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20 страницы, использующих это свойство.
G. H. Pember, M. А., «Earth's Earliest Ages»  +
Gay, John, The Poetical Works of John Gay, “with a Life of the Author, by Dr. Johnson,” 2 vols.  Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1854.  +
General Sketch of the History of Pantheism [by Constance Plumptre], 2 vols.  London: Samuel Deacon & Co., 1879.  +
Gesenius, William, Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament, “including the Biblical Chaldee,” “translated from the Latin of William Gesenius” by Edward Robinson.  Boston: Crocker & Brewster; New York: Leavitt, Lord & Co., 1836.  +
Ginsburg, Christian D., The Kabbalah: its Doctrines, Development, and Literature, “An Essay.”  London: Longmans, Green, Reader, & Dyer, 1865.  +
Gio. Marangoni Vicentino, «Grandezze del' Arcangelo S. Michele» nella Chiesa Trionfante, Militante, E Purgante,Efpofte in Dieci Lenzioni, ed altrettante Meditazioni, e Considerazioni Parte Prima con la seconda Di Varjesempj  +
Godefroy, N.-P., La Cosmogonie de la Révélation, “ou les Quatre Premiers Jours de la Genèse, en Présence de la Science Moderne.”  Paris: Debècourt, 1841.  +
Goethe, [Johann Wolfgang von], Faust: Eine Tragödie, ed. Moritz Ehrlich.  Berlin: G. Grote’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1883.  +
Goldstücker, Theodore, Literary Remains of the Late Professor Theodore Goldstücker, 2 vols.  London: W. H. Allen & Co., 1879.  +
Good, John Mason, The Book of Nature, “from the last London edition, complete in one volume.”  New York: “Printed by J. & J. Harper,” 1828.  +
Gore, Nehemiah Nīlakaṇṭha Śāstrī, A Rational Refutation of the Hindu Philosophical Systems, “translated from the original Hindī,” by Fitz-Edward Hall.  Calcutta: “Printed for the Calcutta Christian Tract & Book Society, Bishop’s College Press,” 1862.  +
Gough, A. E., “The Philosophy of the Upanishads,” 5 Parts, 1878-80, in The Calcutta Review.  Calcutta: Thomas S. Smith; London: Trübner & Co.  [Parts I-V: Jan. 1878, April 1878, Oct. 1879, Jan. 1880, April 1880.]  +
Gough, Archibald Edward, The Philosophy of the Upanishads and Ancient Indian Metaphysics, “as exhibited in a series of articles contributed to the Calcutta Review.”  London: Trübner & Co., 1882.  +
Gould Charles, Mythical Monsters. London W. H. Allen & Co., 13 Waterloo Place. S. W., 1886  +
Gray, James Comper, The Biblical Museum, “A Collection of Notes, Explanatory, Homiletic, and Illustrative, on the Holy Scriptures — Old Testament, Vol. VI.”  London: Elliot Stock, 1879.  +
Gross, Rev. Joseph B., The Heathen Religion, in its Popular and Symbolical Development.  Boston: John P. Jewett & Co., 1856.  +
Grotius, Hugo, The Truth of the Christian Religion, in six books, “Corrected and Illustrated with Notes by Mr. Le Clerc,” 12th ed., tr. John Clarke.  London: F. C. & J. Rivington, 1805.  +
Grove, Helmholtz, Mayer, Faraday, Liebig and Carpenter, The Correlation and Conservation of Forces: “A Series of Expositions.”  New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1873.  +
Grove, Sir W. R., The Correlation of Physical Forces, 6th ed., “with other contributions to science.”  London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1874.  [An exposition of William Grove’s theory that the various forces of nature are actually “modes of motion.”  His ideas were first advanced in a lecture in 1842 and developed into a course of lectures in 1843.  These were edited and published in book form in 1846.]  +