Свойство:ЕПБ-Альбомы - Элемент - Заголовок в оригинале
Это свойство используется в Альбомах с вырезками Е.П. Блаватской. Оно имеет тип Текст.
"Art-Magic" & C +
"Isis Unveiled" and Theosophy +
"Isis Unveiled" and the Todas +
"Isis Unveiled" and the Todas +
"Isis Uveiled," writen by Madame H. P. Blavatsky +
"Isis unveiled" +
"John King," as Materialised in England +
"Occultism" vs. Spiritualism +
"Rappings" in Other Ages +
"Sleeping Stones" +
"Spirit Vale" +
"Theosophistical" Obsequies +
"They silently rowed onwards up the Kausiki's sweet waters." +
(New)-York against Lankester +
...it Predictions +
...of Life and Death +
7. Russian Soldier. 8. One of the Blue Blood. +
9. One of the Blue Blood. +