
<div style="color: #555555; font-size: 80%; font-style: italic; font-family: serif; text-align: center;">Материал из '''Библиотеки Теопедии''', http://ru.teopedia.org/lib</div>
том 1, стр. 155
Альбомы с вырезками Е.П. Блаватской
в Адъярской штаб-квартире международного Теософского общества
том 1 (1874-1876)

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<Без заголовка> <unreadable>


Exposition of "Spiritual" Manifestations

...Frederic Thomas of the Theosophical Society of New York. It will be found full of interest. and of prejudiced statements, unverified hypotheses and deliberate lies. Mr. Fred Thomas, once a member of the Theosophical Society, was made to resign after this article. Sergeant Cox of London to whom he sent it, treated its author with the utmost contempt.


<Продолжение на стр. 1-156>

Заметки редактора

  1. статья неизвестного автора (<unreadable>). The item is unreadable
  2. Thomas, Frederic (Exposition of "Spiritual" Manifestations). Newark Daily Journal. The end of the article is restored by HPB in handwriting
