Модуль:CTD: различия между версиями

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мНет описания правки
мНет описания правки
Строка 14: Строка 14:

-- Invoke information from CTD about a term and shows it in footnote, pop-up or right next to term in square brackets.
-- Invoke information from CTD about a TERM and shows it in footnote, pop-up or right next to term in square brackets.
-- Used in Шаблон:Кратко из БТС (оформление)
-- Used in : Шаблон:Кратко из БТС (оформление)
-- Call example: {{#invoke: CTD | info | term=Term | term_to_show=Term with accent or diacritic marks | shortly=Short description | description=Full description | origin = Origin | userparam=text@view }}
-- Based on: Шаблон:Понятие БТС
-- 'view' is a language dependent parameter, consider changes in code
-- Call example:  
-- {{#invoke: CTD | info  
--  | term         = Term  
--  | term_to_show = Term with accent or diacritic marks  
--  | shortly     = Short description  
--  | description = Full description  
--  | origin       = Origin  
--  | wiki_page    = Wiki page title
--  | userparam   = text@view  
-- }}
-- Where 'userparam' consist of:
-- text = text to show; generally it is the original text of request
-- view = style of displaying information; a language dependent parameter (consider changes in code below)
function ctd.info( frame )
function ctd.info( frame )
local term = ''
local term = ''
Строка 56: Строка 68:
-- check if origin specified
-- check if origin specified
if not isempty(frame.args['origin']) then
if not isempty(frame.args['origin']) then
origin = ' ' .. frame.args['origin']
origin = ' (' .. frame.args['origin'] .. ')'
Строка 70: Строка 82:
text = '{{#tag:span|' .. text .. '|style=border-bottom:1px dotted gray; cursor:help;|title=' .. description .. ' (БТС, ' .. term .. ')|}}'  
text = '{{#tag:span|' .. text .. '|style=border-bottom:1px dotted gray; cursor:help;|title=' .. description .. ' (БТС, ' .. term .. ')|}}'  
if view == 'сноска' or view == 'сноска и подсказка' then
if view == 'сноска' or view == 'сноска и подсказка' or view == 'подсказка и сноска' then
reference = '<ref>' .. term_to_show ..' ('.. origin .. ') – ' .. description .. ' ('.. bts ..', ' .. term_link .. ').</ref>'
reference = '<ref>' .. term_to_show .. origin .. ' – ' .. description .. ' ('.. bts ..', ' .. term_link .. ').</ref>'
if view == 'скобки' then
if view == 'скобки' then
Строка 81: Строка 93:
     return frame:preprocess( text .. reference )
     return frame:preprocess( text .. reference )
-- Invoke information from CTD about a FOREIGN EXPRESSION and shows it in footnote, pop-up or right next to expression in square brackets.
-- Used in : Шаблон:О выражении (оформление)
-- Based on: Шаблон:Иноязычное выражение БТС
-- Call example:
-- {{#invoke: CTD | expression_info
--  | expression = Foreing expression
--  | language  = Language of expression
--  | origin    = Origin
--  | translation= Full translation and description
--  | shortly    = Short description
--  | additional = Some additional information (historical, etc.)
--  | wiki_page  = Wiki page title
--  | userparam=text@view
-- }}
-- Where 'userparam' consist of:
-- text = text to show; generally it is the original text of request
-- view = style of displaying information; a language dependent parameter (consider changes in code below)
function ctd.expression_info( frame )
local expression = '<i>' .. frame.args['expression'] .. '</i>'
local short_translation = ''
local reference = ''
local origin = ''
local bts = ' (<span style="font-style:italic;" title="Большой теософский словарь">[['.. frame.args['wiki_page'] ..'|БТС]]</span>)'
-- split 'text@view' value of parameter 'userparam' in two variables
local i, j = string.find(frame.args['userparam'],'@',1,true)
local text = string.sub(frame.args['userparam'], 1, i-1)
local view = string.sub( string.lower(frame.args['userparam']), j+1 )
-- check if short description is specified
if not isempty(frame.args['shortly']) then
short_translation = frame.args['shortly']
elseif not isempty(frame.args['translation']) then
short_translation = frame.args['translation']
short_translation = frame.args['description']
-- check if origin specified
if not isempty(frame.args['origin']) then
origin = ' ('
if not isempty(frame.args['language']) then
origin = origin ..frame.args['language'] .. '. '
origin = origin .. frame.args['origin'] .. ')'
-- considering type of view
if view == 'подсказка' or view == 'сноска и подсказка' or view == 'подсказка и сноска' then
text = '<span style="border-bottom: 1px dotted gray; cursor: help;" title="'.. short_translation ..' (БТС, ' .. frame.args['expression'] .. ')">'.. text ..'</span>'
elseif view == 'сноска' or view == 'сноска и подсказка' or view == 'подсказка и сноска' then
reference = '<ref><i>' .. frame.args['expression'] .. '</i>' .. origin .. ' – ' .. frame.args['translation'] .. bts ..'.</ref>'
elseif view == 'скобки' then
text = text ..' ['.. short_translation
if not isempty(frame.args['language']) then
text = text..' ('.. frame.args['language'] .. '.)'
text = text ..']'
-- add debug information
--text = '<p>DEBUG: view: ' .. view .. "; term: " .. term .. "; description: " .. description .. "; origin: " .. origin .. '</p>' .. text
    --return frame:preprocess( text .. reference )
    return text .. reference

return ctd
return ctd