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Список результатов
- Овидий - Метаморфозы + (Ovid, Metamorphoses – v. 1, tr. [John] Dryden, in The Works of the British Poets, “Including Translations from the Greek and Roman Authors,” v. 32. London: John Sharpe, 1828.)
- Оуен, Джон преп. - Рассуждение о Святом Духе + (Owen, Rev. John, A Discourse Concerning the Holy Spirit. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1841.)
- Оксли, Джон преп. - Три письма + (Oxlee, Rev. John, Three Letters, “humbly s … Oxlee, Rev. John, Three Letters, “humbly submitted to the consideration of the Most Reverend the Lord Archbishop of Cashel, on the recent Apocryphal Publications of His Grace . . . wherein also are demonstrated . . . the late age of the Sepher Zohar; and the Propriety of applying the Cabbalistic Scheme of the Sephiroth to the Illustration and Confirmation of the Trinitarian Hypothesis.” New York: “Printed by Thomas Wilson & Sons,” 1827.: “Printed by Thomas Wilson & Sons,” 1827.)
- Пьере, Поль - Исследования по египтологии + (P. Pierret, «Etudes Egyptologiques»)
- Палгрейв, Уильям Джиффорд - Повествование о путешествии длинною в один год + (Palgrave, William Gifford, «Narrative of a Year's Journey»)
- Палмер, Уильям - Египетские хроники + (Palmer, William, Egyptian Chronicles, “with a Harmony of Sacred and Egyptian Chronicles, and an Appendix on Babylonian and Assyrian Antiquities,” 2 vols. London: Longman, Green, Longman, & Roberts, 1861.)
- Мердок, Джон - Документы по индийской реформе + (Papers on Indian Reform, “Sanitary, Materi … Papers on Indian Reform, “Sanitary, Material, Social, Moral and Religious,” comp. J. Murdock. Madras: The Christian Vernacular Education Society, 1889. [Ten Papers, issued separately as: “Foster’s Essay on Decision of Character,” “Sanitary Reform in India,” “Is India Becoming Poorer or Richer?”, “Debt and the Right to Use Money,” “The Women of India,” “Caste,” “Religious Reform: Parts I-IV: Popular Hinduism, Philosophic Hinduism, Vedic Hinduism, The Brahma Samaj and Other Modern Eclectic Systems.”]Samaj and Other Modern Eclectic Systems.”])
- Парацельс - Об основе мудрости + (Paracelsus, «De Fundamento Sapientiae»)
- Парацельс - Об органических силах + (Paracelsus, «De Viribus Membrorum»)
- Парацельс - Книга о происхождении человека + (Paracelsus, «Liber de Generatione Hominis»)
- Парацельс - Автограф + (Paracelsus, «Paragranum»)
- Паравей, Шарль Ипполит де - Следы Библии найдены в индуистских книгах + (Paravey, Ch. De, “Des Traces de la Bible Retrouvées dans Les Livres Indous,” Annales de Philosophie Chrétienne, v. 42. Paris: “Bureau des Annales de Philosophie Chrétienne,” 1851.)
- Паркхурст, Джон - Греческая и английская лексика Нового Завета + (Parkhurst, John, A Greek and English Lexicon to the New Testament, 3rd ed., corrected, enlarged, & improved. London: G. G. & J. Robinson, 1798.)
- Паскаль, Блез - Сочинения Блеза Паскаля + (Pascal, Blaise, Oeuvres de Blaise Pascal, 4 volumes, new edition. Paris: Lefèvre, Libraire, 1819.)
- Паскаль, Блез - Мысли Блеза Паскаля + (Pascal, Blaise, The Thoughts of Blaise Pascal, “translated from the text of M. Auguste Molinier” by C. Kegan Paul. London: Kegan Paul, Trench & Co., 1885.)
- Паскаль, Блез - Мысли, письма и опусы Блеза Паскаля + (Pascal, Blaise, The Thoughts, Letters, and Opuscules of Blaise Pascal, tr. O. W. Wight. New York: Hurd & Houghton, 1869.)
- Маймье, Жозеф де - Пазиграфия + (Pasigraphie ou Premiers éléments du nouvel art-science, d’écrire et d’imprimer en une langue, de manière à être lu et entendu dans toute autre langue sans traduction…, Paris, 1797)
- Паске, Эдвард полковник - Буддизм в британских провинциях Малого Тибета + (Paske, Col. Edward, “Buddhism in the British Provinces of Little Tibet,” May 28, 1878, The Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, v. 8. London: Trübner & Co., 1879.)
- Пастер, Луи - Новые факты, разъясняющие наши знания по так называемой теории ферментов + (Pasteur, L. [Louis], “New Facts Elucidating our Knowledge of the Theory of Ferments, Properly So-Called,” Nov. 29, 1872, The Chemical News, v. 26.)
- Путь, журнал + (Path, The, “A Magazine devoted to the Brotherhood of Humanity, Theosophy in America, and the Study of Occult Science, Philosophy, and Aryan Literature,” ed. William Q. Judge. New York: William Q. Judge, 1886-96.)
- Павсаний - Описание Эллады + (Pausanias, The Description of Greece, [tr. Thomas Taylor], 3 vols. London: R. Faulder, 1794.)
- Пенджелли, Уильям - О девонской эпохе мира + (Pengelly, William, “On the Devonian Age of the World,” The Geologist, 1861.)
- Питри, Сэр Уильямс Мэттью Флиндерс - Пирамиды и храмы Гизы + (Petrie, W. M. Flinders, The Pyramids and Temples of Gizeh. London: Field & Tuer; New York: Scribner & Welford, 1883.)
- Пфаундс, Чарльз - Фу-со Мими Букуро + (Pfoundes, C., Fu-so Mimi Bukuro, “A Budget of Japanese Notes.” Yokahama: “Published at the ‘Japan Mail’ Office,” 1875.)
- Филон Иудейский - Сочинения Филона Иудейского + (Philo Judæus, The Works of Philo Judæus, tr. C. D. Yonge, 4 vols. London: Henry G. Bohn, 1854-5.)
- Филон Александрийский или Иудейский - О сотворении мира + (Philo Judæus, «De mundi opificio»)
- Филон Александрийский - Вопросы и ответы + (Philo, «Quaest. et Solut.»)
- Пистис София, сочинение приписывается гностику Валентину + (Pistis Sophia, Opus Gnosticum Valentino Adjudicatum, “e Codice Manuscripto Coptico Londinensi,” described and translated into Latin by M. G. Schwartze, ed. J. H. Petermann. Berlin: Ferd. Dümmler, 1851.)
- Пистис София (с выдержками из прилагаемых книг Спасителя) + (Pistis Sophia, “a Gnostic Gospel (with ext … Pistis Sophia, “a Gnostic Gospel (with extracts from the books of the Saviour appended) originally translated from Greek into Coptic and now for the first time Englished from Schwartze’s Latin version [1851] of the only known Coptic MS. and checked by Amélineau’s French version with an introduction” by G. R. S. Mead. London & New York: The Theosophical Publishing Society, 1896.rk: The Theosophical Publishing Society, 1896.)
- Платон - Кратил, Федон, Парменид и Тимей Платона + (Plato, The Cratylus, Phædo, Parmenides and Timæus of Plato, tr. Thomas Taylor. London: Benjamin & John White, 1793.)
- Платон - Диалоги Платона. Переведённые на английский язык с анализом текста и предисловиями + (Plato, The Dialogues of Plato, “Translated into English with Analyses and Introductions,” by B. Jowett, 4 vols. New York: Scribner, Armstrong, & Co., 1874.)
- Платон - Тимей Платона + (Plato, The Timaeus of Plato, “edited with Introduction and Notes” by R. D. Archer-Hind. London & New York: Macmillan and Co., 1888.)
- Платон - Труды Платона + (Plato, The Works of Plato, “A New and Literal Version, Chiefly from the Text of Stallbaum,” 6 vols., tr. Henry Carey (vol. 1), Henry Davis (vol. 2), & George Burges (vols. 3, 4, 5 & 6). London: Henry G. Bohn, 1848-54.)
- Платон - Труды Платона. Его пятьдесят пять диалогов и двенадцать посланий + (Plato, The Works of Plato, “viz. His Fifty … Plato, The Works of Plato, “viz. His Fifty-Five Dialogues, and Twelve Epistles, translated from the Greek; nine of the Dialogues by the late Floyer Sydenham, and the remainder by Thomas Taylor: with occasional annotations on the nine Dialogues translated by Sydenham, and Copious Notes, by the latter translator,” 5 vols. London: “Printed for Thomas Taylor, by R. Wilks,” 1804.ted for Thomas Taylor, by R. Wilks,” 1804.)
- Платоник, журнал + (Platonist, The, “An Exponent of Philosophi … Platonist, The, “An Exponent of Philosophic Truth,” ed. Thomas. M. Johnson. [The first 3 issues of v. 1 were published monthly in 1881; then several months were combined in two “Triple Numbers” and one “Double Number.” Publication was interrupted during and after v. 2.] v. 1: Feb. 1881 – Jan. 1882, St. Louis, Missouri. v. 2: Jan. – July 1884, Orange, New Jersey; Aug. – Dec. 1885, Osceola, Missouri. v. 3: Jan. – Dec. 1887, Osceola, Missouri. v. 4: Jan. – June 1888, Osceola, Missouri.v. 4: Jan. – June 1888, Osceola, Missouri.)
- Плутарх - Моралии Плутарха + (Plutarch, Plutarch’s Morals, “translated from the Greek by several hands,” corrected and revised by William W. Goodwin, 5 vols. Boston: Little, Brown, & Co., 1874.)
- Плутарх - Мнения философов + (Plutarch, «De Placitis Philosophorum»,)
- Плутарх - Греческие вопросы + (Plutarch, «Quæstiones Græcæ»)
- Плутарх - Об Изиде и Озирисе + (Plutarch: De Iside et Osiride, in Latin, Greek, and English, tr. Samuel Squire. Cambridge: “Typis Academicis,” [1744].)
- Покок, Эдвард - Индия в Греции или истина в мифологии + (Pococke, E., India in Greece, “or, Truth in Mythology.” London: John J. Griffin & Co., 1852. [A treatise by Edward Pococke on the significant influence of Vedic India on the language, religion, and philosophy of ancient Greece.])
- Полье, Антуан-Луи Анри - Мифология Индии + (Polier, Le Colonel de, Mythologie des Indous, ed. Mdme. la Chnsse. de Polier, “sur des Manuscrits authentiques apportés de l’Inde,” 2 vols. Paris: F. Schoell, 1809.)
- Популярные комментарии к Новому Завету + (Popular Commentary on The New Testament, A, “by English and American Scholars of Various Evangelical Denominations,” ed. Philip Schaff, 4 vols. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons; Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1880.)
- Популярное научное обозрение, ежеквартальный сборник + (Popular Science Review, The, “A Quarterly Miscellany of Entertaining and Instructive Articles on Scientific Subjects,” edited by James Samuelson (1861-63), Henry Lawson (1864-76), W. S. Dallas (1877-81). London: Robert Hardwicke.)
- Порфирий - Избранные труды Порфирия + (Porphyry, Select Works of Porphyry, tr. Thomas Taylor, “with An Appendix, explaining the allegory of the wanderings of Ulysses, by the translator.” London: Thomas Rodd, 1823.)
- Порфирий - Жизнь Пифагора + (Porphyry, «De Vita Pythagorae»)
- Портер, Сэр Роберт Кэр - Путешествие в Грузию, Персию, Армению, Древнюю Вавилонию + (Porter, Sir Robert Ker, Travels in Georgia, Persia, Armenia, Ancient Babylonia, &c., “during the years 1817, 1818, 1819, and 1820,” 2 vols. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1821-22.)
- Пауэрс, Фрэнсис Амстронг преп. - Учебник по древней и современной истории + (Power, Rev. F. A., The Book of Texts of Ancient and Modern History, &c. London: Sampson, Low, Marston & Co.; Liverpool: Adam Holden, 1879.)
- Пратт Г. - Новые аспекты жизни и религии + (Pratt, Henry, New Aspects of Life and Religion. London and Edinburgh: Williams & Norgate, 1886.)
- Причард, Джеймс Коулс - Анализ египетской мифологии + (Prichard, J. C., An Analysis of the Egyptian Mythology, “to which is subjoined, A Critical Examination of the Remains of Egyptian Chronology.” London: John and Arthur Arch, 1819.)
- Галл, Джеймс - Разоблачённый первоначальный человек + (Primeval Man Unveiled, “or, the Anthropology of the Bible” [by James Gall]. London: Hamilton, Adams, & Co., 1871.)
- Пржевальский, Николай Михайлович - От Кяхты на истоки Желтой реки + (Prjevalsky, N. M., From Kiakhta to the Sou … Prjevalsky, N. M., From Kiakhta to the Sources of the Yellow River, the Exploration of the Northern Borders of Tibet, and the Journey via the Lob-nor and the Basin of the Tarim [Russian text]. St. Petersburg: Russian Geographical Society, 1888. [A Swedish translation of the Russian text was published in 1891, as General Prschevalskij’s forskningsresor i Centralasien, tr. Sven Hedin.]ingsresor i Centralasien, tr. Sven Hedin.])