
том 4, стр. 83
Альбомы с вырезками Е.П. Блаватской
в Адъярской штаб-квартире международного Теософского общества
том 4 (1875-1878). Разное

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A Cadmy Music

Publisher`s note

October 21 1877


( From Rawson's ... with the Revd Post

Dr.J.M. Peebles in South Africa


as well as my own.*


* Hearen save the mark! It is not enough for the poor Hindus to be pestered with Christian missionaries, but they must have the afflution of being bobmarded with tracts and ... of modern Spiritualism. Spiritualsm of which they and their forefathers ... and professors for these last ... milleniums!!

<Без заголовка>


Заметки редактора

  1. Автор не известен, «A Cadmy Music» (A Cadmy Music). A newspaper column with many posters
  2. Автор не известен, «Publisher`s note» (Publisher`s note). Advocate, The, New York, Wednesday.
  3. Автор не известен, «Dr.J.M. Peebles in South Africa» (Dr.J.M. Peebles in South Africa).
  4. заметка неизвестного автора.