Уайлдер А. - Неоплатонизм и алхимия: различия между версиями

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Версия от 01:09, 9 октября 2021

Неоплатонизм и алхимия
Название: New Platonism and Alchemy
Подзаголовок: A Sketch of the Doctrines and Principal Teachers of the Eclectic or Alexandrian School
also an Outline of the Interior Doctrines of the Alchemists of the Middle Ages
Автор(ы): Wilder, Alexander
Язык: английский
Wilder, Dr. Alexander. "New Platonism and Alchemy. A Sketch of the Doctrines and Principal Teachers of the Eclectic or Alexandrian School; also an Outline of the Interior Doctrines of the Alchemists of the Middle Ages". Albany, N.Y., 1869