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< Bogus Materialisations (продолжение со стр. 1-194) >
* Notes by the Editor of the Spiritual Scientist. The person refered to is T. B. Taylor. He was confidentially informed by Dr. Storer, to whom he had Mid that he was to attend a seance there, that he (Dr. Storer) suspected fraud and wished an opportunity to go there in Dr. Grover’s circle. Dr. Taylor was to see Dr. Grover, and arrange for Dr. Storer’s admission, but did not do so. Dr. Storer suspected fraud soon after the close of the seances in the summer and in company with several Spiritualists attempted an expose before the trapdoor was discovered; in justice to him it must be said that he was one of the first to move in the matter.
† Mrs. Hardy did write such a note upon the request of this woman, and admits it.
‡ That person was Mr. Gordon. The woman supposed he was going to Mrs. Brigham's also and therefore did not go.
§ “John” knew all about it the day of the seance, however, and was quite busy informing several gentlemen of it; among others the correspondent of the Herald and the gentleman who acted as counsel for Mr. Bennett until the first trap was discovered.
Francis Gerry Fairfield on Slade and Spiritualism
A Sound Basis of Belief
The Slade Controversy in London
Заметки редактора
- ↑ статья неизвестного автора (Francis Gerry Fairfield on Slade and Spiritualism). Spiritual Scientist, v. 5, No. 7, October 19, 1876, p. 28.
- ↑ статья неизвестного автора (A Sound Basis of Belief). Spiritual Scientist, v. 5, No. 7, October 19, 1876, p. 28.
- ↑ Oxon, M. A. (The Slade Controversy in London).
Spiritual Scientist, v. 5, No. 7, October 19, 1876, p. 28