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Список результатов
- Монтень, Мишель де - Очерки Монтеня + (Montaigne, [Michel de], Essays of Montaigne, tr. Charles Cotton, ed. William Carew Hazlitt, 3 vols. London: Reeves & Turner, 1877.)
- Монтескьё, Шарль-Луи де - Персидские письма + (Montesquieu, «Lettres Persanes»)
- Моор, Эдвард - Индийский пантеон + (Moor, Edward, The Hindu Pantheon. London: J. Johnston, 1810. [Includes 105 Plates, depicting members of the Hindu Pantheon, symbols, coins, & medals.])
- Морисон, Джеймс - Комментарии на Евангелие от Матфея + (Morison, James, Commentary on the Gospel According to Matthew. London: Hamilton, Adams, & Co., 1870.)
- Моррис, Джордж Сильвестер - Теория неосознанного разума в противоположность теизму + (Morris, G. S., “The Theory of Unconscious Intelligence, as Opposed to Theism,” June 19, 1876, Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute, ed. F. W. H. Petrie, v. 11. London: Hardwicke & Bogue, 1878.)
- Мортилье, Габриэль де - Доисторическая древность человека + (Mortillet, Gabriel de, Le Préhistorique Antiquité de l’Homme, 2nd ed., revised & augmented. Paris: C. Reinwald, 1885.)
- Мозес, Адольф; Мозес, Исаак С. - Исторические книги Библии + (Moses, Adolph, and Isaac S. Moses, The Historical Books of the Bible. Milwaukee: “Published under the auspices of Congregation Adath Israel . . . and Congregation Emanu-El,” 1884.)
- Мосхайм, Иоганн Лоренц - История церкви древней и современной + (Mosheim, John Lawrence, An Ecclesiastical … Mosheim, John Lawrence, An Ecclesiastical History, “Ancient and Modern, from the Birth of Christ, to the Beginning of the Present Century, in which the Rise, Progress, and Variations of Church Power are considered in their connexion with the state of Learning and Philosophy, and the political history of Europe during that period,” translated from the original Latin by Archibald Maclaine, 4 vols. New York: Collins & Co., 1821.ne, 4 vols. New York: Collins & Co., 1821.)
- Моверс, Франц Карл - Финикийцы: исследования религии и богов финикийцев + (Movers, F. C., Die Phönizier: Untersuchung … Movers, F. C., Die Phönizier: Untersuchungen über die Religion und die Gottheiten der Phönizier, v. 1. Bonn: Eduard Weber, 1841. [After completing this first volume, on “the Religion and the Gods of the Phoenicians,” Franz Karl Movers went on to write volume 2, Das Phönizische Alterthum, in three parts: (I) “Politische Geschichte und Staatsverfassung,” 1849; (II) “Geschichte der Colonien,” 1850; (III) “Handel und Schiffahrt” (incomplete), 1856.]andel und Schiffahrt” (incomplete), 1856.])
- Мьюр, Джон - Стихи из Сарва-Даршана-Санграхи, Вишну-Пураны и Рамаяны + (Muir, J., “Verses from the Sarva-darśana-s … Muir, J., “Verses from the Sarva-darśana-sangraha, the Vishnu Purāna, and the Rāmāyana, illustrating the tenets of the Chārvākas, or Indian Materialists, with some Remarks on Freedom of Speculation in Ancient India,” Dec. 14, 1861, The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, v. 19. London: Bernard Quaritch, 1862.nd, v. 19. London: Bernard Quaritch, 1862.)
- Мюллер, Фридрих Макс - Введение в науку религии + (Müller, F. Max, Introduction to the Scienc … Müller, F. Max, Introduction to the Science of Religion, “Four lectures delivered at the Royal Institution, with two essays On False Analogies, and The Philosophy of Mythology.” London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1873. [The four lectures were delivered in February and March of 1870.]were delivered in February and March of 1870.])
- Мюллер, Фридрих Макс - Шесть систем индийской философии + (Müller, F. Max, The Six Systems of Indian Philosophy. New York, London & Bombay: Longmans, Green & Co., 1899.)
- Мюллер, Карл Отфрид - История литературы Древней Греции + (Müller, K. O., History of the Literature o … Müller, K. O., History of the Literature of Ancient Greece, 2 vols. [in the series Library of Useful Knowledge]. London: Baldwin & Cradock, 1840. [This English translation was the first publication of Karl Otfried Müller’s original work in German. The first German edition was published in 1841.]e first German edition was published in 1841.])
- Мюллер, Фридрих Макс - История древней санскритской литературы с иллюстрацией изначальной религии браминов + (Müller, Max, A History of Ancient Sanskrit Literature, “so far as it illustrates the primitive religion of the Brahmans,” 2nd edition, revised. London & Edinburgh: Williams & Norgate, 1860.)
- Мюллер, Макс - Введение в религию + (Müller, Max, «Introduction of the Religion»)
- Назесманн - Термохимия + (Nazesmann, «Thermochemie»)
- Неффтцер, Огюст - Письма и беседы Александра Гумбольта + (Nefftzer, A., “Lettres et Conversations d’Alexandre de Humboldt,” in Revue Germanique, ed. Ch. Dollfus & A. Nefftzer, v. 12. Paris: Bureaux de la Revue Germanique, 1860.)
- Несфилд, Джон Коллинсон - Обязанности современных браминов в Верхней Индии + (Nesfield, John C., “The Functions of Modern Brahmans In Upper India — No. I,” Jan. 1887, The Calcutta Review, v. 84. Calcutta: Thomas S. Smith; London: Trübner & Co., 1887.)
- Ньютон, Сэр Исаак - Гипотеза, объясняющая свойства света и изложенная в нескольких моих сочинениях + (Newton, Isaac, “An Hypothesis explaining t … Newton, Isaac, “An Hypothesis explaining the Properties of Light, discoursed of in my several Papers,” in a “Letter to Henry Oldenburg,” Dec. 7, 1675, published in The History of the Royal Society of London, v. 3, ed. Thomas Birch. London: A. Millar, 1757. [Oldenburg was the first secretary of the Royal Society and the founding editor of its Philosophical Transactions.]editor of its Philosophical Transactions.])
- Ньютон, Сэр Исаак - Четыре письма Сэра Исаака Ньютона доктору Бентли, содержащие аргументы в пользу божества + (Newton, Sir Isaac, Four Letters from Sir Isaac Newton to Doctor Bentley, “containing some Arguments in Proof of a Deity.” London: J. Dodsley, 1756. [Letters written in 1692 & 1693 to the classical scholar Richard Bentley.])
- Ньютон, Сэр Исаак - Математические начала натуральной философии + (Newton, Sir Isaac, Newton’s Principia: The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, tr. Andrew Motte, 1st American edition, revised & corrected. New York: Daniel Adee, 1848.)
- Ньютон, Сэр Исаак - Оптика или трактат об отражении, рефракции, модуляции и оттенках света + (Newton, Sir Isaac, Opticks, “or, a Treatise of the Reflections, Refractions, Inflections and Colours of Light,” 2nd ed., with additions. London: “Printed for W. and J. Innys,” 1718.)
- Ньютон, Сэр Исаак; Коутс, Роджер - Переписка Сэра Исаака Ньютона с профессором Коутс + (Newton, Sir Isaac, and [Roger] Cotes, Correspondence of Sir Isaac Newton and Professor Cotes, “including letters of other eminent men,” ed. J. Edleston. London: John W. Parker, 1850.)
- Николь, Джон Принкл - Энциклопедия физических наук + (Nichol, J. P., A Cyclopædia of the Physical Sciences, 3rd ed. London: Charles Griffin & Co., 1868.)
- Алджернон, Герберт - Нимрод:Трактат о некоторых фрагментах истории и легенд + (Nimrod, “A Discourse on Certain Passages of History and Fable” [ by Algernon Herbert], 4 vols. London: Richard Priestley, 1829.)
- Невелет Хохма + (Nobeleth’ Hokhmah)
- Нонн Панополитанский - Деяния Диониса + (Nonnus, «Dionys.»)
- Нортон, Эндрюс - Пятикнижие и его отношение к еврейским и христианским заповедям + (Norton, Andrews, The Pentateuch: and its Relation to the Jewish and Christian Dispensations, ed. John James Tayler. London: N. Trübner & Co., 1870.)
- Нотт, Джосайя Кларк; Глиндон, Джордж Робинс - Типы человечества или этнические исследования + (Nott, J. C., and Geo. R. Gliddon, Types of Mankind, “or Ethnological Researches,” 7th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Grambo & Co.; London: Trübner & Co., 1855.)
- Новый словарь естественной истории + (Nouveau Dictionnaire d’Histoire Naturelle, 24 vols. Paris: Deterville, 1803-4.)
- О'Брайен, Генри - Круглые башни Ирландии или мистерии масонства, сабаизма и будхизма + (O'Brien, «The Round Towers of Ireland, or the Mysteries of Freemasonry, of Sabaism, and of Budhism», 1834)
- Олифант, Лоренс - Пиккадилли + (Oliphant, Laurence, Piccadilly, “A Fragment of Contemporary Biography,” 2nd ed. Edinburgh & London: William Blackwood & Sons, 1870.)
- Олифант, Лоренс - Научная религия + (Oliphant, Laurence, Scientific Religion, “ … Oliphant, Laurence, Scientific Religion, “or Higher Possibilities of Life and Practice through the Operation of Natural Forces.” Edinburgh & London: William Blackwood & Sons, 1888. [Appendix I has “extracts from the Book of the Lesser Holy Assembly (Mather’s ‘Kabbalah Unveiled,’ chapters viii. and xxii).” Appendix II (by Rev. Haskett Smith) has scriptural notes that refer back to Oliphant’s text.]iptural notes that refer back to Oliphant’s text.])
- Оливер, преп. Джордж - Знаки и символы + (Oliver, George, Signs and Symbols, “Illustrated and Explained, in a Course of Twelve Lectures on Free-Masonry.” Grimsby: “Printed for the author, by Bro. Skelton,” 1826.)
- Оливер, преп. Джордж - Треугольник Пифагора + (Oliver, Rev. G., The Pythagorean Triangle, “or, The Science of Numbers.” London: John Hogg & Co., 1875.)
- Оливер, преп. Джордж - История посвящения + (Oliver, Rev. George, The History of Initia … Oliver, Rev. George, The History of Initiation, “in Twelve Lectures; comprising a detailed Account of the Rites and Ceremonies, Doctrines and Discipline, of all the Secret and Mysterious Institutions of the Ancient World,” new edition. London: Richard Spencer, 1841.ew edition. London: Richard Spencer, 1841.)
- Ольсгаузен - Библейский комментарий ко всем новозаветным сочинениям + (Olshausen, «Biblischer Commentar über sammtliche Schriften des Neuen Testaments Testaments»)
- Омои Тецзуноцзуке - Культы Дальнего Востока + (Omoie Tetszunotszuke [Captain C. Pfoundes], “The Cultus of the Far East,” Dec. 1888, The Theosophist, v. 10.)
- Ондердонк, Генри Устик преп. - Проповедь + (Onderdonk, Rt. Rev. Henry Ustick, “Charity: A Sermon,” Jan. 1833, in The Protestant Episcopal Pulpit, “A Series of Original Sermons,” v. 3. New York: John Moore, 1833.)
- Законы Ману (пер. на анг. А.К. Бернелл) + (Ordinances of Manu, The, “Translated from the Sanskrit, With an Introduction, by the late Arthur Coke Burnell,” “completed and edited by Edward W. Hopkins.” с)
- Орфила, Матьё Жозеф - Практическая химия + (Orfila, P. M., Practical Chemistry, “or a Description of the Processes by which the various articles of chemical research, in the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms, are procured,” tr. John Redman Coxe. Philadelphia: Thomas Dobson & Son, 1818.)
- Орган, М. С. г-жа - Молитва, цель и результат + (Organ, Mrs. M. S., “Prayer – What Its Object, and How It Benefits,” July 1884, Wilford’s Microcosm, v. 3.)
- Ориген - Против Цельса + (Origen, Contra Celsum, in The Writings of Origen, tr. Rev. Frederick Crombie, 1869, 1872.)
- Ориген - Сочинения Оригена + (Origen, The Writings of Origen, tr. Rev. Frederick Crombie, 2 vols. [Vols. 10 & 23 of The Ante-Nicene Christian Library]. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1869, 1872.)
- Мьюр, Джон - Оригинальные санскритские тексты + (Original Sanskrit Texts, “on the Origin and History of the People of India, their Religion and Institutions,” collected, translated, and illustrated by J. Muir, 2nd ed. “rewritten and greatly enlarged,” 5 vols. London: Trübner & Co., 1868-73.)
- Шмидт, Оскар - Учение эволюции и дарвинизм + (Oskar Schmidt, «Deszendenzlehre und Darwinismus»)
- Овидий - Метаморфозы + (Ovid, Metamorphoses – v. 1, tr. [John] Dryden, in The Works of the British Poets, “Including Translations from the Greek and Roman Authors,” v. 32. London: John Sharpe, 1828.)
- Оуен, Джон преп. - Рассуждение о Святом Духе + (Owen, Rev. John, A Discourse Concerning the Holy Spirit. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1841.)
- Оксли, Джон преп. - Три письма + (Oxlee, Rev. John, Three Letters, “humbly s … Oxlee, Rev. John, Three Letters, “humbly submitted to the consideration of the Most Reverend the Lord Archbishop of Cashel, on the recent Apocryphal Publications of His Grace . . . wherein also are demonstrated . . . the late age of the Sepher Zohar; and the Propriety of applying the Cabbalistic Scheme of the Sephiroth to the Illustration and Confirmation of the Trinitarian Hypothesis.” New York: “Printed by Thomas Wilson & Sons,” 1827.: “Printed by Thomas Wilson & Sons,” 1827.)
- Пьере, Поль - Исследования по египтологии + (P. Pierret, «Etudes Egyptologiques»)
- Палгрейв, Уильям Джиффорд - Повествование о путешествии длинною в один год + (Palgrave, William Gifford, «Narrative of a Year's Journey»)