В этом модуле хранятся функции для Большого теософского словаря.
Одна из веток использования:
- {{ТД источник}} ← {{ЕПБ.Источник}} ← {{Кратко из БТС}} ← {{Кратко из БТС (оформление)}} ← Модуль:CTD.info()
Для отладки:
=p.info{ args={ ["type"] = "личность", ["term"] = "Понятие", ["term_to_show"] = "Поня́тие для показа", ["description"] = "Полное описание.", ["shortly"] = "Краткое описание.", ["origin"] = "происхождение", ["lifetime"] = "1831-1891", ["wiki_page"] = "Вики страница", ["userparam"] = "текст@сноска@личность@серый" }}
local ctd = {} -- функции для Большого теософского словаря; copied from https://ru.teopedia.org/lib/Module:CTD
local function isempty(s)
return s == nil or s == ''
-- Split string 'inputstr' by separator 'sep' and return values in table
-- Issue: do not insert nil value if in the middle; f.e.: текст@@выражение@
local function split_string(inputstr, sep)
if sep == nil then
sep = "%s"
local t={}
for str in string.gmatch(inputstr, "([^"..sep.."]+)") do
table.insert(t, str)
return t
-- Convert local links [[link|text]] and URL [link text] to plain text.
-- See original function in module PM.
local function remove_links( wiki_str )
local str = wiki_str
-- remove local links
i = mw.ustring.find(str,'[[',1,true)
j = mw.ustring.find(str,']]',i,true)
while i ~= nil do
local link_text = mw.ustring.sub(str, i+2, j-1)
local k = mw.ustring.find(link_text, '|', 1, true)
if k ~= nil then
link_text = mw.ustring.sub(link_text, k+1)
str = mw.ustring.sub(str, 1, i-1) .. link_text .. mw.ustring.sub(str, j+2, -1)
i = mw.ustring.find(str,'[[',1,true)
j = mw.ustring.find(str,']]',i,true)
-- remove URL
i = mw.ustring.find(str,'[http',1,true)
j = mw.ustring.find(str,']',i,true)
while i ~= nil do
local link_text = mw.ustring.sub(str, i+1, j-1)
local k = mw.ustring.find(link_text, ' ', 1, true)
if k ~= nil then
link_text = mw.ustring.sub(link_text, k+1)
str = mw.ustring.sub(str, 1, i-1) .. link_text .. mw.ustring.sub(str, j+1, -1)
i = mw.ustring.find(str,'[http',1,true)
j = mw.ustring.find(str,']',i,true)
return str
-- Add a point at the end of text, check for ".." and "...."
local function point_at_end( text )
local str = text .. '.'
-- check for 2 or 4 points at ending restrict to 1 or 3.
return str
-- Create short description without hyper links
-- Used in : Шаблон:Понятие БТС
-- Call example:
-- {{#invoke: CTD | shortly
-- | short_text = Short description, if exist
-- | long_text = Long description
-- }}
function ctd.shortly( frame )
local result = ''
-- check if sort description specified
if not isempty(frame.args['short_text']) then
result = frame.args['short_text']
result = frame.args['long_text']
-- keep only text before Category
local i = mw.ustring.find(result,'[[Категория',1,true)
if i ~= nil then
result = mw.ustring.sub(result, 1, i-1)
-- convert all links to plain text
result = remove_links(result)
-- take only first 100 characters; string.sub() uses bytes instead of chars
if mw.ustring.len(result) > 100 then
result = mw.ustring.sub( result, 1, 100) .. '...'
-- Use function point_at_end() when finished
-- return point_at_end(result)
return result
-- Invoke information from CTD about a TERM and shows it in footnote, pop-up or right next to term in square brackets.
-- Used in : Шаблон:Кратко из БТС (оформление)
-- Based on: Шаблон:Понятие БТС
-- Call example:
-- {{#invoke: CTD | info
-- | term = Term, that is word or phrase
-- | term_to_show = Term with accent or diacritic marks
-- | lifetime = Lifetime (for person or conception) or day of issue (for literature and periodical)
-- | shortly = Short description
-- | description = Full description
-- | origin = Origin
-- | wiki_page = Wiki page title
-- | author = Author of a book or an article; applied to literature
-- | author_short = Name with initials
-- | published = Book or article published; applied to literature
-- | userparam = text@view@type@style@specification
-- }}
-- Where 'userparam' consist of all the parameters that can not be fetched by symantic property:
-- * text = text to show; generally it is the original text of request - term or name
-- * view = style of displaying information in any combination: подсказка, сноска, скобки
-- * type = type of term: понятие (по умолчанию), личность, выражение, литература, периодика / conception, person, expression, literature, periodical
-- * style = серый, оригинал, описание
-- * specification = уточнение к литературному источнику: том, страница, глава и т.п.
-- View, type and style are language dependent parameters, consider changes in code below.
-- TODO: Всплывающую подсказку сделать вики текстом и добавить ссылку [[{{{БТС статья}}}|БТС]]
function ctd.info( frame )
local term = '' -- term in simple form, as a title in dictionary = wiki page title (most likely)
local term_with_link = '' -- term with a link to wiki page
local term_without_link = ''-- term without a link, but with diacritical marks
local reference = ''
local description = ''
local origin = ''
local lifetime_str = '' -- date with title
local lifetime = '' -- just date
local term_link = ''
local ctd_title = '<span style="border-bottom: 1px dotted gray; cursor:help;" title="Большой теософский словарь">БТС</span>'
local output_str = '' -- result string to show
-- variables for 'view' parameter
local view_popup, view_footnote, view_brackets = false
-- variables for 'style' parameter
local font_grey = false -- make font grey
local add_origin = false -- add information on origin
local add_description = false -- add short description
-- split 'userparam' in variables
local t = mw.text.split(frame.args['userparam'],'@')
local text, view, term_type, style, specification = t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4], t[5]
local text_original = text -- keep 'text_original' unchanged
-- set default
if isempty(view) then view = 'подсказка' end
if isempty(term_type) then term_type = 'понятие' end
-- parse 'view' for values
if mw.ustring.find(view,'подсказка',1,true) ~= nil then view_popup = true end
if mw.ustring.find(view,'сноска',1,true) ~= nil then view_footnote = true end
if mw.ustring.find(view,'скобки',1,true) ~= nil then view_brackets = true end
-- parse 'style' for values
if mw.ustring.find(style,'серый',1,true) ~= nil then font_grey = true end
if mw.ustring.find(style,'оригинал',1,true) ~= nil then add_origin = true end
if mw.ustring.find(style,'описание',1,true) ~= nil then add_description= true end
-- define term to show, i.e. with accent and diacritic
if not isempty(frame.args['term_to_show']) then
term_without_link = frame.args['term_to_show']
elseif not isempty(frame.args['term']) then
term_without_link = frame.args['term']
term_without_link = text
-- define term in a simple form as a title in dictionary
if not isempty(frame.args['term']) then
term = frame.args['term']
term = text
-- check if short description is specified
if not isempty(frame.args['shortly']) then
description = frame.args['shortly']
elseif not isempty(frame.args['translation']) then -- for term type = expression
description = frame.args['translation']
description = frame.args['description']
-- construct origin string
-- style for expression: (lang. origin)
-- all other types: (origin, lifetime)
if not isempty(frame.args['origin'])
or not isempty(frame.args['lifetime'])
or not isempty(frame.args['language']) then
origin = ' ('
if not isempty(frame.args['language']) then
origin = origin ..frame.args['language'] .. '. '
if not isempty(frame.args['origin']) then
origin = origin .. frame.args['origin']
if not isempty(frame.args['origin']) and
( not isempty(frame.args['lifetime']) or not isempty(frame.args['published']) )then
origin = origin .. ', '
if not isempty(frame.args['lifetime']) then
origin = origin .. frame.args['lifetime']
elseif not isempty(frame.args['published']) then
origin = origin .. frame.args['published']
origin = origin .. ')'
-- construct lifetime string for pop-up message
if not isempty(frame.args['lifetime']) then
if term_type == 'личность' then
lifetime_str = ' Время жизни: '.. frame.args['lifetime']
elseif term_type == 'выражение' then
lifetime_str = ' Время применения: '.. frame.args['lifetime']
lifetime_str = ' Время существования: '.. frame.args['lifetime']
lifetime = frame.args['lifetime']
if not isempty(frame.args['published']) then
lifetime_str = ' Время публикации: '.. frame.args['published']
lifetime = frame.args['published']
if not isempty(frame.args['lifetime'])
or not isempty(frame.args['published']) then
lifetime_str = lifetime_str .. '.'
-- set hyperlink if there is a wiki page for a term
if not isempty(frame.args['wiki_page']) then
term_with_link = '[['.. frame.args['wiki_page'] ..'|'.. term_without_link ..']]'
term_with_link = term_without_link
-- LITERATURE features. Set author
if not isempty(frame.args['author_short']) then
term_with_link = frame.args['author_short'] ..', «'.. term_with_link ..'»'
term_without_link = frame.args['author_short'] ..', «'.. term_without_link ..'»'
elseif not isempty(frame.args['author']) then
term_with_link = frame.args['author'] ..', «'.. term_with_link ..'»'
term_without_link = frame.args['author'] ..', «'.. term_without_link ..'»'
-- add publishing date for a literature and lifetime for a person
if term_type == 'литература' or term_type == 'личность' then
term_without_link = term_without_link ..', '.. lifetime
-- add volume, chapter, page and so on
if not isempty(specification) then
term_with_link = term_with_link ..', '.. specification
term_without_link = term_without_link ..', '.. specification
-- POPUP message should be added
if view_popup then
if term_type == 'литература' or term_type == 'личность' then
output_str = term_without_link
else -- для 'понятие' и 'выражение'
output_str = description
if add_origin then output_str = output_str ..' '.. origin end
if add_description then output_str = output_str ..'. – '.. description end
text = '<span style="border-bottom: 1px dotted gray; cursor: help;" title="' .. output_str .. ' (БТС).">' .. text .. '</span>'
-- FOOTNOTE should be added
if view_footnote then
output_str = term_with_link
if add_origin then output_str = output_str ..' '.. origin end
if add_description then output_str = output_str ..'. – '.. description end
if font_grey then output_str = '<span style="color: gray;">' .. output_str ..' ('.. ctd_title ..')</span>' end
text = text ..'<ref>' .. output_str ..'.</ref>'
-- BRACKETS should be added
if view_brackets then
if term_type == 'литература' or term_type == 'личность' then
output_str = term_without_link
else -- для 'понятие' и 'выражение'
output_str = description
if add_origin then output_str = output_str ..' '.. origin end
if add_description then output_str = output_str ..'. – '.. description end
output_str = ' [' .. output_str .. '.]'
if font_grey then output_str = '<span style="color: gray;">' .. output_str ..'</span>' end
text = text .. output_str
--text = 'userparam: '.. frame.args['userparam'] ..'\n- text ='.. text_original ..'\n- view ='.. view ..'\n- type ='.. term_type ..'\n- style ='.. tostring(style) ..' ⇒ font_grey ='.. tostring(font_grey) ..'; add_origin ='.. tostring(add_origin) ..'; add_description ='.. tostring(add_description) ..'\n- specification ='.. specification ..'\nOUTPUT: '.. text
--return text
return frame:preprocess( text )
return ctd