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Colebrooke, H. T., Miscellaneous Essays, “A New Edition, with Notes, by E. B. Cowell” and a “Life of the Author, by his son, Sir E. T. Colebrooke,” 2 vols. London: Trübner & Co., 1873. [Most of these essays first appeared in Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society and Asiatic Researches.] +
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, Notes on English Divines, ed. Derwent Coleridge, 2 vols. London: Edward Moxon, 1853. +
Collignon, Maxime, Mythologie Figurée de la Grèce. Paris: A. Quantin, [1883]. +
Colville, W. J., Spiritual, Ethical and Historical Discourses, “delivered under inspiration,” in Berkeley Hall, Boston, 1885-86. Boston: Cochrane & Co., 1886. +
Commentary on the Holy Scriptures, A, “Critical, Doctrinal and Homiletical,” ed. John Peter Lange [in the original German], “translated from the German, and edited, with additions, original and selected” by Philip Schaff, 25 vols. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1865-80. +
Comte de Gabalis, Le, “ou Entretiens sur les Sciences Secretes” [by Nicolas de Montfaucon, “l’Abbé de Villars”]. Paris: Claude Barbin, 1670. +
Conflict in Nature and Life, “A Study of Antagonism in the Constitution of Things . . .” [by John Stahl Patterson]. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1883. +
Confucius, Confucian Cosmogony, “A Translation of Section Forty-Nine of the ‘Complete Works’ of the Philosopher Choo-Foo-Tze,” by Rev. Thos. McClatchie. Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press; London: Trübner & Co., 1874. +
Cooke, Josiah P., Jr., The New Chemistry [in “The International Scientific Series”]. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1874. +
Cooper, W. R., An Archaic Dictionary: Biographical, Historical, and Mythological, “from the Egyptian, Assyrian, and Etruscan Monuments and Papyri.” London: Samuel Bagster & Sons, 1876. +
Cornutus, L. Annaeus, De Natura Deorum, “ex schedis Iohannis Bapt. Casp. d’Ansse de Villoison,” ed. Friedrich Osann. Göttingen: “Prostat in Libraria Dieterichiana,” 1844. [De Natura Deorum (On the Nature of the Gods) is a manual of “Greek Theology” explained through the “symbolical interpretations of the Stoics.”] +
Кори И.П. - Метафизическое исследование методов, предметов и результатов древней и современной философии +
Cory, Isaac Preston, Metaphysical Inquiry into the Methods, Objects, and Result of Ancient and Modern Philosophy. London: William Pickering, 1833. +
Cory, Isaac Preston, Mythological Inquiry into the Recondite Theology of the Heathens. London: William Pickering, 1837. +
Cowper, William, The Task, and Other Poems. Baltimore: George McDowell & Son, 1831. +
Creuzer, Friedrich, Symbolik und Mythologie der alten Völker, besonders der Griechen, 3rd revised edition, 4 vols. Leipzig & Darmstadt: Carl Wilhelm Leske, 1836-43. +
Croll, James, Climate and Time in their Geological Relations, “A Theory of Secular Changes of the Earth’s Climate.” New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1875. +
Crookes, William, “Address to the Chemical Section of the British Association,” Birmingham, Sept. 2, 1886. Published in The Chemical News, v. 54, Sept. 3, 1886. +
Crookes, William, “Elements and Meta-Elements,” Address of the President of the Chemical Society, March 28, 1888. Published in The Chemical News, v. 57, May 25, June 1, & June 8, 1888; also in Journal of the Chemical Society, v. 53: “Transactions.” London: Gurney & Jackson, 1888. +
Crookes, William, “Genesis of the Elements,” Lecture delivered at the Royal Institution, Feb. 18, 1887. Published in The Chemical News, v. 55, Feb. 25 & March 4, 1887. +
Cross, Rev. Joseph, Alone With God, “Studies and Meditations of a Sick-room.” New York: Thomas Whittaker, 1884. +