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{{Gem for a day
| id = 7:декабря 1 JL
| text = The most precious gift received by man on earth is desire for wisdom.
| source = [--[https://books.google.ru/books?id=OZNAAQAAMAAJ&pg=PA175&dq=%22Maxims+of+Hosheng%22&hl=ru&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjJ9tLyypzNAhXrbZoKHeLuC1QQ6AEIKzAA#v=snippet&q=%22Maxims%20of%20Hosheng%22&f=false The maxims of Hosheng]

{{Gem for a day
| id = 7:декабря 2 JL
| text = In health and wealth man is never in want of friends. True friends, however, are those who remain when they are needed.
| source = [--[

{{Gem for a day
| id = 7:декабря 3 JL
| text = Of all the animals on earth, man alone has the faculty of causing moral trouble.
| source = [--[

{{Gem for a day
| id = 7:декабря 4 JL
| text = Man contains three kinds of evil: the evil caused by his (lower) nature; the evil done by man to man; and the evil caused by man to himself.
| source = [--[http://www.sacred-texts.com/jud/gfp/gfp148.htm Maimonides, “The Guide of the Perplexed”, part 3, ch.12]

{{Gem for a day
| id = 7:декабря 5 JL
| text = A great man is he who is proof against flattery, vanity, injustice, and the love of pomp and power.
| source = Marcus Aurelius Antoninus,
“Meditation of Marcus Aurelius”, book 1, item 16[--[

{{Gem for a day
| id = 7:декабря 6 JL
| text = The wise man is he who can either take or leave those so-called necessities of life with which other people are intemperate.
| source = Marcus Aurelius Antoninus,
“Meditation of Marcus Aurelius”, book 1, item 16[--[

{{Gem for a day
| id = 7:декабря 7 JL
| text = To hold on with fortitude in one condition, and sobriety in the other, is a proof of a great soul and an impregnable virtue.
| source = Marcus Aurelius Antoninus,
“Meditation of Marcus Aurelius”, book 1, item 16[--[

{{Gem for a day
| id = 7:декабря 8 JL
| text = Let every action be done with perfect gravity, humanity, freedom, and justice, and perform it as though that action were your last.
| source = Marcus Aurelius Antoninus,
“Meditation of Marcus Aurelius”, book 2, item 5[--[

{{Gem for a day
| id = 7:декабря 9 JL
| text = A man can rarely be unhappy by being ignorant of another's thoughts; but he that does not attend to the motions of his own is certainly unhappy.
| source = Marcus Aurelius Antoninus,
“Meditation of Marcus Aurelius”, book 2, item 8[--[

{{Gem for a day
| id = 7:декабря 10 JL
| text = Do not let accidents disturb, or outward objects engross your thoughts; but keep your mind quiet and disengaged, to be ready to learn something good.
| source = Marcus Aurelius Antoninus,
“Meditation of Marcus Aurelius”, book 2, item 7[--[

{{Gem for a day
| id = 7:декабря 11 JL
| text = Manage all your actions, words, and thoughts accordingly, since you can at any moment quit life.
| source = Marcus Aurelius Antoninus,
“Meditation of Marcus Aurelius”, book 2, item 11[--[

{{Gem for a day
| id = 7:декабря 12 JL
| text = What matters dying? If the gods are in being, you can suffer nothing, for they will do you no harm.
| source = Marcus Aurelius Antoninus,
“Meditation of Marcus Aurelius”, book 2, item 11[--[

{{Gem for a day
| id = 7:декабря 13 JL
| text = And if the gods are not, or take no care of mortals – why, then, a world without gods is not worth a man's while to live in.
| source = Marcus Aurelius Antoninus,
“Meditation of Marcus Aurelius”, book 2, item 11[--[

{{Gem for a day
| id = 7:декабря 14 JL
| text = The being of the gods, and their concern in human affairs, is beyond dispute.
| source = Marcus Aurelius Antoninus,
“Meditation of Marcus Aurelius”, book 2, item 11[--[

{{Gem for a day
| id = 7:декабря 15 JL
| text = Remember that life is wearing off, and a smaller part of it is left daily.
| source = Marcus Aurelius Antoninus,
“Meditation of Marcus Aurelius”, book 3, item 1[--[

{{Gem for a day
| id = 7:декабря 16 JL
| text = Depend not upon external supports, nor beg your tranquillity of another. In a word, never throw away your legs to stand upon crutches.
| source = Marcus Aurelius Antoninus,
“Meditation of Marcus Aurelius”, book 3, item 5[--[

{{Gem for a day
| id = 7:декабря 17 JL
| text = If you examine a man that has been well-disciplined and purified by philosophy, you will find nothing that is unsound, false, or foul in him.
| source = Marcus Aurelius Antoninus,
“Meditation of Marcus Aurelius”, book 3, item 8[--[

{{Gem for a day
| id = 7:декабря 18 JL
| text = Life moves in a very narrow compass; yes, and men live in a small corner of the world too.
| source = Marcus Aurelius Antoninus,
“Meditation of Marcus Aurelius”, book 3, item 10[--[

{{Gem for a day
| id = 7:декабря 19 JL
| text = Poor transitory mortals know little even of themselves, much less of those who died long before their time.
| source = Marcus Aurelius Antoninus,
“Meditation of Marcus Aurelius”, book 3, item 10[--[

{{Gem for a day
| id = 7:декабря 20 JL
| text = Death and generation are both mysteries of nature, and resemble each other; the first does but dissolve those elements the latter had combined.
| source = Marcus Aurelius Antoninus,
“Meditation of Marcus Aurelius”, book 4, item 5[--[

{{Gem for a day
| id = 7:декабря 21 JL
| text = Do not suppose you are hurt, and your complaint ceases. Cease your complaint, and you are not hurt.
| source = Marcus Aurelius Antoninus,
“Meditation of Marcus Aurelius”, book 4, item 7[--[

{{Gem for a day
| id = 7:декабря 22 JL
| text = That which does not make man worse, does not make his life worse; as a result, he has no harm either within or without.
| source = Marcus Aurelius Antoninus,
“Meditation of Marcus Aurelius”, book 4, item 8[--[

{{Gem for a day
| id = 7:декабря 23 JL
| text = At present your nature is distinct; but ere long you will vanish into the whole: you will be returned into that universal reason which gave you your being.
| source = Marcus Aurelius Antoninus,
“Meditation of Marcus Aurelius”, book 4, item 14[--[

{{Gem for a day
| id = 7:декабря 24 JL
| text = Do but return to the principles of wisdom, and those who take you now for a monkey or a wild beast will make a god of you.
| source = Marcus Aurelius Antoninus,
“Meditation of Marcus Aurelius”, book 4, item 16[--[

{{Gem for a day
| id = 7:декабря 25 JL
| text = Do not act as if you had ten thousand years to throw away. Death stands at your elbow. Be good for something, while you live, and it is in your power.
| source = Marcus Aurelius Antoninus,
“Meditation of Marcus Aurelius”, book 4, item 17[--[

{{Gem for a day
| id = 7:декабря 26 JL
| text = He that is so anxious about being talked of when he is dead, does not consider that all who knew him will quickly be gone.
| source = Marcus Aurelius Antoninus,
“Meditation of Marcus Aurelius”, book 4, item 19[--[

{{Gem for a day
| id = 7:декабря 27 JL
| text = If you depend too servilely upon the good word of other people, you will be unworthy of your own nature.
| source = Marcus Aurelius Antoninus,
“Meditation of Marcus Aurelius”, book 4, item 19[--[

{{Gem for a day
| id = 7:декабря 28 JL
| text = Whatever is good has that quality from itself; it is finished by its own nature, and commendation is no part of it.
| source = Marcus Aurelius Antoninus,
“Meditation of Marcus Aurelius”, book 4, item 20[--[

{{Gem for a day
| id = 7:декабря 29 JL
| text = Do not run riot; keep your intentions honest, and your convictions sure.
| source = Marcus Aurelius Antoninus,
“Meditation of Marcus Aurelius”, book 4, item 22[--[

{{Gem for a day
| id = 7:декабря 30 JL
| text = He that does a memorable action, and those who report it, are all but short-lived things.
| source = Marcus Aurelius Antoninus,
“Meditation of Marcus Aurelius”, book 4, item 35[--[

{{Gem for a day
| id = 7:декабря 31 JL
| text = Put yourself frankly into the hands of Fate, and let her spin you out what fortune she pleases.
| source = Marcus Aurelius Antoninus,
“Meditation of Marcus Aurelius”, book 4, item 34[--[

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