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(Ходатайство о создании Внутренней Группы, лист 3 из 3 Подробнее: http://www.katinkahesselink.net/blavatsky/articles/v6/y1884_042.htm [[Категория: Изображения из "Собрани…)
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Ходатайство о создании Внутренней Группы, лист 3 из 3
'''Ходатайство о создании Внутренней Группы, лист 3 из 3'''
: "NB. Should however there be a sincere conviction on the part of any member that he, or she, cannot conscientiously render this unswerving obedience in all matters of spiritual progress, such member may withdraw from the inner circle, with the assurance and knowledge that the imputation of dishonorable conduct will not be charged against him or her.
:H. P. Blavatsky.
:—provided he or she does not make any port of the teachings public by word or letter without special permission from the undersigned. K.H. "

Подробнее: http://www.katinkahesselink.net/blavatsky/articles/v6/y1884_042.htm
Подробнее: http://www.katinkahesselink.net/blavatsky/articles/v6/y1884_042.htm