
Нет изменений в размере ,  10:44, 20 января 2017
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'''Основание:''' 1-й вариант взят непонятно откуда, а второй из источника, к которому ведет ссылка.
'''Основание:''' 1-й вариант взят непонятно откуда, а второй из источника, к которому ведет ссылка.
'''Оригинальный вариант:''' When an adept succeeds in doing this he is a Jivanmukta: he is no more of this earth virtually, and becomes a Nirvanee, who can go into Samadhi at will. Adepts are generally classed by the number of "principles" they have under their perfect control, for that which we call will has its seat in the higher EGO, and the latter, when it is rid of its sin-laden personality, is divine and pure.  
'''[http://www.theosociety.org/pasadena/forum/f15n03p172_hpb-speaks-for-herself.htm Оригинальный вариант]:''' When an adept succeeds in doing this he is a Jivanmukta: he is no more of this earth virtually, and becomes a Nirvanee, who can go into Samadhi at will. Adepts are generally classed by the number of "principles" they have under their perfect control, for that which we call will has its seat in the higher EGO, and the latter, when it is rid of its sin-laden personality, is divine and pure.