
том 1, стр. 116
Альбомы с вырезками Е.П. Блаватской
в Адъярской штаб-квартире международного Теософского общества
том 1 (1874-1876)

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< The People's Course at Paine Hall, Boston (продолжение со стр. 1-115) >

A Pithy Question


C. E. S.

Professor Crookes still faithful to his Convictions


...it is especially gratifying to know that this gentleman is still firmly grounded in the faith, * notwithstanding...

* Firmly “grounded” in his faith in the phenomena—perfectly sceptical as to their being produced by disembodied “Spirits”! Nei!—O, sweet sugar-plum Louisa. . . . .

Banner of Light

Elementary Spirits, Art-Magic, &C


Emma Hardinge Britten

Theosophical Vaporing


Horatio N. Spoon...

Заметки редактора

  1. C.E.S. (A Pithy Question).
  2. Andrews, Louisa (Professor Crookes still faithful to his Convictions).
  3. Britten, E. H. (Elementary Spirits, Art-Magic, &C). Banner of Light.
  4. Spoon..., Horatio N. (?) (Theosophical Vaporing).
