Рерих Е.И. - Дневник 1921.05.30: различия между версиями

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Строка 6: Строка 6:
  | участники = Зак А.У., Кошиц Н.П., Лихтман З.Г., Лихтман М.М., Лихтман Э., Муромцев И.Э., Муромцева К.Н., Торецкая Л. А. , Шуберт А.
  | участники = Зак А.У., Кошиц Н.П., Лихтман З.Г., Лихтман М.М., Лихтман Э., Муромцев И.Э., Муромцева К.Н., Торецкая Л. А. , Шуберт А.
  | список упомянутых =  
  | список упомянутых =  
  | упомянуты = Серапис Бей, Тьюитит Бей, Блаватская Е.П., Олькотт, Джон
  | упомянуты = Серапис Бей, Тьюитит Бей, Блаватская Е.П., Джон, Иоанн, Олькотт
  | номер тетради = 1  
  | номер тетради = 1  
  | номер тома ЗУЖЭ = 1
  | номер тома ЗУЖЭ = 1
Строка 66: Строка 66:
{{#tag:span|<span style="text-decoration:underline">'''Письмо Е. П. Блаватской к полковн[ику] Ол[ькотту], 1875'''</span>}}
{{#tag:span|<span style="text-decoration:underline">'''Письмо Е. П. Блаватской к полковн[ику] Ол[ькотту], 1875'''</span>}}

My answer to your letter just received – got it this very moment. I had a right and dared withhold for a few hours the letter sent you by Tuitit-Bey, for I alone am answerable for the effects and results of my Chief’s orders. I am one of those who know when and how, and that for long years I guess, and you – you are but a baby inclined to be capricious and self-willed. The message was ordered at Luxor a little after midnight – between Monday and Tuesday.
My answer to your letter just received – got it this very moment. I had a right and dared withhold for a few hours the letter sent you by Tuitit Bey, for I alone am answerable for the effects and results of my Chief’s orders. I am one of those who know when and how, and that for long years I guess, and you – you are but a baby inclined to be capricious and self-willed. The message was ordered at Luxor a little after midnight – between Monday and Tuesday.

Written out at Ellora in the dawn by one of the secretaries or neophytes and written very badly. I wanted to ascertain from T.B. if it was still his wish to have it sent in such a state of human scribbling, as it was intended for one who received such a thing for the first time. My suggestion was to let you have one of our parchments on which the contents appear as (materialized) whenever you cast your eyes on it to read it and disappear every time as soon as you have done, for as I respectfully inferred, you had been just puzzled by John’s tricks, and that perhaps, your mind not withstanding your sincere belief would need strengthening by some more substantial proof. To this T.B. answered me entre autres thus: ''(Here follow in the original nine letters of the alphabet which omit).'' Now I am getting crazy again and write [to] you in a language you cannot understand. I translate verbatim: ‘‘A mind that seeks the proofs of Wisdom and Knowledge in outward appearance as material proofs is unworthy of being let in into the grand secrets of the Book of Holy Sophia.’’ ‘‘One who denies the Spirit and questions him on the ground of its material clothing a priori will never be able to ‘Try.’ So you see there a rebuke again. Perhaps the physical suffering I am doomed to with my leg make[s] me unfit for reasoning, but I have yet brains enough left in me to answer your questions point blanc.’’ You say: ‘‘I want all my message from them verbatim et literatim.’’ You want too many things at once, my dear – Whenever they write to you and I have orders to give the letter to you, I will do so, for you would be the first to teach me how to obey their orders. But when I receive orders written or spoken by ‘‘Messengers,’’ surely you do not expect me to send them to you? I will do so once for fun, and see what you will be able to make out of them without my translation. Now my advice to you, Henry, a friendly one, don’t you fly too high, and poke your nose on the forbidden paths of the Golden Gate without someone to pilot you; for John won’t be there always to collar you in time and bring you safe home. The little They do for you is wonderful to me for I never saw Them so generous from the first. The message about ‘‘Child’’ is written to me and I can but translate it, if you don’t believe me that They want you to do it as you please. If you don’t believe me you won’t believe Them, and I don’t think it T.B.’s principle to be too explicit. I am an initiated wretch and I know what a curse the word ‘‘Try’’ has proved to me in my life, and how often I trembled and feared to misunderstand Their orders, and bring on myself punishment for carrying them too far or not far enough.
Written out at Ellora in the dawn by one of the secretaries or neophytes and written very badly. I wanted to ascertain from T.B. if it was still his wish to have it sent in such a state of human scribbling, as it was intended for one who received such a thing for the first time. My suggestion was to let you have one of our parchments on which the contents appear as (materialized) whenever you cast your eyes on it to read it and disappear every time as soon as you have done, for as I respectfully inferred, you had been just puzzled by John’s tricks, and that perhaps, your mind not withstanding your sincere belief would need strengthening by some more substantial proof. To this T.B. answered me entre autres thus: ''(Here follow in the original nine letters of the alphabet which omit).'' Now I am getting crazy again and write [to] you in a language you cannot understand. I translate verbatim: ‘‘A mind that seeks the proofs of Wisdom and Knowledge in outward appearance as material proofs is unworthy of being let in into the grand secrets of the Book of Holy Sophia.’’ ‘‘One who denies the Spirit and questions him on the ground of its material clothing a priori will never be able to ‘Try.’ So you see there a rebuke again. Perhaps the physical suffering I am doomed to with my leg make[s] me unfit for reasoning, but I have yet brains enough left in me to answer your questions point blanc.’’ You say: ‘‘I want all my message from them verbatim et literatim.’’ You want too many things at once, my dear – Whenever they write to you and I have orders to give the letter to you, I will do so, for you would be the first to teach me how to obey their orders. But when I receive orders written or spoken by ‘‘Messengers,’’ surely you do not expect me to send them to you? I will do so once for fun, and see what you will be able to make out of them without my translation. Now my advice to you, Henry, a friendly one, don’t you fly too high, and poke your nose on the forbidden paths of the Golden Gate without someone to pilot you; for John won’t be there always to collar you in time and bring you safe home. The little They do for you is wonderful to me for I never saw Them so generous from the first. The message about ‘‘Child’’ is written to me and I can but translate it, if you don’t believe me that They want you to do it as you please. If you don’t believe me you won’t believe Them, and I don’t think it T.B.’s principle to be too explicit. I am an initiated wretch and I know what a curse the word ‘‘Try’’ has proved to me in my life, and how often I trembled and feared to misunderstand Their orders, and bring on myself punishment for carrying them too far or not far enough.
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