum, in three parts: (I) “Politische Geschichte und Staatsverfassung,” 1849; (II) “Geschichte der Colonien,” 1850; (III) “Handel und Schiffahrt” (incomplete), 1856.]

Muir (1862) J. [John] Muir. “Verses from the Sarva-darśana-sangraha, the Vishnu Purāna, and the Rāmāyana [“Стихи из “Сарва-Даршана-Санграха”, “Вишну-пураны” и “Рамаяны”] illustrating the tenets of the Chārvākas, or Indian Materialists, with some Remarks on Freedom of Speculation in Ancient India.” — The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, v. 19, Dec. 14, 1861. London: Bernard Quaritch.

Müller (1860) [Friedrich] Max Müller. A History of Ancient Sanskrit Literature [“История древней санскритской литературы”], “so far as it illustrates the primitive religion of the Brahmans,” 2nd edition, revised. London & Edinburgh: Williams & Norgate.

Müller (1862) [Friedrich] Max Müller. Lectures on the Science of Language [“Лекции по языковедению”], “Delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain in April, May, & June, 1861,” 2nd ed., revised. London: Longman, Green, Longman, & Roberts.

Müller (1862) [Friedrich] Max Müller. On Ancient Hindu Astronomy and Chronology [“О древнеиндийской астрономии и хронологии”]. Oxford.

Müller (1864) [Friedrich] Max Müller. Lectures on the Science of Language [“Лекции по языковедению”], “Delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain in February, March, April, & May, 1863,” Second Series. London: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green.

Müller. Chips (1867) [Friedrich] Max Müller. Chips from a German Workshop [“Стружки из немецкой мастерской”] Vol. 1. London: Longmans, Green, & Co. [Essays on the Science of Religion, Mythology, Literature, and Language.]

Müller. Chips (1867) [Friedrich] Max Müller. Chips from a German Workshop [“Стружки из немецкой мастерской”] Vol. 2. London: Longmans, Green, & Co. [Essays on the Science of Religion, Mythology, Literature, and Language.]

Müller. Chips (1870) [Friedrich] Max Müller. Chips from a German Workshop [“Стружки из немецкой мастерской”] Vol. 3. London: Longmans, Green, & Co. [Essays on the Science of Religion, Mythology, Literature, and Language.]

Müller. Chips (1876) [Friedrich] Max Müller. Chips from a German Workshop [“Стружки из немецкой мастерской”] Vol. 4. London: Longmans, Green, & Co. [Essays on the Science of Religion, Mythology, Literature, and Language.]

Müller. Chips (1881) [Friedrich] Max Müller. Chips from a German Workshop [“Стружки из немецкой мастерской”] Vol. 5. London: Longmans, Green, & Co. [Essays on the Science of Religion, Mythology, Literature, and Language.]

Müller (1873a) F. Max Müller. Introduction to the Science of Religion [“Введение в религиоведение”]. “Four lectures delivered at the Royal Institution, with two essays On False Analogies, and The Philosophy of Mythology.” London: Longmans, Green, & Co.

Müller (1873b) F. Max Müller. Lectures on the Science of Language [“Лекции по языковедению”], 7th ed., 2 vols. London: Longmans, Green, & Co.

Müller (1878) F. Max Müller. Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion [“Лекции о происхождении и развитии религии”], “As Illustrated by the Religions of India.” London: Longmans, Green, & Co.

Müller (1883) F. Max Müller. India: What Can It Teach Us? [“Индия: Чему она может нас научить?”], “A Course of Lectures delivered before the University of Cambridge.” London: Longmans, Green, & Co.

Müller (1887) F. Max Müller. The Science of Thought [“Наука о мышлении”], 2 vols. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons.

Müller (1893) F. Max Müller. Theosophy or Psychological Religion [“Теософия, или Психологическая религия”], “The Gifford Lectures.” London: Longmans, Green, & Co.

Müller (1899) F. Max Müller. The Six Systems of Indian Philosophy [“Шесть систем индийской философии”]. New York, London & Bombay: Longmans, Green & Co.

Müller, K. O. (1840) K. O. [Karl Otfried] Müller. History of the Literature of Ancient Greece [“История древнегреческой литературы”] 2 vols. [in the series Library of Useful Knowledge]. London: Baldwin & Cradock.

Muṇḍaka Upanishad (1853) Muṇḍaka Upanishad [“Мундака-упанишада”]. Tr. E. Röer, 1853. Bibliotheca Indica, v. 15.

Naden (1883) C. N. [Constance Naden]. What is Religion? A Vindication of Freethought [“Что есть религия? Оправдание свободомыслия”] “Annotated by Robert Lewins, M.D., with an Appendix on Hylo-Idealism; or, the Brain Theory of Mind and Matter, the Creed of Physics, Physic and Philosophy.” London: W. Stewart & Co.

Newton (1713) Isaac Newton. Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica [“Математические начала натуральной философии”], 2nd ed. [with a Preface by Roger Cotes]. Cambridge, 1713. [In revising the 1st ed. of the Principia (1687), Newton asked the mathematician Roger Cotes to help him make the revisions.]

Newton (1718) Sir Isaac Newton. Opticks [“Оптика”], “or, a Treatise of the Reflections, Refractions, Inflections and Colours of Light,” 2nd ed., with additions. London: “Printed for W. and J. Innys.”

Newton (1756) Sir Isaac Newton. Four Letters from Sir Isaac Newton to Doctor Bentley [“Четыре письма доктору Бентли”], “containing some Arguments in Proof of a Deity.” London: J. Dodsley, 1756. [Letters written in 1692 & 1693 to the classical scholar Richard Bentley.]

Newton (1757) Isaac Newton. “An Hypothesis explaining the Properties of Light, discoursed of in my several Papers” [“Гипотеза, объясняющая свойства света, рассуждения о которых содержатся в нескольких моих статьях”], in a “Letter to Henry Oldenburg,” Dec. 7, 1675, published in The History of the Royal Society of London, [“Письмо Генри Ольденбургу” от 7 декабря 1675 г. было опубликовано в “Истории Лондонского Королевского Общества”] v. 3, ed. Thomas Birch. London: A. Millar, 1757. [Ольденбург был первым секретарём Королевского Общества и основателем-редактором её органа, Philosophical Transactions.]

Newton (1848) Sir Isaac Newton. Newton’s Principia: The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy [“Начала Ньютона: математические принципы натуральной философии”], tr. Andrew Motte, 1st American edition, revised & corrected. New York: Daniel Adee.

Newton (1850) Sir Isaac Newton, and [Roger] Cotes. Correspondence of Sir Isaac Newton and Professor Cotes [“Переписка между сэром Исааком Ньютоном и профессором Коутсом”], “including letters of other eminent men,” ed. J. Edleston. London: John W. Parker.

Nichol (1868) J. P. [John Pringle] Nichol. A Cyclopædia of the Physical Sciences [“Энциклопедия физических наук”], 3rd ed. London: Charles Griffin & Co.

“Notes on Hata Yoga” (1886) “Notes on Hata Yoga” [“Заметки о хатха-йоге”] (“Notes of a conversation with the Solar Sphinx [T. Subba Row]”). — The Theosophist, v. 8, Dec. 1886.

Nott & Gliddon (1855) J. C. [Josiah Clark] Nott, & Geo. R. Gliddon. Types of Mankind [“Типы человечества”] “or Ethnological Researches,” 7th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Grambo & Co.; London: Trübner & Co.

Nouveau Dictionnaire d’Histoire Naturelle (1803) Nouveau Dictionnaire d’Histoire Naturelle [“Новейший словарь естественной истории”]. Vol. VI. Paris: Deterville.

Olcott (1887) Henry S. Olcott. A Buddhist Catechism [“Катехизис буддизма”], “According to the Canon of the Southern Church,” 1st American edition, ed. Elliott Coues. Boston: Estes & Lauriat.

Oliphant (1870) Laurence Oliphant. Piccadilly, “A Fragment of Contemporary Biography,” 2nd ed. Edinburgh & London: William Blackwood & Sons.

Oliphant (1888) Laurence Oliphant. Scientific Religion [“Научная религия”] “or Higher Possibilities of Life and Practice through the Operation of Natural Forces.” Edinburgh & London: William Blackwood & Sons, 1888. [Appendix I has “extracts from the Book of the Lesser Holy Assembly (Mather’s ‘Kabbalah Unveiled,’ chapters viii. and xxii).” Appendix II (by Rev. Haskett Smith) has scriptural notes that refer back to Oliphant’s text.]

Oliver (1826) George Oliver. Signs and Symbols [“Знаки и символы”], “Illustrated and Explained, in a Course of Twelve Lectures on Free-Masonry.” Grimsby: “Printed for the author, by Bro. Skelton”.

Oliver (1841) Rev. George Oliver. The History of Initiation [“История посвящений”], “in Twelve Lectures; comprising a detailed Account of the Rites and Ceremonies, Doctrines and Discipline, of all the Secret and Mysterious Institutions of the Ancient World,” new edition. London: Richard Spencer.

Oliver (1875) Rev. G. Oliver. The Pythagorean Triangle, “or, The Science of Numbers.” [“Треугольник Пифагора, или Наука чисел”] London: John Hogg & Co.

Omoie Tetszunotszuke (1888) Omoie Tetszunotszuke [Captain C. Pfoundes]. The Cultus of the Far East [“Дальневосточный культ”]. — The Theosophist, v. 10, Dec. 1888.

Ordinances of Manu (1884) The Ordinances of Manu [“Законы Ману”] “Translated from the Sanskrit, With an Introduction, by the late Arthur Coke Burnell,” completed and edited by Edward W. Hopkins. London: Trübner & Co.

Organ (1884) Mrs. M. S. Organ. “Prayer – What Its Object, and How It Benefits” [“Молитва — её цель и благотворность”]. — Wilford’s Microcosm, v. 3, July 1884.

Origen (1872a) Origen. Contra Celsum [“Против Цельса”], in The Writings of Origen, tr. Rev. Frederick Crombie, 1869.

Origen (1872b) The Writings of Origen, tr. Rev. Frederick Crombie, 2 vols. [Vols. 10 & 23 of The Ante-Nicene Christian Library]. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1869, 1872.

Original Sanskrit Texts (1868) Original Sanskrit Texts [“Оригинальные санскритские тексты”], “on the Origin and History of the People of India, their Religion and Institutions”. Collected, translated, and illustrated by J. Muir, 2nd ed. “rewritten and greatly enlarged,” 5 vols. Vol. I. London: Trübner & Co.

Owen (1841) John Owen. A Discourse Concerning the Holy Spirit [“Рассуждение о Духе Святом”]. Abridged by George Burder. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication.

Palmer (1861) William Palmer. Egyptian Chronicles [“Египетские хроники”] “with a Harmony of Sacred and Egyptian Chronicles, and an Appendix on Babylonian and Assyrian Antiquities,” 2 vols. London: Longman, Green, Longman, & Roberts.

Paravey (1851) Ch. De Paravey. “Des Traces de la Bible Retrouvées dans Les Livres Indous” [“О следах Библии, обнаруженных в книгах индусов ”]. — Annales de Philosophie Chrétienne, v. 42. Paris: “Bureau des Annales de Philosophie Chrétienne.”

Paske (1879) Col. Edward Paske. “Buddhism in the British Provinces of Little Tibet” [“Буддизм в британских провинциях Малого Тибета”]. — The Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, v. 8, May 28, 1878. London: Trübner & Co.

Pasteur (1872) L. [Louis] Pasteur. “New Facts Elucidating our Knowledge of the Theory of Ferments, Properly So-Called” [“Новые факты, проясняющие наше понимание теории собственно ферментов”]. — The Chemical News, v. 26, Nov. 29, 1872.

Pengelly (1861) William Pengelly. “On the Devonian Age of the World” [“О девонском периоде мировой истории”]. — The Geologist, v. 4, Aug. 1861. London: “Geologist” Office.

Petrie (1883) W. M. [William Matthew] Flinders Petrie. The Pyramids and Temples of Gizeh [“Пирамиды и храмы Гизы”]. London: Field & Tuer; New York: Scribner & Welford.

Philo Judæus (1854a) On the Creation of the World [“О сотворении мира”] — The Works of Philo Judæus. Tr. C. D. Yonge. Vol. I. London: Henry G. Bohn.

Philo Judæus (1854b) On the Fugitives [“О бегстве”] — The Works of Philo Judæus. Tr. C. D. Yonge. Vol. II. London: Henry G. Bohn.

Philo Judæus (1855) Questions and Solutions to Those Questions, Which Arise in Genesis [“Вопросы и ответы на те вопросы, которые возникают в Книге Бытия”] — The Works of Philo Judæus. Tr. C. D. Yonge. Vol. IV. London: Henry G. Bohn.

Philosophumena (1921) Philosophumena, or The Refutation of All Heresies. Formerly Attributed to Origen, but Now to Hippolytus, Bishop and Martyr Who Flourished About 220 A.D. Translated from the Text of Cruice by F. Legge, F.S.A. Vol. I-II. London.

Pistis Sophia (1853) Opus Gnosticum Valentino Adjudicatum [“Гностическое произведение, приписываемое Валентину”], “e Codice Manuscripto Coptico Londinensi,” described and translated into Latin by M. G. Schwartze, ed. J. H. Petermann. Berlin: Ferd. Dümmler.

Pistis Sophia (1896) Pistis Sophia. “Гностическое Евангелие (с приложением фрагментов из книг Спасителя), первоначально переведённое с греческого языка на коптский, и теперь оно впервые переведено на английский язык с латинской версии Шварце (Schwartze, 1851), опирающейся на единственную известную коптскую рукопись. Настоящий перевод сверен с французской версией Амелино (Amélineau). Английский перевод и Введение принадлежат Дж.Р.С. Миду (G. R. S. Mead). London & New York: The Theosophical Publishing Society.

Plato (1793) The Cratylus, Phædo, Parmenides and Timæus of Plato, tr. Thomas Taylor. London: Benjamin & John White.

Pliny (1856) The Natural History of Pliny [“Естественная история Плиния”]. In six volumes. Vol. I. “Translated with copious notes and illustrations by the late John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S. and H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A. London.

Plutarch (1874) Plutarch’s Morals [“Моралии Плутарха”], “translated from the Greek by several hands,” corrected and revised by William W. Goodwin, 5 vols. Boston: Little, Brown, & Co.

Pococke (1852) E. [Edward] Pococke. India in Greece, “or, Truth in Mythology” [“Индия в Греции, или Истина в мифологии”] London: John J. Griffin & Co., 1852. [A treatise by Edward Pococke on the significant influence of Vedic India on the language, religion, and philosophy of ancient Greece.]

Polier (1809) Le Colonel [Antoine-Louis Henri] de Polier. Mythologie des Indous [“Мифология индуистов”], ed. Mdme. la Chnsse. de Polier, “sur des Manuscrits authentiques apportés de l’Inde,” 2 vols. Paris: F. Schoell.

Porphyry (1823) Select Works of Porphyry [“Избранные сочинения Порфирия”], tr. Thomas Taylor, “with An Appendix, explaining the allegory of the wanderings of Ulysses, by the translator.” London: Thomas Rodd.

Power (1879) Rev. F. A. Power. The Book of Texts of Ancient and Modern History, &c. [“Сборник текстов по античной и современной истории”] London: Sampson, Low, Marston & Co.; Liverpool: Adam Holden.

Pratt (1886) Henry Pratt. New Aspects of Life and Religion [“Новые аспекты жизни и религии”]. London & Edinburgh: Williams & Norgate.

Primeval Man Unveiled (1871) Primeval Man Unveiled [“Первочеловек, как он был”] “or, the Anthropology of the Bible” [by James Gall]. London: Hamilton, Adams, & Co.

Proclus (1820) The Commentaries of Proclus on the Timæus of Plato [“Комментарии Прокла к “Тимею” Платона”]. In Five Books; containing a treasury of Pythogoric and Platonic Physiology. Tr. Thomas Taylor, 2 vols. London: “Printed for and sold by the Author”.

Proctor (1871a) Richard A. Proctor. The Sun [“Солнце”], “Ruler, Fire, Light, and Life of the Planetary System.” London: Longmans, Green, & Co.

Proctor (1871b) Richard A. Proctor. Other Worlds Than Ours [“Иные миры”]: “the plurality of worlds studied under the light of recent scientific researches.” New York: D. Appleton & Co.

Proctor (1877) Richard A. Proctor. Myths and Marvels of Astronomy [“Мифы и чудеса астрономии”]. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons.

Qabbalah (1888) The Philosophical Writings of Solomon Ben Yehudah Ibn Gebirol or Avicebron [“Философские писания Соломона бен Йехуды ибн Гебироля или Авицеброна”], and their connection with the Hebrew Qabbalah and Sepher ha-Zohar, with remarks upon the antiquity and content of the latter, and translations of selected passages from the same; also ‘An Ancient Lodge of Initiates,’ translated from the Zohar” by Isaac Myer. Philadelphia: Published by the Author, 1888. [Includes “an abstract of an Essay upon the Chinese Qabbalah, contained in the book called the Yih King; a translation of part of the Mystic Theology of Dionysios, the Areopagite; and an account of the construction of the ancient Akkadian and Chaldean Universe.”]

Quatrefages (1879) A. [Armand] de Quatrefages. The Human Species [“Человек как вид”] [in The International Scientific Series]. New York: D. Appleton & Co.

Ragon (1853) J.-M. [Jean-Marie] Ragon. Orthodoxie Maçonnique suivie de la Maçonnerie Occulte et de l’Initiation Hermétique [“Масонская ортодоксия. Об оккультном масонстве и герметическом посвящении”]. Paris: E. Dentu.

Ravenshaw (1856) E. C. Ravenshaw. “On the Winged Bulls, Lions, and Other Symbolical Figures from Nineveh” [“На крылатых быках, львах и других символических фигурах из Ниневии”]. — Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, v. 16, April 2, 1853. London: John W. Parker & Son.

Rawlinson (1881) George Rawlinson. The Five Great Monarchies of the Ancient Eastern World [“Пять великих царств в мире древнего Востока”], “or, the History, Geography, and Antiquities of Chaldæa, Assyria, Babylon, Media, and Persia,” 3 vols. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co.

Rawlinson (1883a) George Rawlinson. “The Antiquity of Man Historically Considered” [“Древность исторического человека”]. — The Journal of Christian Philosophy, ed. John A. Paine, v. 2, April 1883. New York: John A. Paine.

Rawlinson (1883b) George Rawlinson. The Religions of the Ancient World [“Религии древнего мира”], “including Egypt, Assyria and Babylonia, Persia, India, Phœnicia, Etruria, Greece, Rome.” New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons.

Rawlinson (1886) George Rawlinson. History of Ancient Egypt [“История древнего Египта”], 2 vols. New York: John B. Alden.

Renan (1859) Ernest Renan. “Discussion sur la Notion de l’Unité de Dieu, chez les anciens peuples” [“Дискуссия о понятии божественного единства ”]. — Annales de Philosophie Chrétienne, 4th series, v. 20, April 8, 1859. Paris: “Bureau des Annales de Philosophie Chrétienne.”

Rhys Davids (1880) T. W. [Thomas William] Rhys Davids. Buddhism, “being a sketch of the life and teachings of Gautama, the Buddha.” [“Буддизм: очерк жизни и учений Гаутамы Будды”]. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge; New York: E. & J. B. Young & Co.

Rhys Davids (1886) T. W. Rhys Davids. Theosophy and Buddhism [“Теософия и буддизм”]. — The Spectator, v. 59, July 24. London: John Campbell, 1886. [A letter “To the Editor of the ‘Spectator.’ ”]

Richardson (1866) Dr. [Benjamin Ward] Richardson. “Sun Force and Earth Force” [“Сила солнечная и сила земная”]. — The Popular Science Review, v. 5.

Richardson (1871) Dr. [Benjamin Ward] Richardson. “Theory of a Nervous Ether” [“Теория нервного эфира”]. — The Popular Science Review, v. 10.

Richet (1884) Ch. Richet. “La suggestion mentale et le calcul des probabilités,” [“Психологическая суггестия и расчёт вероятности”]. — Revue Philosophique de la France et de l’Étranger, Dec. 1884. Paris: Germer Bailliere et Cie.

Rig-Veda-Sanhita (1869) Rig-Veda-Sanhita. The Sacred Hymns of the Brahmans, “translated and explained” by F. Max Müller, “Vol. I: Hymns to the Maruts or the Storm-Gods” [Vol. 32 of The Sacred Books of the East]. London: Trübner & Co.

Ṛig-Veda Sanhitā (1888) Ṛig-Veda Sanhitā. “A Collection of Ancient Hindu Hymns, Constituting Part of the Seventh and the Eighth Ashṭaka, of the Ṛig-Veda,” tr. H. H. Wilson, ed. W. F. Webster. London: Trübner & Co.

Ṛiṣi (1879) The Ṛiṣi [“Риши”] [by M. M. Kunte], “A Poem Explaining the Daily Life and Manners of the Ṛiṣi as Described in the Ṛig-Veda-Sanhitā,” “by the Author of the Ṣaḍdarshana-Chintanikā or Studies in Indian Philosophy.” [Poona, 1879].

Ritter (1838-1846) Heinrich Ritter. The History of Ancient Philosophy [“История античной философии”] Tr. Alexander J. W. Morrison, 4 vols. Oxford: D. A. Talboys.

Rochas (1887) Albert de Rochas. Les Forces Non Définies [“Неопределённые силы”], “Recherches Historiques et Expérimentales.” Paris: G. Masson,.

Rougé (1860) Emmanuel de Rougé. Études sur le Rituel Funéraire des Anciens Égyptiens [“Очерки о погребальном ритуале у древних египтян”] Paris: Librairie Académique — Didier et Ce.

Rougé (1851) Emmanuel de Rougé. “Mémoire sur la Statuette Naophore du Musée Grégorien, au Vatican,” [“Доклад о статуэтке Наофор из Григорианского музея в Ватикане ”]. — Annales de Philosophie Chrétienne, v. 42. Paris: “Bureau des Annales de Philosophie Chrétienne,”.

Royal Masonic Cyclopædia (1877) The Royal Masonic Cyclopædia of History, Rites, Symbolism, and Biography [“Большая масонская энциклопедия истории, ритуалов, символизма и биографий”] Ed. Kenneth R. H. Mackenzie (“Cryptonymus”). London: John Hogg.

Saint-Yves d’Alveydre (1884) [Alexandre] Saint-Yves d’Alveydre. Mission des Juifs [“Миссия иудеев”], 2nd ed. Paris: Calmann Lévy.

Sankara Acharya (1885) Sankara Acharya. “Discrimination of Spirit and Not-Spirit” [“О различении духа и не-духа”] tr. Mohini M. Chatterji. — Five Years of Theosophy.

Sankaracharya (1886) Sankaracharya. The Crest Jewel of Wisdom (Viveka Chudamani) [“Жемчужина, венчающая мудрость”]. Tr. Mohini M. Chatterji. — The Theosophist, v. 7: October 1885; January, March, July, & August, 1886.

Sankhya-Sara (1862) A Treatise of Sankhya Philosophy," by Vijnana Bhikshu. Ed. by Fitz-Edward Hall, Calcutta.

Sānkhya Kārikā (1837) The Sānkhya Kārikā, “or Memorial Verses of the Sānkhya Philosophy, by Īswara Krishna,” tr. Henry Thomas Colebrooke; also The Bhāshya or Commentary of Gaurapāda, “translated, and illustrated by an original comment,” by Horace Hayman Wilson. Oxford: Oriental Translation Fund of Great Britain and Ireland.

Sargent (1876) Epes Sargent. The Proof Palpable of Immortality [“Явное доказательство бессмертия”], “being an Account of the Materialization Phenomena of Modern Spiritualism.” Boston: Colby & Rich.

Sayce (1865) A. [Archibald] Sayce. “Tammuz” — The Journal of Sacred Literature and Biblical Record, ed. B. Harris Cowper, v. 7, July 1865 (New Series). London & Edinburgh: Williams & Norgate, 1865.

Sayce (1887) A. H. [Archibald Henry] Sayce. Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion, as Illustrated by the Religion of the Ancient Babylonians [“Лекции о происхождении и развитии религий на примере религии древних вавилонян”] [The Hibbert Lectures, 1887]. London: Williams & Norgate.

Schlagintweit (1863) Emil Schlagintweit. Buddhism in Tibet ["Буддизм в Тибете"]. “Illustrated by Literary Documents and Objects of Religious Worship, with an account of the Buddhist systems preceding it in India.” Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus; London: Trübner & Co. [“With a folio Atlas of twenty plates and twenty tables of native print in the text.”]

Schröder (1876) Fr. Wilhelm Julius Schröder. The Book of the Prophet Ezekiel [“Книга пророка Иезекииля в разъяснениях”], “Theologically and Homiletically Expounded” [Vol. 13 of A Commentary on the Holy Scriptures], tr. Patrick Fairbairn & Rev. William Findlay. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons.

Schwegler (1868) Albert Schwegler. Handbook of the History of Philosophy ["Пособие по истории философии"], tr. James Hutchison Stirling, 2nd ed. Edinburgh: Edmonston & Douglas. [With explanatory, critical, and supplementary annotations by the translator.]

“Science and Spiritualism” (1880) “Science and Spiritualism” [“Наука и спиритуализм”]. — Boston Journal of Chemistry, v. 14, April 1880.

Secret Doctrine Commentaries (2010) The Secret Doctrine Commentaries. The Unpublished 1889 Instructions ["Комментарии к "Тайной доктрине". Неопубликованные разъяснения 1889 года"]. Transcribed and annotated by Michael Gomes. I.S.I.S. Foundation, The Hague, the Netherlands.

Selden (1617) John Selden: Joannis Seldeni, I.C., De Diis Syris Syntagmata [“Сочинение о сирийских богах”] II. London: William Stansby.

Select Proverbs of all Nations (1824) Select Proverbs of all Nations [“Сборник поговорок всех народов”] “Illustrated with Notes and Comments, to which is added, a Summary of Ancient Pastimes, Holidays, and Customs; with an Analysis of the Wisdom of the Ancients, and of the Fathers of the Church, the whole arranged on a New Plan,” by Thomas Fielding. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown, & Green.

Sepher Yetzirah (1917) Sepher Yetzirah. The Sacred Books and Early Literature of the East. Vol. IV. Medieval Hebrew. The Midrash. The Kabbalah. New York — London. Parke, Austin and Lipscomb Inc.

Septuagint Version (1844) The Septuagint Version of the Old Testament [“Ветхий Завет в изложении Септуагинты”], “according to the Vatican Text,” tr. Sir Lancelot Charles Lee Brenton, 2 vols. London: Samuel Bagster & Sons.

Sinnett (1883) A. P. Sinnett. The Occult World (“Оккультный мир”) 3rd ed. London: Trübner & Co. [Впервые книга была опубликована в 1881 году. В последующих изданиях Синнетт внёс поправки и добавления в первоначальный текст, включив в него Предисловие о ЕПБ, некоторые не опубликованные ранее письма, а также Заключение, в котором он рассказывает о ряде оккультных феноменов, свидетелем которых он стал со времени первого выхода книги в свет].

Sinnett (1885) A. P. Sinnett. Esoteric Buddhism [“Эзотерический буддизм”], 5th edition, “annotated and enlarged by the author.” London: Chapman & Hall. [This edition adds extensive annotations at the end of most chapters.]

Skinner, J. Ralston. Unpublished Manuscript. See Blavatsky Collected Writings, 1887. P. 219 (note 6).

Skinner (1881) J. Ralston Skinner. A Criticism on the Legendre Mode of the Rectification of The Curve of the Circle [“Критика способа выпрямления кривой окружности Лежандра”]. Cincinnati: Robert Clarke & Co.

Skinner (1885) J. Ralston Skinner. “Hebrew Metrology” [“Ивритская система мер и весов”]. — Masonic Review, v. 63, July.

J. [James] Ralston Skinner. “The Cabbalah”, I – XII — The Masonic Review, vols. 64-68. Passages referred to in the SD References are from the following installments of “The Cabbalah”:

Skinner [Sept. 1885] The Cabbalah. I.

Skinner [June 1886] The Cabbalah. VI.

Skinner [March 1887] The Cabbalah. VII.

Skinner [April 1887] The Cabbalah. VIII.

Skinner [May, June, & July 1887] The Cabbalah. IX.

Skinner [Sept. 1887] The Cabbalah. X.

Skinner [Oct. & Nov. 1887] The Cabbalah. XI.

Skinner [Dec. 1887] The Cabbalah. XII.

Skinner (1887) J. Ralston Skinner. “The Identification of the British Inch as the Unit of Measure of the Mound Builders of the Ohio Valley [“Идентификация британского дюйма как единицы измерения строителей курганов долины Огайо”], Appendix C.” — The Journal of the Cincinnati Society of Natural History, v. 9.

Skinner (1894) J. Ralston Skinner. Key to the Hebrew-Egyptian Mystery in The Source of Measures [“Ключ к еврейско-египетской тайне в источнике мер”], “originating the British inch and the ancient cubit, by which was built the Great Pyramid of Egypt and the Temple of Solomon; and through the possession and use of which, man, assuming to realize the creative law of the Deity, set it forth in a Mystery, among the Hebrews called Kabbala.” Cincinatti: Robert Clarke & Co., 1875 [First edition]; “Second Edition, with Supplement”.

Slack (1875) Henry J. Slack. “Recent Researches in Minute Life” [“Последние исследования микроскопической жизни”]. — The Popular Science Review, v. 14.

Slack (1876) Henry J. Slack. “What is the Meaning of Human Personality?” [“Что такое личность человека?”]. — The Popular Science Review, v. 15.

Slaughter (1876) W. B. [William Bradner]. Slaughter. Modern Genesis [“Современная Книга Бытия”] “being an inquiry into the credibility of the Nebular Theory, of the origin of Planetary Bodies, the structure of the Solar System, and of general Cosmical History.” New York: Nelson & Phillips.

Smith (1854) George Smith. The Gentile Nations [“Языческие народы”], “or, The History and Religion of the Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes, Persians, Greeks, and Romans.” New York: Carlton & Phillips.

Smith (1875) George Smith. Assyrian Discoveries, “An Account of Explorations and Discoveries on the Site of Nineveh, during 1873 and 1874” [“Ассирийские открытия. Рассказ об исследованиях и открытиях в Ниневии в 1873-1874 годах”] 2nd ed. London: Sampson Low, Marston, Low & Searle.

Smith (1876) George Smith. The Chaldean Account of Genesis [“Халдейская версия Книги Бытия”] “containing the description of the Creation, the Fall of Man, the Deluge, the Tower of Babel, the Times of the Patriarchs, and Nimrod: Babylonian Fables, and Legends of the Gods; from the Cuneiform Inscriptions.” New York: Scribner, Armstrong & Co.

Solar Sphinx (1886) [T. Subba Row]. “The Idyll of the White Lotus” [“Идиллия Белого Лотоса”] — The Theosophist, v. 7, July & Aug. 1886.

Sonam Tsering Ngulphu. Umapa Tsondru Sengge. [Эл. ресурс] https://treasuryoflives.org/biographies/view/Umapa-Tsondru-Sengge/5693.

Spencer (1864) Herbert Spencer. The Principles of Biology [“Принципы биологии”] 2 vols. London & Edinburgh: Williams & Norgate.

Spencer (1880) Herbert Spencer. First Principles [“Первоначала”]. 4th ed. London & Edinburgh: Williams & Norgate. [First published in book-form in 1862. In the 4th edition, Spencer added “an Appendix dealing with certain criticisms that have been passed upon the general formula of Evolution.”]

Spencer (1882) Herbert Spencer. “Mozley on Evolution” [“Мозли об эволюции”]. — The Popular Science Monthly, v. 21, Oct. 1882. New York: D. Appleton & Co.

Spencer (1883) Herbert Spencer. The Principles of Psychology [“Принципы психологии”], 2 vols. New York: D. Appleton & Co.

Stallo (1884) J. B. [John Bernhard] Stallo. The Concepts and Theories of Modern Physics [“Концепции и теории современной физики”] [in “The International Scientific Series”]. New York: D. Appleton & Co.

Star (1888) Ély Star. Les Mystères de l’Horoscope [“Тайны гороскопа”]. Paris: E. Dentu, Editeur. [With a Preface by Camille Flammarion.]

Stirling (1872) James Hutchison Stirling. As Regards Protoplasm [“К вопросу о протоплазме”], “New & Improved Edition.” London: Longmans, Green, & Co.

Story of the Churning of the Ocean to Obtain the Fourteen Jewels (1817) The Story of the Churning of the Ocean to Obtain the Fourteen Jewels [“Рассказ о пахтании океана в поисках четырнадцати драгоценностей”] [Mahābhārata, I.15], tr. Sir Charles Wilkins, Oct. 1817, Asiatic Journal and Monthly Register for British India and its Dependencies, v. 4. London: Black, Kingsbury, Parbury, & Allen, 1817. [First published as “An Episode from the Mahābhārat, Book I. Chap. 15.,” in the “Notes” to The Bhagvat-Geeta, tr. Charles Wilkins, 1785.]

Subba Row (1887) T. Subba Row. “Notes on the Bhagavad Gita” [“Комментарии к “Бхагавадгите”] Theosophist, v. 7: Feb. 1886 (Introductory); v. 8: (Lectures I-IV) Feb., March, April & July, 1887. [The Introductory lecture was given at the annual Convention of Theosophical Society, Dec. 1885. The four lectures on the Bhagavad Gita were given at the following Convention, Dec. 27-31, 1886. Corrections by the author appeared in The Theosophist, v. 8, May 1887 (p. 511). The lectures have been reprinted in book form (including corrections) as Notes on the Bhagavad Gita, Theosophical University Press, 1934, 1978.]

Suggestive Thoughts on Religious Subjects (1881) Suggestive Thoughts on Religious Subjects [“Глубокие мысли на религиозные темы”]. “A Dictionary of Quotations and Selected Passages from the Best Writers, Ancient and Modern,” compiled and analytically arranged by Henry Southgate, 2nd ed. London: Charles Griffin & Co.

Sūrya Siddhānta (1860) Sūrya Siddhānta. “A Text-book of Hindu Astronomy,” tr. [& cm.] Rev. Ebenezer Burgess [& William Dwight Whitney], May 17, 1858, in Journal of the American Oriental Society, v. 6. New Haven: American Oriental Society.

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  1. © SDR, TUP.
  2. Перевод Уилсона был впервые опубликован в 1840 году. Фицэдвард Холл в своём пятитомном издании добавил к переводу свои подробные комментарии. Том V выпущен в двух частях. В первую часть V тома включены заключительные части “Вишну-пураны”. В “Дополнении” (Appendix) представлены письма полк-ка Вэнса Кеннеди и составленный Холлом “Список исправлений” (“Corrigenda”). Том V часть II (1877) содержит подробный индекс наименований, терминов и отдельных вопросов.