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Список результатов
- Легг Дж. - Лунь Юй + (Legge, Dr., «Lün-Yü»)
- Легг Дж. - Жизнь и учение Конфуция + (Legge, James, The Life and Teachings of Confucius, “with Explanatory Notes” [Vol. 1 in The Chinese Classics]. London: N. Trübner & Co., 1867.)
- Лейбниц Г.В. - Филосовские труды Лейбница + (Leibnitz, [G. W.], The Philosophical Works of Leibnitz, “translated from the original Latin and French, with notes,” by George Martin Duncan. New Haven: Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor, 1890.)
- Лейбниц Г.В. - Монадология + (Leibniz, [G. W.], La Monadologie, “Publiée d’apres les Manuscrits de la Bibliothèque de Hanovre, avec Introduction, Notes et Suppléments par Henri Lachelier.” Paris: Hachette et Cie., 1881.)
- Лейбниц Г.В. - Труды по философии + (Leibniz, [G. W.]: Opera Philosophica, ed. J. E. Erdmann, 2 vols. Berlin: G. Eichler, 1839-40.)
- Ламприер Дж. - Библиотека классики + (Lempriere, J., Bibliotheca Classica: or, A … Lempriere, J., Bibliotheca Classica: or, A Classical Dictionary, “containing a copious account of the principal proper names mentioned in ancient authors,” New Edition, enlarged & improved, ed. Charles Anthon, 2 vols. New York: G. & C. & H. Carvill — H. C. Sleight, 1833.k: G. & C. & H. Carvill — H. C. Sleight, 1833.)
- Лэсли, Сэр Джон - Флюидическая теория света и тепла + (Leslie, «Fluid Theory of Light and Heat»)
- Леви Э. - Парадоксы высшей науки + (Levi, Eliphas, The Paradoxes of the Highes … Levi, Eliphas, The Paradoxes of the Highest Science [Theosophical Miscellanies, No. 2 — Unpublished Writings of Eliphas Levi], “Translated from the French M.S.S. by a Student of Occultism [A. O. Hume].” Calcutta: Calcutta Central Press Co., 1883. [At the end of Mahatma Letter XXc, K.H. writes that he is sending Hume a number of Levi’s unpublished manuscripts, with K.H.’s “comments all through.” In the preface to his translation, Hume describes the comments as being written by “an eminent occultist,” and they appear as footnotes by E.O.]st,” and they appear as footnotes by E.O.])
- Льюис, Джордж Генри - История философии от Фалеса до Конта + (Lewes, George Henry, The History of Philosophy From Thales to Comte, 5th ed., 2 vols. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1880.)
- Льюинс, Роберт - Вскрытие материи и разума + (Lewins, Robert, “Matter and Mind An Autopsy,” Aug. 1885, “Correspondence,” The Journal of Science, v. 7 (Third Series). London, 1885.)
- Льюис, Сэр Джордж Корнуол - Исторический обзор астрономии древних народов + (Lewis, Sir George Cornewall, An Historical Survey of the Astronomy of the Ancients. London: Parker, Son, & Bourn, 1862.)
- Лилли, Артур - Буддизм в христианстве или ессей Иисус + (Lillie, Arthur, Buddhism in Christendom, or Jesus, the Essene. London: Kegan Paul, Trench & Co., 1887.)
- Литтон, Эдвард Фальконер - Жизнь или смерть, судьба души в будущем состоянии + (Litton, Edward Falconer, Life or Death, The Destiny of the Soul in the Future State. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1866.)
- Литтре, Эмиль - Космос, анализ физического описания мира Александром Гумбольтом + (Littré, É., “Cosmos, essai d’une descripti … Littré, É., “Cosmos, essai d’une description physique du monde par Alexandre de Humboldt,” Revue Germanique, v. 2. Paris: A. Franck, 1858. [This article by Émile Littré also appeared as a chapter in his book La Science au Point de Vue Philosophique, 1873.]ence au Point de Vue Philosophique, 1873.])
- Пьеррет, Поль - Древнеегипетская книга мёртвых + (Livre des Morts des Anciens Égyptiens, Le, … Livre des Morts des Anciens Égyptiens, Le, “traduction complète d’après le papyrus de Turin et les manuscrits du Louvre, accompagnée de Notes et suivie d’un Index analytique, par Paul Pierret.” Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1882. [Pierret’s annotations appear as endnotes to most chapters and are also in the Analytical Index.]ers and are also in the Analytical Index.])
- Локк, Джон - Эссе о человеческом разумении + (Locke, John, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, 3 vols., new edition. London: Thomas Tegg, 1828. [This New Edition adds 6 treatises “extracted from the Author’s Works.”])
- Лодж, Сэр Оливер Джозеф- Эфир и его функции + (Lodge, Oliver, “The Ether and Its Functions,” Jan. 25, 1883, Nature, “A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science,” v. 27. London & New York: Macmillan & Co., 1883.)
- Лотос, журнал - Обзор важных теософских исследований + (Lotus, Le, “Revue des Hautes Études Théosophiques Tendant à favoriser le rapprochement entre l’Orient et l’Occident, sous l’inspiration de H. P. Blavatsky,” ed. Georges Carré. Paris, 1887-89.)
- Лотце, Герман Рудольф - Метафизика в трёх книгах: онтология, космология и психология + (Lotze, Hermann, Metaphysic, in Three Books: Ontology, Cosmology, and Psychology [in the Clarendon Press Series], English translation edited by Bernard Bosanquet, 2nd ed., 2 vols. Oxford: “At the Clarendon Press,” 1887.)
- Люцифер, теософский журнал + (Lucifer: A Theosophical Magazine, “Designe … Lucifer: A Theosophical Magazine, “Designed to ‘Bring to Light the Hidden Things of Darkness,’ ” edited by H. P. Blavatsky and Mabel Collins, Sept. 1887 – Oct. 1888; by HPB until Sept. 1889; and by HPB and Annie Besant until the June issue of 1891. London: George Redway.June issue of 1891. London: George Redway.)
- Тит Лукреций Кар - О природе вещей с примечаниями и переводом Хью Эндрю Джонстон Манро + (Lucretius: De Rerum Natura, with notes and a translation by H. A. J. Munro, 2nd ed. “revised throughout and enlarged,” 2 vols. Cambridge: Deighton Bell & Co., 1866.)
- Ланди, Джон Паттерсон - Монументальное христианство, или искусство и символизм изначальной церкви + (Lundy John Patterson, «Monumental Christianity, Or, the Art and Symbolism of the Primitive Church», 1876)
- Лид, Иоанн Лаврентий - О месяцах + (Lydus, John (John the Lydian), «De Mensibus»)
- Лайелль, Чарльз - Геологические свидетельства древности человека со ссылкой на теорию происхождения видов путём вариаций + (Lyell, Sir Charles, The Geological Evidences of the Antiquity of Man, “with remarks on theories of the Origin of Species by Variation.” London: John Murray, 1863.)
- Бульвер-Литтон, Сэр Эдвард - Грядущая раса + (Lytton, Edward Lord [Bulwer-], The Coming Race. London: George Routledge & Sons, 1886.)
- Бульвер-Литтон, Сэр Эдвард - Занони + (Lytton, Sir Edward Bulwer, Zanoni. London: Chapman & Hall, 1853.)
- Леви Э. - Ключи к Великим Тайнам + (Lévi, Éliphas [Abbé Alphonse Louis Constant], La Clef des Grands Mystères, “suivant Hénoch, Abraham, Hermès Trismégiste, et Salomon.” Paris: Germer Baillière, 1861.)
- Леви Э. - Учение и ритуал высшей магии + (Lévi, Éliphas, Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie, 2 vols. Paris: Germer Baillière, 1861.)
- Леви Э. - История магии + (Lévi, Éliphas, Histoire de la Magie, “avec une Exposition Claire et Précise de Ses Procédés, de Ses Rites et de Ses Mystères.” Paris: Germer Baillière, 1860.)
- Леви Э. - Наука о духах + (Lévi, Éliphas, La Science des Esprits. Paris: Germer Baillière: 1865.)
- Макей, Альберт Галлатин - Лексика франкмасонства + (Mackey, Albert G., A Lexicon of Freemasonr … Mackey, Albert G., A Lexicon of Freemasonry, “containing a definition of all its communicable terms, notices of its history, traditions, and antiquities, and an account of all the rites and mysteries of the ancient world,” new & improved edition. Philadelphia: Moss, Brother & Co., 1858.tion. Philadelphia: Moss, Brother & Co., 1858.)
- Макей, Альберт Галлатин - Энциклопедия франкмаонства и родственных наук + (Mackey, Albert G., An Encyclopædia of Freemasonry and its Kindred Sciences, “comprising the whole range of arts, sciences and literature as connected with the intstitution.” Philadelphia: Moss & Co., 1874.)
- Макей, Сампсон Арнольд - Мифологическая астрономия древних доказана путём восстановления их легенд + (Mackey, Sampson Arnold, The Mythological A … Mackey, Sampson Arnold, The Mythological Astronomy of the Ancients Demonstrated, “by restoring to their Fables & Symbols their Original Meanings” [Part I]; The Mythological Astronomy of the Ancients, “Part the Second: or the Key of Urania, the wards of which will unlock all the Mysteries of Antiquity.” Norwich: “Printed by R. Walker,” 1822, 1823.” Norwich: “Printed by R. Walker,” 1822, 1823.)
- Вьяса, Кришна-Двайпаяна - Махабхарата + (Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, The, “Translated into English Prose [by K. M. Ganguli]. Published and distributed by Pratāpa Chandra Rāy,” 12 vols. Calcutta: Bhārata Press, 1883-96.)
- Таунлей, Джеймс - Причины законов Моисея из «Путеводителя растерянных» Маймонида + (Maimonides, The Reasons of The Laws of Moses, from the “More Nevochim” of Maimonides, “with Notes, Dissertations, and a Life of the Author,” by James Townley. London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, & Green, 1827.)
- Местр, граф Жозеф-Мари де - Санкт-Петербургские вечера + (Maistre, Le Comte Joseph de, Les Soirées de Saint-Pétersbourg, “ou Entretiens sur le Gouvernement Temporel de la Providence: suivis D’un Traité sur les Sacrifices,” v. 2. Antwerp: La Société Catholique pour le Royaume des Pays-Bas, 1821.)
- Малькольм, Сэр Джон - История Персии с самых ранних времён до наших дней + (Malcolm, Sir John, The History of Persia, “From the Most Early Period to the Present Time,” new edition, revised, in 2 volumes. London: John Murray, 1829.)
- Малле, Давид - Трагедия «Эвридика», поставленная в театре Рояль слугами Его Величества + (Mallet, [David], Eurydice, A Tragedy, “Acted at the Theatre-Royal, by His Majesty’s Servants,” new edition. London: A. Millar, 1735.)
- Малле, Поль Анри - Северные древности + (Mallet, [P. H.], Northern Antiquities, “or … Mallet, [P. H.], Northern Antiquities, “or, An Historical Account of the Manners, Customs, Religions and Laws, Maritime Expeditions and Discoveries, Language and Literature of the Ancient Scandinavians,” translated “from the French of M. Mallet by Bishop Percy,” new edition, revised & enlarged by I. A. Blackwell, and “An Abstract of the Eyrbyggja Saga” by Sir Walter Scott. London: Henry G. Bohn, 1847. [The original French edition by Paul Henri Mallet was published in 1756, as Monuments de la Mythologie et de la Poésie des Celtes, et particulièrement des Anciens Scandinaves.] et particulièrement des Anciens Scandinaves.])
- Справочник индийского пантеизма, Ведантасара + (Manual of Hindu Pantheism, A — The Vedāntasāra [by Sadānanda, 15th cent.], “translated with copious annotations by Major G. A. Jacob.” Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, & Co., 1881.)
- Саутгейт, Генри - Многие мысли многих умов + (Many Thoughts of Many Minds, “Being a Treasury of Reference consisting of Selections from the Writings of the most celebrated Authors, compiled and analytically arranged” by Henry Southgate, 3rd edition, revised. London: Griffin, Bohn, & Co., 1862.)
- Бей, Мариет - Мать Аписа + (Mariette Bey, «La mère d'Apis»)
- Маркем, Клементс Роберт - Рассказы о миссионерской поездке Джорджа Богла в Тибет и путешествии Томаса Маннинга в Лхасу + (Markham, Clements R., Narratives of the Mission of George Bogle to Tibet, and of the Journey of Thomas Manning to Lhasa. London: Trübner & Co., 1876.)
- Мариет, Огюст - Абидос + (Marriette, «Abydos»)
- Масонское обозрение, журнал + (Masonic Review, “Masonic Journal, of Louisville, KY,” ed. C. Moore. Cincinnati: Wrightson & Co., 1845-99.)
- Масперо, Камиль Гастон Шарль - Царские подземные гробницы Фив + (Maspero, G., “Les Hypogées Royaux de Thèbes,” Revue de l’Histoire des Religions, ed. Jean Réville, v. 17. Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1888.)
- Масперо, Камиль Гастон Шарль - Путеводитель по музею Булака + (Maspero, Gaston, Guide du Visiteur au Musée de Boulaq. Boulaq: “Au Musée,” 1883. [Written by Maspero as “Director-General of the Museums of Egypt.”])
- Мэсси, Джеральд - Книга начал + (Massey, Gerald, A Book of the Beginnings, … Massey, Gerald, A Book of the Beginnings, “containing an attempt to recover and reconstitute the lost origines of the myths and mysteries, types and symbols, religion and language, with Egypt for the mouthpiece and Africa as the birthplace,” 2 vols. London: Williams & Norgate, 1881. 2 vols. London: Williams & Norgate, 1881.)
- Мэсси, Джеральд - Человек в поисках своей души на протяжении 50 тысяч лет, и как он нашел её! + (Massey, Gerald, Man in Search of His Soul, “During Fifty Thousand Years, and How He Found It!” A Lecture. London: “Villa Bordighiera” [printed privately, 1887].)
- Мэсси, Джеральд - Исторический Иисус и мифический Христос + (Massey, Gerald, The Historical Jesus and Mythical Christ, A Lecture. London: “Villa Bordighiera” [printed privately, 1887].)
- Мэсси, Джеральд - Естественное происхождение + (Massey, Gerald, The Natural Genesis, “or s … Massey, Gerald, The Natural Genesis, “or second part of A Book of the Beginnings, containing an attempt to recover and reconstitute the lost origines of the myths and mysteries, types and symbols, religion and language, with Egypt for the mouthpiece and Africa as the birthplace,” 2 vols. London: Williams & Norgate, 1883. 2 vols. London: Williams & Norgate, 1883.)