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Список результатов
- Апулей - Метаморфозы или золотой осёл + (Apuleius, The Metamorphosis, or Golden Ass, and Philosophical Works, tr. Thomas Taylor. London, 1822.)
- Кемпбелл, Джордж Дуглас, герцог Аргайл - Единство природы + (Argyle, «Unity of Nature»)
- Аристофан - Птицы + (Aristophanes, The Birds [tr. John Hookham Frere]. [Malta: “Printed at the Government Press,” 1839].)
- Тейлор Т. - Метафизика Аристотеля + (Aristotle, The Metaphysics of Aristotle, “ … Aristotle, The Metaphysics of Aristotle, “translated from the Greek; with Copious Notes, in which the Pythagoric and Platonic Dogmas respecting numbers and ideas are unfolded from antient sources — to which is added, a Dissertation on Nullities and Diverging Series,” by Thomas Taylor. London: “Printed for the Author, by Davis, Willis, & Taylor,” 1801.Author, by Davis, Willis, & Taylor,” 1801.)
- Аристотель - Метафизика + (Aristotle, The Metaphysics of Aristotle, “literally translated from the Greek, with notes, analysis, questions, and index,” by Rev. John H. McMahon. London: Henry G. Bohn, 1857.)
- Арнобий - Против язычников + (Arnobius, The Seven Books of Arnobius Adversus Gentes, tr. Hamilton Bryce and Hugh Campbell [Vol. 19 of The Ante-Nicene Christian Library]. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1871.)
- Азиатские исследования (журнал) + (Asiatick [or Asiatic] Researches, “or, Tra … Asiatick [or Asiatic] Researches, “or, Transactions of the Society Instituted in Bengal for inquiring into the History and Antiquities, the Arts, Sciences, and Literature, of Asia,” 20 volumes. Calcutta, 1788-1839. First London edition (a reprint of volumes 1-12), “Printed verbatim from the Calcutta Edition.” London: Vernor & Hood, et al., 1798-1818. [Asiatick Researches was the journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, founded by Sir William Jones, who was also the journal’s editor (1788-94).] who was also the journal’s editor (1788-94).])
- Д'Асье А. - Посмертное человечество: исследование фантомов + (Assier, Adolphe d’, Posthumous Humanity: A Study of Phantoms, “translated and annotated by Henry S. Olcott.” London: George Redway, 1887.)
- Аткинсон Э., Гано А. - Простой трактат об экспериментальной и прикладной физике + (Atkinson, E., [and Adolphe Ganot], Element … Atkinson, E., [and Adolphe Ganot], Elementary Treatise on Physics, Experimental and Applied, “translated and edited from Ganot’s Éléments de Physique (with the Author’s sanction) by E. Atkinson,” 11th ed., revised & enlarged. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1883. [First French edition: Adolphe Ganot, Traité élémentaire de physique expérimentale et appliquée, 1851.]ire de physique expérimentale et appliquée, 1851.])
- Бэкон Ф. - Труды Фрэнсиса Бэкона + (Bacon, Francis, The Works of Francis Bacon, 3 vols., “A New Edition: with a Life of the Author, ” by Basil Montagu. Philadelphia: Parry & McMillan, 1854-1857.)
- Бадауни, Абд-аль-Кадир - Извлечение из летописей + (Badāonī, «Muntakhab’t Tawurikh»)
- Бейлли, Джоанна - Мученик в драматических и поэтических сочинениях Джоанны Бейлли + (Baillie, Joanna, The Martyr, in The Dramatic and Poetical Works of Joanna Baillie, “Complete in One Volume,” 2nd ed. London: Longman, Brown, Green, & Longmans, 1851.)
- Байи Ж.С. - Трактат об индусской и восточной астрономии + (Bailly, [Jean-Sylvain], Traité de l’Astronomie Indienne et Orientale. Paris: Debure l’aîné, 1787.)
- Бэн А. - Логика + (Bain, Alexander, Logic, 2 Parts: “Deduction” & “Induction.” London: Longmans, Green, Reader, & Dyer, 1870.)
- Бэн А. - Ум и тело + (Bain, Alexander, Mind and Body: The Theories of their Relation [in The International Scientific Series]. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1875.)
- Бэрд С.Дж. - Элохимы открылись в творении и искуплении человека + (Baird, Samuel J., The Elohim Revealed in the Creation and Redemption of Man [“The First Adam and the Second”]. Philadelphia: Lindsay & Blakiston, 1860.)
- Бейкуэлл Ф.К. - Электротехника, история, феномены и применение + (Bakewell, F. C., Electric Science; Its History, Phenomena, and Applications. London: Ingram, Cooke & Co., 1853.)
- Бальфор Э.Г. - Энциклопедия Индии, Восточной и Южной Азии + (Balfour, Edward, The Cyclopædia of India and of Eastern and Southern Asia, 3 vols., 3rd. ed. London: Bernard Quaritch, 1885.)
- Бальзак О. - Серафита + (Balzac, H. de, Séraphita, in Oeuvres de H. … Balzac, H. de, Séraphita, in Oeuvres de H. de Balzac, v. 3. Brussels: Meline, Cans et Compagnie, 1837. [Honoré de Balzac’s Séraphita was published together with two other short novels (Louis Lambert & Les Proscrits) under the title Le Livre Mystique (The Mystical Book).] title Le Livre Mystique (The Mystical Book).])
- Барнс А. - Пояснительные и практические заметки к Евангелиям + (Barnes, Albert, Notes, Explanatory and Practical, on the Gospels, 2 vols., 17th ed. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1847.)
- Бастиан А. - Буддизм в его психологии + (Bastian, A., Der Buddhismus in Seiner Psychologie. Berlin: Ferd. Dümmlers Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1882.)
- Бастиан, Г. Ч. - Начала жизни + (Bastian, «Beginnings of Life»)
- Биль С. - Буддизм в Китае + (Beal, Rev. S., Buddhism in China [in the series “Non-Christian Religious Systems”]. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1884.)
- Биль С. - Катена из буддистских писаний, переведённая с китайского языка + (Beal, Samuel, A Catena of Buddhist Scriptures from the Chinese. London: Trübner & Co., 1871.)
- Биль Л.C. - Тайна жизни + (Beale, Lionel S., The Mystery of Life, “An Essay in Reply to Dr. Gull’s Attack on the Theory of Vitality in his Harveian Oration for 1870.” London: J. & A. Churchhill, 1871.)
- Бирд Дж.Р. - Конфессиональное. Взгляд на католицизм + (Beard, John R., The Confessional; A View of Romanism, “in its actual principles, aims, and workings, drawn up chiefly from Authoritative Papal Sources . . .” London: Simpkin, Marshall & Co., [1859].)
- Бёме Я. - Труды Якоба Бёме + (Behmen [Boehme], Jacob, The Works of Jacob Behmen, The Teutonic Theosopher, 4 vols., “With Figures, illustrating his Principles, left by the Reverend William Law.” London: G. Robinson, 1781.)
- Белл А.Н. - Знание о живых вещах, а также законы их существования + (Bell, A. N., Knowledge of Living Things, with the Laws of Their Existence. New York: Bailliere Brothers, 1860.)
- Бергман Ф. - Археологические исследования Синьцзяня + (Bergman, Folke, Archaeological Researches … Bergman, Folke, Archaeological Researches in Sinkiang, “Especially the Lop-Nor Region” [In the series “Reports from the Scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China under the Leadership of Dr. Sven Hedin,” VII. Archaeology, v. 1]. Stockholm: Bokförlags Aktiebolaget Thule, 1939. [Includes an English translation of an important passage from General Prjevalsky’s account of his “Exploration of the Northern Borders of Tibet . . . and the Basin of the Tarim.”] Tibet . . . and the Basin of the Tarim.”])
- Беркли Дж. - Трактат, касающийся принципов человеческого знания + (Berkeley, George, A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge, “with Prolegomena, and with annotations, select. translated, and original,” by Charles P. Krauth. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1887.)
- Беркли Дж. - Труды Джорджа Беркли + (Berkeley, George, The Works of George Berkeley, “collected, and edited with prefaces and annotations” by Alexander Campbell Fraser, 3 vols. Oxford: “At the Clarendon Press,” 1871.)
- Бешерель Л.Н. - Популярные инструкции для иллюстрации + (Bescherelle Aîné [Louis Nicolas Bescherelle], L’Instruction Popularisée par L’Illustration. Paris: Marescq et Cie.; et Gustave Havard, 1851.)
- Томпсон Дж.К. - Бхагавад Гита или беседа Кришны и Арджуны о божественных предметах + (Bhagavad-Gītā, The, “or a Discourse Betwee … Bhagavad-Gītā, The, “or a Discourse Between Kṛiṣhṇa and Arjuna on Divine Matters,” “A Sanskṛit Philosophical Poem: translated, with copious notes, an introduction on Sanskṛit philosophy, and other matter,” by J. Cockburn Thomson. Hertford: Stephen Austin, 1855. Thomson. Hertford: Stephen Austin, 1855.)
- Бхагавадгита вместе с Санатсуджатия и Анугита + (Bhagavadgītā, The, with the Sanatsujātīya and the Anugītā [Vol. 8 of The Sacred Books of the East], tr. Kāshināth Trimbak Telang. Oxford: “At the Clarendon Press,” 1882.)
- Бхагавад Гита или беседы Кришны и Арджуны в восемнадцати лекциях + (Bhagvat-Geeta, The, “or Dialogues of Kreeshna and Arjoon; in Eighteen Lectures,” with Notes (and “An Episode from the Mahabharat, Book I. Chap. 15”), tr. Charles Wilkins. London: C. Nourse, 1785.)
- Бхашьячарья Н. - Катехизис философии Вишиштадвайты Шри Рамануджа Ачарья + (Bhashyacharya, N., A Catechism of the Visishtadwaita Philosophy of Sri Ramanuja Acharya, “Compiled from the Original Shastras.” Madras: The Theosophical Society, 1887.)
- Библиотека Индии + (Bibliotheca Indica, “A Collection of Oriental Works,” v. 15, The Taittarīya, Aitarēya, Śvētāśvatara, Kēna, Īśā, Kaṭha, Praśna, Muṇḍaka and Māṇḍukya Upanishads, tr. Dr. E. Röer. Calcutta: Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1853.)
- Священная библиотека (журнал) + (Bibliotheca Sacra, ed. Edwards A. Park, George E. Day, and Archibald Duff, Jr., v. 34. Andover: Warren F. Draper; London: Trübner & Co., 1877.)
- Биганде П.А. - Жизнь или легенда о Гаутаме, Будде бирманцев + (Bigandet, Rt. Rev. P., The Life or Legend of Gaudama, the Buddha of the Burmese, with Annotations, “The Ways to Neibban, and Notice on the Phongyies or Burmese Monks,” 2 vols., 3rd ed. London: Trübner & Co., 1880.)
- Бьеррегаард К.Х.А. - Элементалы, элементарии и связь между ними и человеческими существами + (Bjerregaard, C. H. A., “The Elementals, The Elementary Spirits, and the Relationship between them and Human Beings,” The Path, v. 1., Jan. & Feb. 1887.)
- Блэки Дж.С. - Гомер и Иллиада + (Blackie, John Stuart, Homer and the Iliad, 4 vols. Edinburgh: Edmonston & Douglas, 1866.)
- Бланшар Ш.Э. - Жизнь живых существ + (Blanchard, Émile, La Vie des Êtres Animés, “Les conditions de la vie chez les êtres animés. L’origine des êtres.” Paris: G. Masson, [1888].)
- Блаватская Е.П. - Разоблачённая Изида + (Blavatsky, H. P., Isis Unveiled: A Master-Key to the Mysteries of Ancient and Modern Science and Theology, 2 volumes. New York: J. W. Bouton; London: Bernard Quaritch, 1877.)
- Блумфильд Мур К. - Кили и его открытия + (Bloomfield Moore, Mrs. [Clara], Keely and His Discoveries: Aerial Navigation. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., 1893.)
- Блумфильд Мур К. - Секреты Кили + (Bloomfield Moore, Mrs. [Clara], Keely’s Se … Bloomfield Moore, Mrs. [Clara], Keely’s Secrets: “Part I. Etheric Force Identified as Dynaspheric Force. Part II. One Phase of Keely’s Discovery in its Relation to the Cure of Disease,” July 10, 1888, in T. P. S. 9. [London: Theosophical Publishing Society], 1888.n: Theosophical Publishing Society], 1888.)
- Книга пророка Еноха + (Book of Enoch the Prophet, The, “translate … Book of Enoch the Prophet, The, “translated from an Ethiopic MS. in the Bodleian Library,” by Richard Laurence. London: Kegan Paul, Trench & Co., 1883. [1st ed. 1821; 2nd ed. corrected & revised, 1832; the 1883 edition was “corrected from his latest notes.”]83 edition was “corrected from his latest notes.”])
- Кинили Э.В.Г. - Книга Бога + (Book of God, The [by E. V. H. Kenealy]. London: Trübner & Co., [1867-1870].)