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Rawlinson, George, “The Antiquity of Man Historically Considered,” April 1883, The Journal of Christian Philosophy, ed. John A. Paine, v. 2. New York: John A. Paine, 1883. +
Raymond Lulli, «Ab angelis opus divinum de quinta essentia» +
Reade, «Address Liverpool Geological Society», 1876. +
Renan, Ernest, “Discussion sur la Notion de l’Unité de Dieu, chez les anciens peuples,” April 8, 1859, Annales de Philosophie Chrétienne, 4th series, v. 20. Paris: “Bureau des Annales de Philosophie Chrétienne,” 1859. +
Retzius, Prof., «Smithsonian Report» +
Rhys Davids, T. W., Buddhism, “being a sketch of the life and teachings of Gautama, the Buddha.” London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge; New York: E. & J. B. Young & Co., 1886. +
Rhys Davids, T. W., “Theosophy and Buddhism,” July 24, 1886, in The Spectator, v. 59. London: John Campbell, 1886. [A letter “To the Editor of the ‘Spectator.’ ”] +
Richardson, Dr. [Benjamin Ward], “Sun Force and Earth Force,” 1866, The Popular Science Review, v. 5. +
Richardson, Dr. [Benjamin Ward], “Theory of a Nervous Ether,” 1871, The Popular Science Review, v. 10. +
Richet, Ch., “La suggestion mentale et le calcul des probabilités,” Dec. 1884, Revue Philosophique de la France et de l’Étranger. Paris: Germer Bailliere et Cie., 1884. +
Rig-Veda-Sanhita, The Sacred Hymns of the Brahmans, “translated and explained” by F. Max Müller, “Vol. I: Hymns to the Maruts or the Storm-Gods” [Vol. 32 of The Sacred Books of the East]. London: Trübner & Co., 1869. +
Ritter, Heinrich, The History of Ancient Philosophy, tr. Alexander J. W. Morrison, 4 vols. Oxford: D. A. Talboys, 1838-46. +
Robert Hunt, «Researches on Light in its Chemical Relations» +
Rochas, Albert de, Les Forces Non Définies, “Recherches Historiques et Expérimentales.” Paris: G. Masson, 1887. +
Rosarium philosophorum sive pretiosissimum donum Dei +
Rosenroth, «Liber Mysterii» +
Rossetti, Christina, “Up-Hill,” July 14, 1866, in The Round Table, v. 3. New York, 1866. +
Rougé, Emmanuel de, Études sur le Rituel Funéraire des Anciens Égyptiens. Paris: Librairie Académique — Didier et Ce, 1860. +
Rougé, Emmanuel de, “Mémoire sur la Statuette Naophore du Musée Grégorien, au Vatican,” 1851, in Annales de Philosophie Chrétienne, v. 42. Paris: “Bureau des Annales de Philosophie Chrétienne,” 1851. +
Row, R. Ragoonath, “The Puranas on the Dynasty of the Moryas and on Koothoomi,” Five Years of Theosophy, 1885. [First published Dec. 1883 in The Theosophist, v. 5.] +